asterite: collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I guess there's no llvm in the playpen :)
It crashes if you don't do LLVM.init_x86, but it works if you run that
The big problem with this project is that chances of doing blame and finding my name are very high :(
I tried binding LLVMGetTargetFromName
and hardcoding "x86" and "x86-64" respectively
which works
but I don't think adding a param for that would be good/needed
the triple should already identify it I think
that stuff still confuses me somewhat tbh
that init thing threw /usr/lib/crystal/io.cr:242: undefined method 'inspect' for Void btw
finding the useful line to return in crystals error output is hard :P
Mmm... I think Void has no methods, it doesn't even inherit Object, I think
But maybe we should make all types inherit Object... the same goes with a C struct, you can't to_s or inspect it, but it should be possible
The only hard thing would be to do a to_s for a C union... for that we might just say "C union" and that' it, I guess
For the LLVM issue, I think getting the target from the triple should work
yeah, except now I'm getting linker errors
Is it against LLVM 3.5?
3.5.1, yep
ah, cleanup helped
The problem now is that I do: puts LLVM::Target.from_triple "x86_64-apple-darwin14.0.0"; puts LLVM::Target.from_triple "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
and it says "x86-64 - 64-bit X86: EM64T and AMD64" the two times
Mmm... I should try with 32
What's the target triple for a 32 bits linux machine?
I hope
the -gnu is probably not needed
Good, it worked. I get: x86 - 32-bit X86: Pentium-Pro and above
If you want, I can try to fix this issue by creating an LLVM target using the triple that you pass when you cross compile
yeah, that's what I'm trying locally too atm
asterite: works like a charm <3. Now I can work on adding 32bit versions to the crystal AUR packages so I can built a 32bit chroot for playpen on my VM so I can move the bot there
jhass; awesom!
with an e
did I mention I like indirection? :D
the bot puts your code into a template ;)
And I guess we'll start distributing 32 bits binaries in the releases (maybe not in the next one)
yeah, I'll just upload a 32bit binary somewhere for the time being
I didn't know about String#rjust and ljust... yes, they seem fun (and easy) to implement
>> Time.now
asterite: 2015-01-25 19:53:25
>> {{ `ls`.join(" ") }}
asterite: Error in line 3: expanding macro
>> {{ `ls`.split('\n').join(" ") }}
asterite: ""
>> {{ `pwd`.stringify }}
asterite: "/home/crystal\n"
CeBot has quit [Quit: Crystal]
CeBot has joined #crystal-lang
>> {{ `ls`.join(" ") }}
jhass: in line 3: undefined macro method StringLiteral#join'
Cool! :)
I got a crystal 32 bits on a trusty32 VM
so the hmac error is still there of course
I guess, I didn't try it. I get a segfault at this: puts({1 => 2} == {1 => 2})
It's a pretty small program, but it still has Hash, so it could be smaller
spec/compiler/codegen/alias_spec.cr fails
I tried cross-compiling that program to 32 bits and it works
fails = segfaults
but that program, compiled with the 32 bits compiler, fails
yeah, that's what I'm experiencing too
which is why I guess that the target triple is not correctly autodetermined or something like that
I'm sure it's just one or two tiny things we have to change/fix, but they'll be hard to find
how do we actually generate the target triple when there's none given?
same question for cpu
It's LLVM::default_target_triple
it's a method from LLVM
I think it returns the same as `llvm-config --host-targets`
yeah, if it wasn't that it would've been my suggestions
I asked because while building the sandbox I noticed a call to uname -m -s
Ugh, it gives me "i386-pc-linux-gnu"
while `llvm-config --host-target` gives me "i686-pc-linux-gnu"
Is there a difference?
yes and no
both should yield x86 as cpu
same for i486, i586,
`uname -m -s` is invoked to get the flags that you use in ifdef, so I don't think that's the problem
but I guess the instruction set is slightly different
I'll try to cross-compile against i386
It still segfaults
so what about the cpu/mcpu thingy, where does that come from if not passed?
I see we pass "" to it, and I guess LLVM tries to figure it out
but I tried also specifying it with the --cpu option and it fails too, so maybe that's not it
Hash#== fails, so I'm trying to write a Hash2 class and reduce it to find the problem
zamith has quit [Quit: Be back later ...]
zamith has joined #crystal-lang
jhass: Well, I found something. Now more specs pass, but some still fail, so I have to continue investigating... I guess it'll take me a lot of time, but eventually we'll make it :)
not to sidetrack but
>> def foo &block : String ->; end
jhass: Failed to run your code, sorry!
Syntax error in eval:3: \e[1munexpected token: &\e[0m\n
asterite: I got a list failing spec files (hmac, segfaults, one failure in complex) prior your last commit now, should I post it?
Should, it can help
I'll also post short snippets that fail
I think there might be an issue with libunwind bindings or llvm exception-related issues (landing pad, etc.)... so I'll have to check with @waj to continue