I have it defined in another method (create) where the @post is floating around
I want it to join the channel, then post the title - url of the @post
then part
I also have another question about running cinch with delayed_job
(it doesn't work)
(I have no idea what delayed_job is). as for instance variables in that block, the block executes in a different context. but there's no need to use Bot.new with a block. you can do bot = Bot.new; bot.config.foo = bar; bot.start
then just access bot.config.foo by calling self.config.foo ?
from inside?
I'm not sure what "inside" you're refering to since we eliminated the block
v0n has joined #cinch
I still have to ... snap you're right.
I need coffee.
delayed_job is a background job queuing process
[gist] gist:8718191 (at gist.github.com, ctwiz on 2014-01-30 20:37)
full trace*
ok cool. I'll take a look at it some more.
I appreciate the help. :)
remind me of ruby stacktraces, top is the last call?
what value exactly are you pushing into that queue?
a bot instance?
so it serializes the data
then runs it when it's available
okay, thing is: that delay lib is calling respond_to? on the Bot. it passes two arguments, which apparently is possible since some time. our respond_to? (we overwrote it) only accepts one value. thus the exception
bot.start (hopefully)
alright. thanks. maybe I can submit a pull request?
I could patch that (quicker than working on a PR), but I sort of don't feel like bumping the version for that :/ as a matter of fact I wonder why it calls respond_to?
no worries. I'll just fork it.
easier for me, and you won't have to worry about it.
I appreciate the help though. Thanks a ton. and great work on the code.
meh, I'll push a new version
awesome. :)
easier for both of us in case someone else runs into the same thing
sounds good.
you're a rockstar
this you on twitter? @dominikh
I'm @dominikhonnef on there; but I hardly ever tweet
cool. following you anyways, just in case you want to one day. :)
looks like respond_to had that second argument for ages, so it's a bug in Cinch anyway
So, any ideas?
dpg: I pushed cinch 2.0.12 to rubygems; github will follow soon
cool thanks!
nOgAnOo has quit [Quit: Hard forks?! Hash Tables?! Someone tell me what's going on here!!!! I love you forever and always.]