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<noAKA> dominikh: me again :) I have a plugin with multiple matches the first match is a whole word match/(create_game)/i the second match is for individual letters match /a|b|c|d|e|(and so on)/i
<noAKA> dominikh: it appears that both matches are hitting when I do !create_game
<noAKA> [2019/03/14 12:38:14.580] !! [New thread] For #<Cinch::Handler @event=:message pattern=#<Cinch::Pattern:0x000000000268e0c8 @prefix=/^!/, @pattern=/(create_game)/i, @suffix=nil>>: #<Thread:0x00000000026e5fa8@/home/brian/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.1@lodd/gems/cinch-2.3.4/lib/cinch/handler.rb:92 run> -- 1 in total.
<noAKA> [2019/03/14 12:38:14.581] !! [New thread] For #<Cinch::Handler @event=:message pattern=#<Cinch::Pattern:0x000000000265f0c0 @prefix=/^!/, @pattern=/(a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z)/i, @suffix=nil>>: #<Thread:0x00000000026f1fd8@/home/brian/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.1@lodd/gems/cinch-2.3.4/lib/cinch/handler.rb:92 run> -- 1 in total.
<dominikh> set the group option to the same value on both matches, then only the first one to match fires.
<noAKA> so single match but grouped regex?
<dominikh> match /foo/, group: group1; match /bar/, group: group1
<noAKA> ah
<dominikh> :group1, symbol, sorry.
<noAKA> ty
<noAKA> again
<leftylink> ah I remember when I first learned about groups
<leftylink> good times good times
<leftylink> 2014-08-21 and 2014-08-22
<leftylink> how the time flies
<leftylink> huh, I used lpaste back then, but now lpaste requires a login
<dominikh> huh, I liked working on Cinch back then :P
<noAKA> pfft.. I'm just now learning about ruby
<noAKA> all new to me like a newborn baby deer
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