<OldhamMade> is it possible to include/import/require/extend/use with ecr templates?
<OldhamMade> maybe something similar to jinja2's extend, or maybe an import to include smaller templates?
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<bew> @ondreian sorry I fell asleep too early, I didn't even saw your reply ˆˆ glad found the issue! In next release you'll have better error messages for a failed macro run (you'll see the exception immediatly without having to mess with the caches etc!)
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pnloyd, you'd think that i should be interested, but I'm not so sure, because crsfml-examples is kind of a personal thing, just small games that i couldn't bother finishing, rather than proper examples. and then there's crsfml/examples, which maybe shouldn't have to much stuff. "it depends"
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Morning! o7
<OldhamMade> morning all :)
<pnloyd> @oprypin, ya that's figured It was probably a personnel project.
<pnloyd> ya I*
<petoem> good morning
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<Rinkana> Morning :)
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<r3bo0t> @crisward from our last conversation, seems like I have some sort of IO::Stream leak issue in some of my query, unable find it yet. But for now I used mysql connection pool with ∞ (unlimited) pool size and `checkout_timeout=0.5` for now, I’m not getting the same error now. I’ll debug the same over the weekend. :) thanks again.
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<bew> Hello here ;)
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<bew> Is there a way to wait for a child process termination, like Process#wait but wait for it to close by itself (Process#wait will close stdin of the process, then wait)
<bew> Currently I have a loop `until process.terminated?; sleep 0.1; end`
<bew> Is there a better way?
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bew, I regard that `#wait` behaviour as non-intuitive, and it should be changed.
Tripped over it myself recently
bew, workaround is using `LibC.waitpid` directly
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<bew> Doesn't that block other fibers?
<bew> Hmm not for me then :/
<bew> I'll stick with my until loop thenv
<bew> s/v$/!
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[crystal] asterite opened pull request #5192: Disallow typeof in type restrictions (master...disallow-typeof-in-type-restricitons) https://git.io/vFTRG
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<mvlootman> How can I write some text to the STDIN of a child process? I have two separate processes which I want to communicate to. e.g. Master creates child process and passes a message to which the child responds by sending to stdout. see gist: https://gist.github.com/mvlootman/00cf1d012190b7d7b13c9b7d69314b7b
mvlootman, build a IO pipe, set the readable one as `stdin`, and then write stuff into the writable one to send data over https://crystal-lang.org/api/0.23.1/IO.html#pipe%28read_blocking%3Dfalse%2Cwrite_blocking%3Dfalse%29-class-method
mvlootman, the same principle for the other way around (child -> parent)
<mvlootman> OK I wil l try that, I thought that wasn't possible when they are two separate processes.
Sure, its what your shell does when you pipe | stuff
<mvlootman> ah I see, thank you!
<Rinkana> Does Crystal have an `scanf` implementation?
<asterite> nope
<OldhamMade> hey all. is there a mechanism for importing/including one ecr template into another? or something like jinja2's "extends"?
[crystal] asterite closed pull request #5139: HTTP::Client: use required named argument `form` instead of post_form and put_form (master...refactor/5136-http-client-post-form) https://git.io/vd9R0
<OldhamMade> yeah, I checked the docs, just thought there may be something undocumented or something that's part of the standard lib that can be used but isn't necessarily linked
<unreadable> Well, you can read the template and paste the content with `File.open`
<unreadable> it shouldn't be done in the runtime though..
<petoem> i wonder, if you can do a require inside a ecr template.
<petoem> if you do ECR.embed, it should probably be translated to `io << require "other.ecr"`
unreadable, ECR is compiled
<unreadable> ikr
<straight-shoota> @petoem no, you cant. require can only be called in the top level context
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<petoem> yes,i know now. I just tried it out.
<petoem> i think this should be mentioned in the docs.
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<OldhamMade> ah. ecr is nice because I can pass any crystal datatype to them and just use them (eg. iterate through a list of objects and print various attrs), but when templates get complex (you need to include navigation but only if authenticated, etc) it gets tricky. I quickly tried moving to crinja, but I'll have to reformat all my object into more simple data structures to pass into the templates, which is a *lot*
... more work. :(
<asterite> ECR is meant to be used for simple things. For more complex stuff one probably should use a shard
<mvlootman> I managed to get pipes working between the processes but how can I signal the end and close the pipe? i tried closing the stdout in the client but my 'master' still loops on the each_line iterator? see: https://gist.github.com/mvlootman/00cf1d012190b7d7b13c9b7d69314b7b
line 23 and 24 will end up in the same thing. write to STDERR for logging instead
<mvlootman> ok but the issue I have is in the reader2.each_line part
<mvlootman> it loops there forever
<mvlootman> do I need to do something else on the child part when its done?
<OldhamMade> @straight-shoota thanks for the heads-up, I'll check that out. :D
mvlootman, you shouldn't have to. Though #each_line's (inner) implementation is too complex for me to skim over to see what's up
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<mvlootman> ah great it works here too!
<mvlootman> when does the block gets executed, after the Process run has started/finished?
<asterite> after the process started, it seems
<mvlootman> ok so closing the writer2 in the block could close too early?
<mvlootman> i am trying to understand how this works (:
<akzhan> @asterite still waiting to stabilize Hasher to introduce Number Normalize :)
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<akzhan> @asterite it is not too cheap, but your current language specification requires it
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<akzhan> I prefer Знерщт кгдуы руку
<asterite> But it's just wrong that you can do Hash(Int32 | Int64, String) and you can't distinguish those values
<akzhan> ok
<asterite> but I'm not super convinced about this
<asterite> BUT, if number normalization makes everything slower, than I'm against it. No point in making things slow for no reason
<asterite> Wow. Looks really cool! I'm always amazed how far macros and the type system can go. I actually would have no idea about how to accomplish all of that :-D
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[crystal] asterite closed pull request #4631: Format: show backtrace when formatting bug found (master...fix/crystal-format/show-backtrace-when-bug-found) https://git.io/vQcwW
<akzhan> number normalization slower for BigFloats
<akzhan> it’s slower ~3 for floats
<akzhan> it’s slower Zero for ints
<akzhan> and it;s pessimistic
<akzhan> Will do PR and tets.
<akzhan> Still no any hash speedoff fixed yet
@asterite I disagree, h[1] and h[1_u64] should be equal, eql? and have the same hash
i don't see why you'd ever want otherwise
same with floats
<unreadable> > So crystal 0.26 will be production ready in my opinion
<unreadable> Why do you say that?
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<akzhan> it’s simple, it will be resistant for hashes.
<akzhan> strings etc. arn’t touched with, they already resisteant by 0.25
<akzhan> 1) 24 does nothing except infra
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<paulcsmith> @asterite Yeah the macros and type system are incredible! Took a lot of experimenting to get it to that points, but I think it turned out pretty well. Thanks for making such an incredible language :D
<eliasjpr> @paulcsmith looking at one of the examples in the article `fax_number.try { |number| number.gsub("+1", "") }` can be `fax_number.try &.gsub("+1", “")`
or actually `fax_number.try(&.sub(/^\+1/, "")`
<eliasjpr> QQ: What would you call the action of doing something like this `some_var.as(String)`, unboxing?
type assertion
<eliasjpr> enlightening ✨
just had a random thought, is `a.as(B)` equivalent to `a = a.as(B)`
<eliasjpr> thats a question?
who needs question marks anyway, they're redundant
<eliasjpr> well then why the need of `.as()` when there is `.is_a?`
<unreadable> Yep chaining, one thing that I really missin in go..
oprypin: for a `T?`, a random `t.not_nil!` doesn't work in that way either, as in, it doesn't update the type inference
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Which did annoy me when writing specs
Papierkorb, too bad you werent using an assert macro, that would've straightened it right out
yeah too bad I didn't have yet another macro
all I had was an if and a raise
but it's really weird that such a clumsy construct has more power than a built-in syntax
<asterite> `a.as(B)` is not equivalent to `a = a.as(B)`
asterite, apparently not, too bad though
especially seeing as `if a.is_a? B; a; else raise` is equivalent to `a = (that whole thing)`
<asterite> I understand that it might make sense for that to happen, though
<asterite> You can always do `a = a.as(B)`
<paulcsmith> @eliasjpr @Papierkorb Thanks for the suggestion. I was thinking of using the `&.` shorthand, but I didn't want to introduce too many new concepts in one post, so opted for the more Ruby like approach since it's an intro post
<paulcsmith> I like the improvement to the regex though. Nice idea 👍
<HCLarsen> Speaking for Regex, can Crystal do Regex literals with custom delimiters like Ruby can?
<bew> @paulcsmith maybe you can add a note, like "note that there is a short version using `&.` ..."
<bew> @HCLarsen you can use `%r(abc)` and its family (`%r[]`, `%r{}`, ..)
<HCLarsen> Thanks @bew
<HCLarsen> Can you also use %x for command line interaction?
try and see
unfortunately yes
<unreadable> Would binding to a multithreading c library work for crystal?
unreadable, for some definition of "work"
write to stdout? that's a segfault. create an array? that's a segfault. etc
<mvlootman> anyone know how to specify format to add leading zero to integer when converting to string. So 9 -> 09 and 10 -> 10? I can't find it in the documentation
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<Rinkana> The % operator should work just like ruby no? `"%02d" % 10` should do the trick
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<mvlootman> yes that works great, is there any documentation for Crystal? Or should I check/try Ruby syntax?
<mvlootman> yes I checked those but couldn't find the specific syntax for formatting
<asterite> RX14: do you have any idea how to link to llvm compiler-rt? Otherwise I guess the next release won't have the initial experimental support of Int128 (but maybe that's ok, it's not an essential feature)
<Rinkana> @mvlootman That specific method is documented here: https://crystal-lang.org/api/0.23.1/String.html#%25%28other%29-instance-method while you are correct in that there is not much extended documentation on best practices etc
<Rinkana> At least not yet anyways 👍
<mvlootman> thanks for the link, for a newbie (like me) this is hard to find. I would love reading a book going in more detail, I believe a book might be published after 1.0
<Rinkana> There is one in the works yeah AFAIK. And once you get more into the language searching for methods becomes easier. Or ask them here often someone knows the answer
<bew> There not much we can do without some code! Can you show us your HomeController? It seems that this is where the error come from
(Crystal 0.23.1 (2017-10-12) LLVM 4.0.1 and Amber 0.3.0)
bew: I'm happy to, but there's nothing there beside the stock Amber template. This happens on any access to any url after the server is started.
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however, that code was running fine before the error cropped up. Comments at lines 16-21 were added in an attempt to dismiss the error because I had a thought the cookie might be corrupt.
in crystal, puts "\033]2;yolo\007" will change the title to "yolo"
That doesn't change the process name though
<bew> Sure no, Didn't know that was possible to do!
<bew> Papierkorb well you can still manipulate ARGV_UNSAFE
<bew> @mgarciaisaia there's also the breaking change from Process's redirect enum
Also typo in " is now valid and reutrns 0"
<bew> ===4445===
<mgarciaisaia> Thanks @bew 👍
<bew> ah no sorry I missed it
<bew> it's already there
<bew> hiddent in the flow of breaking change x)
<mgarciaisaia> 🎉
<mgarciaisaia> So I'll append it to `/dev/null` :P
<bew> great idea :D
<drosehn> It'd be more understandable to say that setting `$0` changes the process name as seen in `ps` output. Some terminal programs pick up that same value (used in `ps`) and will display it in the title (or tab-title) of the terminal window. But setting `$0` does not directly modify any terminal window.
<bew> @mgarciaisaia typo in the first Macro change: `to is aliased type` => `to its aliased type` IMO
<asterite> You couldn't change $0, so no harm done by removing it
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