dominikh changed the topic of #cinch to: The IRC Framework | Latest version: Cinch 2.3.1 | You're being logged at
<anekant> leftylink: so I must require 'cinch' in my file? is there a way to run my code standalone without cinch present? in order to dispatch, my code must have a definition of the bot object? but I can catch no file found errors right
<anekant> can i do something like: @bot.handlers.dispatch(Channel("#cinch-bots").send "I got a random number: #{number}")
<anekant> i want to tell @bot to say something to the channel, triggered internally by my code
<dominikh> @bot.channel_list.find_ensured("#cinch-bots").send("whatever message")
<dominikh> or .channels, I forgot what it's called