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<postmodern> why doesn't Digest::Base define abstract methods for #final and #result?
<postmodern> hmm how do you define an abstract class method? or is there a crystal equiv to raise(NotImplementedError)?
<oprypin> postmodern, it's literally `abstract def`. it works.
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<postmodern> oprypin, "abstract def self.pack(crc)"
<postmodern> oprypin, Error: can't define abstract def on metaclass
<oprypin> oh. nvm
<oprypin> yes that's just not a thing, i think
<oprypin> first you need to consider how overriding a class method would work (im not sure if it does)
<postmodern> would be defined by the immediate sub classes
<oprypin> postmodern, no i think there is no inheritance of class methods
<postmodern> hmm that's weird
<postmodern> so they are bound to the class they are defined in?
<oprypin> *nevermind*, it works. just needed some gynastics.
<oprypin> anyway. abstract class methods are still not a thing :s
<postmodern> can survive with making it an instance method
<postmodern> dang spectator doesn't support shared examples
<postmodern> suppose i could roll my own shared example using macros
<oprypin> postmodern, ah FYI compiletime error is a thing
<postmodern> how do you enforce that an ivar is never Nil?
<oprypin> uhhh you declare its type to not include Nil ??
<postmodern> trying to define @crc : UInt8 in a sub-class
<postmodern> Error: instance variable '@crc' of Digest::CRC, with Digest::CRC8 < Digest::CRC, is already declared as (Int32 | Nil) (trying to re-declare as UInt8)
<raz> property block : (-> Nil)?
<raz> ^ is there a way to change this line so that "block" can hold a Proc with any return type/
<raz> i have a feeling it should be possible, but can't figure out a syntax that works. hm.
<oz> raz: what about `property block : (->)?`
<raz> oz: that... just works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<raz> thank you
<raz> aaand everything snaps into place
<raz> crystal feels like a downhill battle
<oz> it does sometimes :)
<postmodern> i'm guessing "abstract constants" are not supported?
<raz> don't think so, i've been in situations where i'd have liked them, too
<raz> (but in hindsight they'd probably be a bad idea anyway)
<raz> same for abstract methods btw. almost every time i used them, i'd later revert to a normal method.
<raz> perhaps i just haven't found the proper secret sauce yet, tho
<postmodern> yeah would like to my abstract class have methods that rely on constants that are defined in the sub-classes
<postmodern> suppose the constants can just become abstract instance methods as well
<raz> yep, i think that's what i have done most of the time
<postmodern> are compiler annotations on abstract methods inherited when those methods are defined in the sub-classes?
<postmodern> ex: @[AlwaysInline]... abstract def my_one_liner_method
<raz> no clue, i've never used those
<postmodern> can you pass keyword arguments to a generic class definition, like Foo < Bar(UInt64, other_stuff: "here") ?
<postmodern> what's the quickest way to convert the bytes in a UInt into a String?
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<postmodern> wow wait, String#length isn't a thing in crystal?
<postmodern> ah #size
<postmodern> length is pretty common though...
<postmodern> also wow what, Int32 / Int32 returns a Float32? Normally I'd expect that to round to an int
<postmodern> also hmm, doesn't look like you can use macros (sizeof) on a generic type T
<postmodern> or use generic types in a constant assignment
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<postmodern> BUG: unknown node in TypeLookup: sizeof(UINT) SizeOf (Exception)
<postmodern> i am really giving the type system a workout
<postmodern> how do you define an abstract method which returns a static array of something, but you don't know the exact size yet?
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<postmodern> is there a crystal equiv of const_get ? i want to request a constant, and have it look at the class of the object, not the class the method was defined in
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<postmodern> having trouble defining a class property in a base class that uses a generic type
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<yxhuvud> postmodern: Use // if you want an int back
<yxhuvud> oh, he left
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postmodern has joined #crystal-lang
<postmodern> hello, i'm trying to define a class variable in a generic class that uses the generic type. crystal kind infer the type though. is this even allowed at the class-level?
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