<newtonapple> it's not very nice to have to keep repeating the types K1,V1...
<newtonapple> Furthermore, I think they are only relevant to the individual properties (params1 & params2), it feels a little odd to force the types at the class level.
I'm silly. I used parentheses instead of brackets and it was confusing. Hard to notice sometimes as I skim over errors pretty fast by habit. Thanks, FromGitter!
<epergo> shouldn't be better to have mandatory types in `property` , `getter`, etc? that way we could remove a bit (just a bit) of code from object macros, parser and hopefully resolve types of instance variables a bit sooner
<epergo> I was reading https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal/issues/4864 and I think this should be revisited and just remove some features for better maintainability/performance of the compiler
<j8r> @epergo the response is on the issue you posted, the types are mandatory now because else it was leading to poor performance
<j8r> because type inference isn't free, there is some copy for all available types something in this essence, don't know the exact details
<bararchy> yeha @j8r, it's the same idea i guess, now let's see if this can be used in Crystal ;)
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<bew> Do you have the same error without using --release ?
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<mikejohnduran> Hey everyone, are there currently any better resources/documentations for Crystal? Ideally, I am looking for a list of all Crystal methods, something such as this ruby command in the terminal ( "strings".methods or Integer.methods)
<bew> There's the api documentation online
<mikejohnduran> Thank you, I'll take a look at it. So far it seems to have the information I am looking for
that's not a bug. the two macro blocks each have their own scope, so macro varables aren't shared. Wrapping them in begin/end blocks is the right way around that.
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<vladfaust> alright
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<jwoertink> What's the sentiment on housekeeping like on this PR? https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal/pull/4056 I don't want to be that annoying guy pinging everyone "hey, did you forget about this?" However, maybe they forgot about that lol
<jwoertink> There's some old issues requesting changes, or some that are approved, but old. Is there anyone that goes back through these old issues to see if those requested changes can still be made or else close the PR?
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