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<blerrp> is there an event for when a user changes nicks?
<blerrp> didn't see it, so i'm guessing you use :catchall and inspect it?
<dominikh> it's :nick
<blerrp> ty
<blerrp> i see that you can use User.mask() to get a hostmask for a user, but i'm confused about the param it takes. looks like a template pattern
<blerrp> User.mask returns the full hostmask as expected, but i was hoping to do something like
<blerrp> User.mask("*!%u@%h") to spit out '*!user@host'
<blerrp> doesn't seem to work though
<blerrp> likewise, i'd expect User.mask('asdf') to spit out 'asdf'
<blerrp> am i using it wrong or is it a bug
<blerrp> (i'm just looking for a convenient way to make a mask from a user with * as the nick)
<blerrp> if i'm doing it wrong, i guess i just build it like "*!#{user.user}@#{}" ?
<dominikh> what do you get for User.mask("*!%u@%h")
<dominikh> ah, I see
<dominikh> no, I don't see. it should work.
<blerrp> sorry for wasting your time, it is working. i have no idea what i was doing wrong before
<dominikh> alright
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