dominikh changed the topic of #cinch to: The IRC Framework | Latest version: Cinch 2.3.1
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<dominikh> tinnvec: so, does setting the bot mode stop inspircd from sending channel history?
<tinnvec> mixed results
<tinnvec> in a testing channel, it seems to, but not in the actual channel
<dominikh> are you sure the testing channel had any history to send?
<tinnvec> I'm unfamiliar with irc daemon settings and it's also not my server lol so progress there is slow
<tinnvec> yeah, I was in there as another user and sent messages just befor and as the bot was starting
<dominikh> hm.
<tinnvec> watched the logs and didn't see the mnessages or the notice \about "replaying 60 sec of chat
<tinnvec> "
<tinnvec> so I don't know if theres some kind of per-channel setting for inspircd
<leftylink> uh huh
<leftylink> er, what i mean to say is, in the inspircd server I'm on, yes it's a per-channel mode
<leftylink> but ymmv on that I guess
<leftylink> actually probably not
<leftylink> but you know
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