raistlinthewiz changed the topic of #coiniumserv-dev to: This channel is only for developer discussions, for user-support join #coiniumserv | Project page: http://bit.ly/V1ycNw | Developer documentation: http://bit.ly/1tr1fts | Logs: http://bitly.com/ZNZ8Cj
<triplef> Also your vardiff doesnt stick...always starts at 16
<triplef> hmm ok so you need diff, doesnt use min vardiff if no diff
<triplef> * Assertion at method-to-ir.c:13283, condition `lvregs_len < 1024' not met
<triplef> crash
<triplef> darn im not lucky
<triplef> i can repeat at will
<triplef> thats your bug
_whitelogger has joined #coiniumserv-dev
<triplef> wats hpool-stratum ?
<triplef> also why would i get 40% reject on scrypt ?
<raistlinthewiz> hpool-stratum is the rewrite of coiniumserv in nodejs
_whitelogger has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
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_whitelogger has joined #coiniumserv-dev
<triplef> ah
<triplef> so your redoing it all as hpool /
<triplef> ok so i guess your dropping coinium for hpool ?
<triplef> just wondering what to follow
<raistlinthewiz> yes porting current functionality to hpool
<triplef> ok so .net is bad x11 bug made you want to do this ? seems like alot of work went into this just wondering
<raistlinthewiz> a couple of reasons like .net/mono code being hard to maintain
<triplef> yeah hear you
<triplef> is there a gui fro hpool yet ?
<raistlinthewiz> nope not yet
<triplef> okie
<ahmed_> finally rewritten 90% of the eloipool code
<ahmed_> now gotta test it all
<raistlinthewiz> rewritten?
<triplef> any other pool soft out there ? that multicrypto seesm to be python and hell to maintain
<ahmed_> raistlinthewiz: yeah rewritten
<ahmed_> didnt like how it worked only with bitcoin
<ahmed_> and was a pain to port to other coins
<ahmed_> triplef: theres a C++ one but thats going to take work for you to port to other coins
<ahmed_> its bitcoin only
<raistlinthewiz> multicrypto ?
<ahmed_> simplecrypto/simpledoge/simplevert