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<girng> hello everyone. just curious what's the status of the windows support by chance?
<girng> i also have a question about crystal being used for game servers, can i ask it here?
<bew> 'sure you can ask here
<Blacksmoke16> anyone here use Kemal?
<Blacksmoke16> have a question but not sure if it is Kemal specific or, core crystal
<Blacksmoke16> i was hoping to use the document comments on my routes, to make the body of requests and what endpoints do etc, however it only seems to work for methods :/
<girng> @bew thanks. i'm creating an aRPG similar to Diablo 2. i want to use 1 crystal instance on each VPS. to be used as game servers. they will have a tick rate of 14 or 24hz. and handle monster ai and relay player movement to the connected clients in that game. (6 players per game). the problem is, i don't know how many game instances i can have per 1 crystal instance using that kind of tickrate (game loop). ⏎
... ⏎ i was looking into `loop do` and `spawn`. should i use multiple of these to run multiple game loops? or just one game loop on the server, and manage the games/players inside of it?
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<bew> looking at the problem, I'd say one fiber per game loop, and one fiber per client connection
<girng> i'll see what I can do. i saw the TCP example, and it's really nice / super simple to setup. just more confused about where to do the game loop
<bew> hmm and maybe a fiber per tcp server (one per game), so that you can have the game loop in its own fiber running while there is no IO requests
<girng> cool @bew , bless your heart. thanks for support!
<bararchy> @Blacksmoke16 Kemal has it's own gitter channel
<bararchy> if it's specific you should ask there
<girng> also, i have a large set of json that gets exported from my database (items). loading it into crystal should be done via CSV, or just doing a JSON map? or would the performance be negligible? i was just kind of worried of all the redundant keys in the json file
<girng> i would really like a global variable so i can access the items anywhere in code, is that possible? for example Items[5].name
<girng> or would I have to use a module or whatever, and then do moduleName.Items[5].name ?
<girng> i could always just make the module name super short and just do `g.Items[5].name` i guess
<girng> i have to say. crystal works quite nice on WSL. im loving it
<bew> Nice one @faustinoaq, I agree ;)
<bararchy> Crystal is young, it doesn't have strong back like Go, or huge corporate validation like Java, or millions of libs like C/C++ or huge community like NodeJS/JavaScript. But , Crystal is sooo fun to write in, the syntax and mindset are pure pleasure, and there is so much I love about the way it implement stuff, concurrency model is easy and clear, low level bindings are simple and straightforward, OOP all around
<bararchy> And the community though small is really good ;)
obviously, because the community consists only of entusiasts
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<bararchy> True :)
what about windows? when is crystal comming for windows?
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<girng> i decided to just use WSL im very happy w/ it.
<girng> gives me a reason to use Windows 10 😄
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WSL is a blessing
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<girng> +1
Windows become a window manager for me with the introduction of wsl
<girng> Crystal + WSL = Heaven
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<bararchy> @girng is that the Godot engine icon ?
<girng> yeah
<girng> but, i changed the eyes lol
<bararchy> Oh right hahah
<girng> you a godot fan too? i love the engine!
<girng> works nice with crystal!
<bararchy> Does it? Didn't know it has Crystal support? How is that working ?
<girng> ha, i mean the networking part. godot can connect to a crystal tcp server and communicate really easily!
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<bararchy> Oh, yeha in that regard :)
wsl is not the answer what if i want to deploy to windows :-|
<girng> @bararchy look, it seems like the godot developers want to follow what crystal-lang does, and want their own scripting language (gdscript) to compile to bytecode https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/17846
<girng> out of curiosity,is that how crystal lang was created? ('im noob in that regard')
girng, try to avoid global variables. you're gonna get race conditions, don't you know?
this is the job of a database
<girng> ik global variables bad, but i wanted a global namespace to references to my Items that gets loaded from a file, itwould be nice to use `Items[5].name` anyway. not sure how to do that though
<bararchy> @girng the official story behind Crystal is @waj and @asterite wanted to create a faster ruby that compiles to native executables without a need for VM/runtime
i really wonder if truffle takes off before Crystal gets popular
<girng> @bararchy ty, friend
<girng> what is truffle? candy?
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<bararchy> @girng you know what will be a cool project? Game server framework in Crystal, that will allow you to spin up a GS in an hour
<strigonLeader> Hi I'm just trying out crystal for the first time having a bit of trouble with nilable types
<bararchy> @strigonLeader what's your issue ?
<strigonLeader> I want to forward declare a variable as a nilable UNIXStream and then only execute code when its not nil but the compiler failrs
<strigonLeader> give me a sec I'll post a gist
<strigonLeader> I tried unless server.nil? before but I saw code like this somewhere in the crystal source so I tried this as well but I get a compilation failure with "undefined method 'close' for Nil"
<strigonLeader> @alex-lairan so it looks like its just the interaction of the block that's causing the compiler to act this way, I can use the .nil? syntax outside without a local variable. Is this for concurrency reasons?
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<petoem> @strigonLeader you can do `if s = server` instead of `unless (s = server).nil?`
<strigonLeader> Ok I got it now, once I put the variable into the block the compiler rescopes the variable to a concurrency sensitive scope and you have to always cache the value immediately after checking what it's type is.
<petoem> and on line 1: `server = nil` should be enough
<petoem> at_exit registers a `Proc`
<petoem> this means it has closure data
<petoem> this is why you have to do `s = server`, server could change anytime
<strigonLeader> yeah
<strigonLeader> thanks for the help!
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<girng> @livcd what's the difference between that and crystal?
<alex-lairan> @girng truffleruby is a ruby implementation, the have the same syntaxe. ⏎ ⏎ Crystal has is own implementation, with cool types ! :D
<alex-lairan> And Crystal don't need Java environement
<girng> @alex-lairan thx. i like crystal more then 😆
<unn4m3d> > You don't need a JVM to run TruffleRuby. With the SubstrateVM it is possible to produce a single, statically linked native binary executable version of TruffleRuby, which doesn't need any JVM to run
r00ster91, it may be arguable, but this is expected behavior. constants that are never used are never initialized. this is a constant. and you certainly shouldn't put such dynamically computed results in a constant
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you also get no control over when this code gets executed
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<r00ster91> ah okay thanks
<girng> i can see real world benchmarks with kemal, can't find any with truffleruby (regarding tcp / websocket servers)
<girng> so unfortunately will pass on mah truffleruby
<girng> wow, crystal has a 29.63 second lead in truffle in the brainf*ck test
meaningless benchmarks
<girng> so i could use truffleruby, and just install the `ruby` socket gem and i will get performance increases over regular ruby?
<girng> seems like magic, if it's too good to be true, it prob is where is the hidden penality?
the trick is it does not support C extensions afaik. They are working on it
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<girng> i see
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<bararchy> livcd which mean no messgepack , XML, zip , etc.. Unless written in pure ruby
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<girng> something that i've noticed is the gitter community here is really special. because i visited the gitter couple months ago but didn't say anything (bcz wasn't sure i was going to use crystal). however it's always been very active and if anyone has a problem theres always someone to help. like instantly it seemed. it's hard to find that in communities tbh.
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<alex-lairan> In the french ruby comunity, we have a slack named ParisRB, lots of channels with help and discutions about ruby :)
<girng> i was curious, is bidirectional communication between the client and the server, would JSON be ok?
<girng> i see crystal has `to_json`?
json is pretty inefficient. you can use a custom protocol or at least a memory efficient common protocol (msgpack) or crystal-specific cannon
<girng> would calling `to_json` before every `socket.write_bytes` bad for performance?
<girng> oh wow let me check out msgpack i heard of that before
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<girng> can you elaborate more on "crystal-specific" cannon?
actually nervermind because you have non-crystal on one side
<girng> oh yah. godot lol
<girng> that's why i was thinking of doing the json stuff. becaues the godot engine has built in json, but calling `to_json` before every `socket.write_bytes` looks like it will be kinda hard on the server. especially if it's going to be used in a game loop (14 or 24hz tickrate).
<girng> maybe i should do a crystal specific cannon way that works with godot or a custom protocol? not entirely sure
<paulcsmith> I'm trying to figure out how to remove an element from an array in a constant but I can't figure it out. There is no `reject!` and I can't re-assign a constant so I'm not sure how to do this: https://play.crystal-lang.org/#/r/3sqh
lol, is every crystal developer writing a web framework?
<girng> not me, i'm writing game server :D
<Blacksmoke16> web app :)
<paulcsmith> Ha right after I posted I thought of something. Not as ideal, but I added another `UNEXPOSED` constant and when I need to get just the exposed methods I do `EXPOSURES.reject { |exposed| UNEXPOSED.includes?(exposed) }`
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faustinoaq, u should move those to makedepends
faustinoaq, btw what's the point of having just the amber binary?
<faustinoaq> Ok, oprypin thank you 👍 "what's the point of having just the amber binary?", What do you mean?
<faustinoaq> Hi dom96 :)
<faustinoaq> dom96 Yeah, looks like many crystal devs come from a rails/ruby background 😅
<faustinoaq> although, The three most popular are Kemal, Amber and Lucky
dom96, it probably comes from ruby's popularity largely coming from rails
I wish people would stop trying to reinvent rails though :(
rails isn't a particularly good framework design
it's a good framework because of it's maturity but thats not ebcause of it's design
what kind of framework is designed nicely in your opinion?
<j8r> personally i think a server API + a client (web or not) is the good way to go. A web framework by essence combine both, i don't know if there is a framework exclusively for APIs (like for REST)?
heaven31415, getting rid of controllers and going for just routes as functions
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making models far less magic
<paulcsmith> That's similar to Lucky's approach. But the routes are classes
<paulcsmith> Each route is its own class instead of one class handling multiple routes
<paulcsmith> ...
I'd probably go look at all the frameworks of all the other languages and see what I like about them
<paulcsmith> Make it much easier to have type safety because you're not mixing so many actions together. I found when mixing a bunch of routes into one class you end up having a lot of `not_nil!` because things are only used for some actions
I get the feeling that a lot of crystal web frameworks are made by people who have m,ainly used rails
why would you need ivars in a route anyway?
it makes no sense
a route is a function from request to response
the template should be a function from params to HTML
<paulcsmith> Yeah that part might change. The rest almost certainly won't. The yarn/npm stuff will change once we add a `--api` option
<bararchy> dom96 were doing cyber security and machine learning, diploid guys do genetic analysis etc.. Crystal isn't just web
installing a commandline tool locally to a project is fine
installing something globally is just wrong
especially if you end up maintaining between multiple major versions of lucky
if that happens
because then you need 2 generators for the different incompatable templates
and fuck that
<paulcsmith> Lucky CLI was built to be compatible with multiple Lucky versions
having it project-local solves that
<paulcsmith> The generators and most Lucky tasks are local to the project. The only thing the CLI does is run the tasks and generate a Lucky project (and a few other built in tasks)
<bararchy> Some ppl do Kernel work, and I saw anything from networking to databases etc..
<bararchy> Take a look at awsome crystal
@paulcsmith so it has even less reason to exist :)
<paulcsmith> I agree having to change the CLI for different projects would be annoying. The CLI avoids that problem unless I make some massive changes to how tasks work
alias lucky='bin/lucky'
binary replaced
<paulcsmith> It has 2 main reasons to exist: It is easier to discover tasks, it runs non-precompiled tasks (like migrations) and it generates Lucky projects
generating a lucky project could be just crystal init, add to shards, bin/lucky init
<paulcsmith> Technically you can do most of that without the Lucky CLI it's just more annoying. Most people would rather install the binary and generate projects. Phoenix initially took the approach of generating a stock Elixir app, then adding phoenix, then running a generator and people really didn't like it
shards add if/when that happens
<paulcsmith> Yeah maybe that'd be fine
I'd design for the future not now
<paulcsmith> I'll have to play around with it
I hope that it can be avoided
<paulcsmith> Or maybe make some commits to the shards repo to make tasks more discoverable. Or make it an option for people who don't want to use the global CLI. Everythinig *can* be done withuot it (except for initializing the project, but I could change that)
if at the end of the day you keep lucky cli for "lucky init"
but provide the 3-command install as equally placed in the docs
and otherwise bin/lucky is the full thing
then that would be fine for me
<paulcsmith> Yeah I could get behind that
lucky would basically be a bin/lucky alias except for the project generator
<paulcsmith> Global Lucky for those that prefer it, local bin for those that prefer that. It shouldn't require much change actually. I'll work on that once the shards PR is merged
<paulcsmith> Add the Lucky shard and bin/lucky init, just like you said
<paulcsmith> Actually, maybe you're right and I can just use `bin/lucky` and ignore the global stuff. I'll play around with that...
presumably it's be less work to make global lucky just delegate to bin/lucky?
<paulcsmith> Thanks for talking this through
<paulcsmith> Yeah I think you're right
<paulcsmith> Once the shards thing is merged there might not be much reason for the global install. And it would definitely be easier than maintaining a homebrew tap!
<paulcsmith> And like you said, I could suggest people add a `lucky` alias so it looks "global" if they don't want to type `bin/lucky`
<paulcsmith> I'm digging this...
<paulcsmith> Would be even awesomer if you could so `shards add luckyframework/lucky` but hey it's not a big deal to open up shards and add a few lines :)
@paulcsmith you could replace global lucky with a bash function lola
which just checked if it was lucky init
<paulcsmith> I'm not sure I understand? I think the `alias` would work and be a bit easier
if it was it'd just run crystal init, shards add, bin/lucky init
else it was just an alias
<paulcsmith> Ohh I see
i'm actually not sure thats a good idea
you'd end up parsing args in bash to seperate the arguments nor crystal init and lucky init
and that'd get too long for a one-liner
and then blegh
<paulcsmith> Yeah I agree. But if there was shards add I could let people copy paste the command `crystal init app_name && shards add lucky_cli && shards build && lucky init`
<paulcsmith> Or maybe I can give people a command that adds the correct dep to shards.yml so they can copy paste project setup
<paulcsmith> Thanks. I'll add that to a gist and give that a try once I've started work on this
it's a dumb idea
because as I said you'll want lucky init to have args
and a --help
and then the function gets long
and then it's more effort than its worth
<paulcsmith> Yeah that makes sense
<faustinoaq> > what's the purpose of duplicating AUR's git repo at ⏎ ⏎ oprypin, is just to maintain the PKGBUILD 😅
<faustinoaq> Well, I guess is not needed since aur already has a version control system integrated 😅
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<faultyserver> does anyone have any ideas/opinions on testing macros?
<faultyserver> there's obviously the basic "does it still compile" testing, but I kind of want a stronger harness around some macros I've written
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faultyserver, it's not a crazy concept but i'm pretty sure it hasn't been done
<faultyserver> The best idea I've come up with only really works for macros that generate methods, wherein you call the macro a few times at the beginning of the file, then test the resulting methods.
<faultyserver> It's rather ugly, though :/
the right approach would be to test what the macro actually outputs
<faultyserver> yeah, I can agree with that for the most part
<faultyserver> for reference, my use case here is a macro that takes some "flag" arguments to determine what to generate. I want to make sure that combinations of those flags are always valid and *semantically* correct
<faultyserver> I'll try to mess around with it for a bit. I think I have an idea that may at least suit my specific case
<faultyserver> hmmm, that looks useful
just test the output lol
<faultyserver> the buffer output or the resulting code as if there was no macro?
<faultyserver> I don't particularly want to test the buffer output cause I don't want to have to re-write my tests if I refactor the macro at some point
<faultyserver> I'm aiming more for the latter
<faultyserver> the only struggle is making it not look horrendous
<faultyserver> that's what I'm aiming for
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if I write def foo(arg) ... end, it is basically a template for methods which will be instantiated every time a new type bounds to arg, right?
and generics use the same mechanism?
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that is cool
until you realise that it makes compile times explode :)
but if I use type-restriction everywhere I won't pay price?
heaven31415, it makes no difference in that regard. it depends on how many different types pass through the function. obviously if you make a very strict type restriction it will make only one type be able to pass, so it indirectly helps
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<Blacksmoke16> say i have a class in a module
<bew> Where do you want that?
<Blacksmoke16> just as a string
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<Blacksmoke16> wondering if there is a nice way to do that vs doing regex on the module::name::class string
<bew> Just find the last `:` and take everything after it
<Blacksmoke16> i didnt edit anything?
<Blacksmoke16> yea im not a fan, ill just hardcode it
<Blacksmoke16> tl;dr i put my granite models into a module for organization/documentation, but it caused it to inherrit the module + class name (which is used as the table name) so it was using wrong table name, was trying to be clever and have it just pull table name from class name
<faustinoaq> About the intellij-idea crystal plugin, His creator told me, he already created other plugins for intelli-idea, so he would be very happy to contribute more with the crystal plugin once crystal is stable. ⏎ ⏎ I created a fork here: https://github.com/crystal-lang-tools/intellij-crystal-lang
<faustinoaq> > once crystal is stable. ⏎ ⏎ Mainly because He had bad experiences maintaining non-stable languages, so many breaking changes is hard to maintain 😅
@faustinoaq crystal language is pretty stable lol
because we don't have anyone who works on the compiler much any more lol
I was making a joke that the lack of language changes is largely circumstantail (since ary left)
<faustinoaq> Oh, I don't notice that 😟
<faustinoaq> I mean about he left
ary's here when he wants to be
which is aparrently not very often
<faustinoaq> Well, I guess he is still likes crystal, maybe we can see him in the future 😉 ⏎ ⏎ I really like how Elixir creator talks with their community, ⏎ ⏎ José Valin is a very nice person [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5abec6d2e4ff28713a907fef]
but growing crystal 10x larger than it currently is is an absolutely monumental task
there's a good chance that despite everyone's best efforts crystal never reaches escape velocity and isn't maintained in 5 years
<PlayLights_twitter> Hey maybe you know this, when a crystal executable crash is really bad because i need to start it manually again, how do you deal with this
<Blacksmoke16> @faustinoaq pushed a new commit for the bulk-import pr :)
ary was the only compiler dev?
<faustinoaq> Oh Thank you so much! 👍 ⏎ ⏎ BTW, about the intellij crystal plugin, Can you try scry using a LSP client? https://github.com/gtache/intellij-lsp
<faustinoaq> I'm just curious if you can get completion, go to definition, and symbol listing out-the-box with scry 😄
<Blacksmoke16> lets fine out
heaven31415, he wrote most of the code - yes
<faustinoaq> heaven31415, definitely no, there is RX14, ysbaddaden , sija, makenowjust, straigh-shoota and other awesome contributors to the compiler core
<faustinoaq> RX14, Oh:(
I don't do compiler work lol
I basically only touch the stdlib
<faustinoaq> My bad, What about waj?
too busy
<faustinoaq> Oh I see
rarely if ever responds to pings
<Blacksmoke16> @faustinoaq how do i use this? what does it mean by `Then setup scry binary path on your LSP client. ⏎ `
<faustinoaq> So, Are we basically, fixing issues and bringing compatibility to new platforms?
I'm sorry to be a bit depressing but if you think that the future of crystal is in any way certain you probably need to dial back your expectations
although all that means is we have to work hard on crystal's future
<faustinoaq> RX14 I hope to see bcardiff and Manas team talking about the crystal future, I'm very optimistic, though
@faustinoaq honestly no new compiler features isn't a bad thing
<faustinoaq> Yeah, I agree
there's enough bug fixes
well, they can talk
and enough new features and stuff to do in the stdlib
if I really wanted to go deep into the compiler I could probably work it out
@bew recently did his first few compiler PRs
hopefully it wasn't too hard
but hypothetically speaking, in your opinion, what are the most important things to do right now? windows and parallelism support?
parallelism will break everything
and windows will get us more users
so yes
oh, and making method args cast to their restrictions
which wouldn't be a terrible change
in terms of usability
so you can pass UInt16 into UInt32 argument?
and would vastly affect compile times
this is more restrictive
this isn't conversion
this is .as casting
you can't do 1.as(UInt8)
it fails to compile
<faustinoaq> > To add a supported language server, you can either create a plugin (see intellij-lsp-dotty) which extends this plugin and extend LanguageServerDefinition or instantiate a concrete subclass of it and register it, or simply go to ⏎ ⏎ https://github.com/gtache/intellij-lsp#add-a-language-server ⏎ ⏎ ^ @Blacksmoke16 Seems that using LSP and scry on Intellij-idea is not as easy as I though 😅