dominikh changed the topic of #cinch to: The IRC Framework | Latest version: Cinch 2.3.1
<Azure> Trying to figure out sending temporary files using DCC. It doesn't seem I can listen for an event (at least one with the actual DCC object) for when it finishes?
<dominikh> Azure: isn't it an ordinary, blocking call to send a file via DCC?
<dominikh> when the method returns, it should be done
<dominikh> but I haven't looked at it in years
<Azure> Maybe I'm not correctly creating the temporary file, but I write it, send the file, then close/unlink it. I think I already did try to close it first before sending but that didn't work for me either.
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<Azure> Closing it and then reopening it for the dcc_send method works partially.
<Azure> For some reason it says that the transfer failed.
<Azure> And the file only gets partially downloaded.
<Azure> hm
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<Azure> The filesize reported is 401KB while the filesize downloaded seems to be around 205KB to 252KB.
<dominikh> have you updated to the latest version of cinch?
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<EpicBrony> hello
<dominikh> Hi.
<EpicBrony> opps, sorry I was testing out a bot, I went to here instead of #cinch-bots
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