except... the badge doesn't link to the build. when you click on it... you get to see a bigger version of the "build passed" icon
<Blacksmoke16> yea...
it's one of these tiny things that are so needless and idiotic that they can make me abandon an entire platform
or well, a half-baked CI system...
<Blacksmoke16> i dunno, i been happy with it
<Blacksmoke16> what are you trying to do?
i click on these badges and many others probably also do. to get a quick peek on how many dots that projects test suite has. and perhaps glimpse at the yml. gives a good first idea/impression.
<tenebrousedge> I like CCI
<Blacksmoke16> so just fix the link?
yea well, if i knew how to link to the latest build
their urls don't give it away
<sam0x17> is there a way I can assert that a macro argument must be a literal
<sam0x17> because I have a macro that breaks if you give it something dynamic and it just wasted some time for me that would have been saved if it gave a better compiler error than some variable is undefined
i don't want to link to a list, but to the build
y'know, like every other CI system in the universe does it
<Blacksmoke16> :shrug:
yea, it's a little thing. just annoys me cause the whole idea of a CI system is to get these little things right and automate them. :shrug:
<Blacksmoke16> it is still in beta, suggest the feature or see if it was already suggested
no, i complain on the internet, that has to be enough
<tenebrousedge> I mean, I don't know offhand how you could do that, but I'm also confused by how your macro doesn't work with "something dynamic". Maybe that part is fixable? Do you have an example?
<Blacksmoke16> oh yea you can do that @sam0x17
<Blacksmoke16> `{% raise "#{arg} should be BoolLiteral not #{arg.class_name}" unless arg.is_a? BoolLiteral %}`
<Blacksmoke16> something like that
<sam0x17> for a string, `StringLiteral`?
<Blacksmoke16> yea
<sam0x17> thx!
<naqvis> > yea fwiw, `DigestIO` just doesnt seem to produce correct result ⏎ That's because you are just wrapping the IO, but not performing any read on the data. You should read the data from `DegiestIO` instance for it to perform update internally. Then perform `hexdigest` action
<Blacksmoke16> :thinking: then whats the benefit of doing that versus just doing `file.gets_to_end` on the non IO digest?
<naqvis> best use case I think of is `piping` the IO
<naqvis> where yo do read and at end, perform the hash check
also to avoid reading everything into memory I guess
<naqvis> true thing
<Blacksmoke16> gotcha
but tbf we probably should have IO consuming overloads on Digest for that
<naqvis> but wouldn't that change the meaning of this function?
<naqvis> in that case, one would only be able to perform checksum at the end of IO
<naqvis> what if you need to perform at bulks?
<naqvis> currently it just provides the digest of what's been read so far
then you'll wrap it into an IO::Sized or so or use DigestIO
<naqvis> yeah, true
<naqvis> my understanding of IO is kind of stream
not saying to replace anything
<naqvis> so it should perform in that manner
<naqvis> if one need to exhaust the stream, then they should do it explicitly
<naqvis> agree, just sharing my thoughts
I can imagine "give me the digest of that file" to be a common usecase, so why not make it as easy as File.open() {|io| Digest.hexdigest(io) }
<Blacksmoke16> ^
<Blacksmoke16> based on other `IO` based things i just figured it would read from it and bash the hash on it
<Blacksmoke16> base*
<naqvis> hmm, others IO also don't read implicitly otherwise told to do so
<naqvis> then why the expectation for this IO to read automagically?
things consuming an IO as a paramter very well do so
IO.copy being the most obvious example
<naqvis> yeah, that's where dev is explicit and asking for cosumption
How aren't they in Digest.hexdigest(io)?
I'm confused
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<didactic-drunk> @jhass is hashing a file without any other processing that common of a use case to justify `Digest.hexdigest(io)`?
I don't know, but I can imagine it to be the number two usecase of digest after hashing a short in memory string
<didactic-drunk> I think that would be #3. #2 Is using some info in the data stream along with hashing it. Such as encryption/decryption/compression/serialization/searching/etc.
well I'm imaginging verification of downloaded files
seems more common than rolling your own compression or encryption, no?
<didactic-drunk> Maybe it depends. 90% of the time I have an encrypted stream or am verifying with the intent to process it, not hashing it to discard the data.
<didactic-drunk> Actually? When would you discard the data?
verification before operating on the data makes sense, no?
<tenebrousedge> if your app only cares whether x content is present
so if it's a bit to big to reasonably hold in memory, you'd read it twice anyways
<didactic-drunk> If `Digest.hexdigest(io)`performs the reads where does the data go?
or if you just verify and then pass to external tools
of course you wouldn't use it on a network stream
<tenebrousedge> probably, unless you were checking whether something existed elsewhere
unless you really don't care about the actual data
<didactic-drunk> Then I think you use case is rather uncommon. Almost every verification hash I've done is verifying while processing, not hashing an actual file to get a single result.
<didactic-drunk> Even downloads use the data: ```
<ondreian> Is there some way to capture the rest of an Array's members, like in ruby, when destructuring. I've perused the documentation, but didn't see anything: ⏎ ⏎ ```first, second, *rest = %w(one two three four)``` [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5eac3f2b97338850a2df6837]
and in fact Crystal will even automatically invoke #to_unsafe for you in C fun calls
<tenebrousedge> yes I noticed that
the difference basically is that StaticArray is stack allocated, while Array is heap allocated
so if you pass a StaticArray and the C side keeps that pointer around after returning to you and then you exit the stackframe where you allocated that... fun
<tenebrousedge> and apparently you can't do `n = 5; StaticArray(LibC::Char, n)`
otoh it's usually less performance overhead to allocate
yeah, because Crystal needs to generate code to make the right room in the stackframe
(well, it just tells LLVM to do so, but)
<tenebrousedge> one would think that could be possible in a macro though
<tenebrousedge> I mean, without interpolation
what I'm trying to say is that the type declared in LLVM for StaticArray is the same as clang would use for a char[5] in C
<ondreian> yeah, since you're basically saying `Enumerable#skip(N)`
<Blacksmoke16> however, in the case where the writer would have dependencies of its own, and/or those dependencies have dependencies, it get a bit tricker
<Blacksmoke16> or in the case where you want to inject the same instance into another object
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<didactic-drunk> Is there a way to stack allocate a dynamic array of bytes?
If you know the upper bound you can allocate a static array of that size, get a pointer to it and stuff that into a slice with the actual size
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<didactic-drunk> The upper bound is rare. I'm trying to avoid increasing the stack size unnecessarily.
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where's the data coming from?
the usual pattern is to just have a statically sized buffer and a loop
if your buffer is bigger or even close to the L1 cache, you'll likely have basically no performance benefit anymore anyways
stack allocated is essentially faster because it's known ahead of time
so it needs less bookeeping, is better prefetched etc
if it can't be prefetched because it doesn't even fit into the cache anymore...
<didactic-drunk> Not IO. Custom digest output sizes.
custom as in user supplied?
<didactic-drunk> Yes.
<didactic-drunk> There are limits on likely and useful output sizes but no strict limit.
huh, I kinda thought hash functions have a fixed width
<didactic-drunk> > BLAKE2x variants, which can produce digests of arbitrary length.
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seems to have an upper bound of 64 bytes though
that's not a lot, I'd just allocate a buffer that big
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<didactic-drunk> SHAKE-128 and SHAKE-256 allow an arbitrary output length, which is useful in applications such as optimal asymmetric encryption padding.
whether the trail is actually used or not shouldn't matter so much
<didactic-drunk> I think SHA3 also allows any size. New algorithms are... I'd say experimentally using them.
<didactic-drunk> The longer digest outputs.
<didactic-drunk> @jhass The size is unlimited, not 64. You'd need to look for Blake2X in the paper above. Or use this one (https://blake2.net/blake2x.pdf).
well, my bad trusting the very third paragraph of the very homepage
how do the reference implementations deal with this?
<didactic-drunk> Depends. Some implementations use an `IO` stream for arbitrary output. I'll probably provide similar. But there's are 2 common uses of 128 <> 1-2kb output that can be optimized. 1) `hexdigest`. The intermediary `Bytes` could be stack allocated, but an exact ceiling is per application and uncomon. 2) Signatures. Same problem and solution. Typical uses are 1-2kish digest output. Some people will
... go crazy and up the signature size to who knows. Consider those messages rare but shouldn't crash.
<jwaldrip> Well i guess my main question is there community conensus on how to set the active environment
<Blacksmoke16> prob an env var specific to your app
<jwaldrip> I have seen suggestions to check the compilers release flag. Is that sufficent or have frameworks used other methods
<Blacksmoke16> main benefit is it would allow having a common flag to determine env
<Blacksmoke16> env var*
<j8r> Setting an environment variable with the name of the language inside is out place
<j8r> that's like setting `CXX_ENV` or `C_ENV` for other languages
<jwaldrip> right now you have `AMBER_ENV` and `LUCKY_ENV` but I think it would be great if we just had a way to do it accross the community.
<jwaldrip> Convention over Configuration
<Blacksmoke16> maybe, just saying that i could see the benefit of a single common flag for determining env
<Blacksmoke16> yea, then if you include shards etc they would just pick up that env as well
<Blacksmoke16> but not really a big deal :shrug:
<jwaldrip> exactly
<j8r> just `ENV` then?
<jwaldrip> even thats fine
<jwaldrip> But nothing wrong with wrapping it in a module either
<j8r> the user does not have to know (not always) in which technos a tools is made
<jwaldrip> hence the reason for that lib
<Blacksmoke16> @j8r is mainly talking about the env var name of that lib
<jwaldrip> Last line of that discussion was the intro of the library I posted earlier
<j8r> I see
<jwaldrip> I mean, why don't library maintainers just all start using that lib
<jwaldrip> @paulcsmith @drujensen
<j8r> this lib does not bring much
<Blacksmoke16> idea is good, impact is quite small
<Blacksmoke16> i could see use cases of wanting to run your webapp in prod mode, but maybe drop some other lib down to debug something (for extra logs for example)
<j8r> that's up to framework devs to name their env vars at the end
<jwaldrip> At the very least defaulting back to the crystal one would be great
<jwaldrip> the new crystal shards uses Orion, Clear, and Mosquito. It would be awesome if those had debug like settings that would just fall back to the crystal setting in a given environment
this is a lost battle
<jwaldrip> even if its just `ENV["AMBER_ENV"] ||= ENV["CRYSTAL_ENV"]`
<jwaldrip> @raz, where is the decision that it's lost?
there never was a decision. if there had been one we'd all be using ENV.
<j8r> for me `CRYSTAL_` are compiler env vars
every real world app has to set a bunch of those. doesn't make a difference if it's 5 or 6
there's just a widespread misconception about what the unix env even is. like, they put stuff in .env and then read that file from the app instead of from the actual env, etc.
<j8r> The issue is not only the environment name, but the values it can take
yea, in reality there's only one env. and if the app wants to know _which_ env it is, the name for that would be ENV (or even more mundane sth like "NAME")
I think the main issue is that people think it's framework configuration while it should be an application setting
but none of that is standardized
most apps would pass it through to their framework initializer, but still
<j8r> yep right
<j8r> For example, if I made a GitLab/Gitea in Crystal using Lucky
<j8r> I don't see users setting `LUCKY_ENV` to have their app in prod/dev setup
<j8r> I agree agree jhas
<j8r> However Gitea has `MACARON_ENV`
in my apps i enforce ENV and patch anything that disrespects it
but that's just my personal windmill fight
<j8r> Sounds good, `ENV` is usually enough
this prefixed *_ENV stuff just doesn't make sense and can even be dangerous. (DATABASE_URL = prod, RAILS_ENV = test ...)
<j8r> raz, you do like if I set `ENV`, other env vars can be set in the app?
hmm, not sure how you mean?
<j8r> If I set `ENV=prod`, the application will set configuration according to it (like databases, logging, etc)
oh yea, it should. e.g. ENV=development means more logging by default, which could still be overridden with an explicit LOG_LEVEL, etc.
however in practice it's easy to clash with other things, so i guess it should rather be APPNAME_LOG_LEVEL or such
<j8r> right
(i.e. `ENV` describes what type of environment it is, the other vars configure the individual apps that live in the environment)
<j8r> The good old `.env-prod` do the job. Systemd support it, any shell too
https://direnv.net/ is helpful for auto-loading/switching between envs when cd'ing around
but people have different opinions on all that
<j8r> noice
<j8r> even if I prefer to do it manually
<j8r> with `set -a; . ./.env-test; set +a`
<j8r> need to do like this because of comments inside
yea, it's a slippery slope. when working on many things in parallel stuff can get leaky. (e.g. that DATABASE_URL you set an hour ago for a quick test now has a bad effect in a completely different codebase that you cd'ed to)
direnv not only sets but also unsets the vars when leaving the directory. personally i prefer that over hoping that each thing i work on loads its .env itself
somehow I prefer config files over env still
but... well... just my preference. i've also met people who think direnv is the devil
at least if there's more than, say, three settings
and something like three settings might even very well still be CLI args, depending on the app
depends on what env (:P) you're in. for cloudy stuff, docker etc., you don't want config files
yeah but only because they're opinionated against
nah, it's just the only thing that makes sense there. you don't want to patch your image for config changes
<j8r> env vars in a .dotenv file results to a config file
but to me env has so many downsides. it leaks into other apps quickly while switching between projects in the same shell session. It leaks to subprocesses. It leaks to /proc
well, that's getting into unix neckbeard philosophical territory
especially the subprocess one not all
I don't want to know how many CVEs due to leaking secrets there
well, you say it "leaks". but that's exactly what it's meant to do. because the subprocess might also want to know what env he's in ;)
well, tbh I just don't trust enough people to realize the implications
yup. the number of people who know how to do it right is small. but treating env like a config file has its own pitfalls as well
(now shared config that the subproc reads has to be passed on somehow, etc.0
what happens is practice that people tend to re-invent their own env (read from file, pass it on somehow)
grr can't type today
<paulcsmith> @jwaldrip I have nothing against CRYSTAL_ENV at all. Would like to use that package, but it is super low on the priority list
i guess one thing that crystal could do for env safety would be to not pass the full env to spawned procs by default. but make that an explicit flag in the api
<paulcsmith> That's the only reason we have not done it. We'd need to change docs, heroku buildpack, etc. and not a huge return. Most people don't care that much. So yeah, def want to do it/will do it, but just lots to do that has higher impact
raz: well, not passing anything at all just breaks too much (PATH, LANG, LC_*, LD_LIBRARY_PATH and what not). So you'd want a whitelist, but what whitelist? any will break somebody's setup
jhass: true. would be tricky to get that right. (def not something that should just be changed willy nilly)
and say we'll try you'll get endless discussions about borderline cases like PS1, SSH_AGENT_SOCk and whatnot
jhass: although i can't help but noticed even your small list there already contains a gaping security risk (SSH_AGENT_SOCK) ;)
exactly. But we'll have people coming and "WHY MY SSH AIN'T WORK"
ultimately people just need to be aware that sub-procs live largely in the same security realm as their parents
process groups etc.
so I'd rather educate people to not put their secrets into envs of things they don't 100% trust, but...
I know it's a dream world
jhass: i think the proper lesson would be to unset sensitive env vars after reading
but good luck making that common knowledge ;)
I guess we could add a SECURE_ENV interface 😂
<srowe_gitlab> Hi, I've just written my first project in Crystal and it was working great when it was all in one file, but when I separated the code into multiple files and used require "./myfile.cr" I'm getting an error about undefined constant as if the require didn't work. Any tips?
then again, i also don't think there's so many apps that spawn untrusted sub procs
<Blacksmoke16> @srowe_gitlab make sure you require them in the correct order
<srowe_gitlab> Good call, I believe I have.
<Blacksmoke16> i.e. does `myfile.cr` use any types/constants defined in the file you're including it in?
or just use a glob require which makes crystal care less
<Blacksmoke16> pretty sure that still runs into issues
<srowe_gitlab> heh ok I'll try the glob
<srowe_gitlab> that's just `require "./*"` ?
<Blacksmoke16> esp if you're doing like ` < SomeType` and there isa file called `a_type.cr`
every tried loading the compiler in another way?
jhass: nah, what you pointed out above was right. there's no way to come up with a sane whitelist (cross platform and all). i think ssh itself has one, but it's probably a mess of special cases
you'll learn what an undefined constant is
<Blacksmoke16> :S
<srowe_gitlab> hmm `require "./**"` and still no luck
(I really wish it wasn't the case and kinda wish glob require wasn't a thing)
<Blacksmoke16> whats the error exactly?
<Blacksmoke16> and dont suppose you have it pushed up somewhere?
<srowe_gitlab> no it's in `./moka.cr`
<Blacksmoke16> and you're requiring that before you're using it?
<srowe_gitlab> which is the file I was requiring first... I'm currently doing `require "./**"`
<Blacksmoke16> and im assuming you're running the main file with the requires?
<srowe_gitlab> right
<srowe_gitlab> `crystal build mokaweb.cr` which is the file that has the Kemal routes and starts with that glob require now (and previously with the moka.cr require)
<srowe_gitlab> Crystal 0.34 with LLVM 8.0.0
<Blacksmoke16> got the code pushed to a branch or something?
<srowe_gitlab> I'm not sure what you're asking. Are you asking if you can see the source?
<srowe_gitlab> If so, sadly no.
<Blacksmoke16> then not much more we can help :/
<Blacksmoke16> just make sure require order is correct, spelling, and such
<Blacksmoke16> if you defined stuff in namespaces could also be an issue
<Blacksmoke16> as would need to use full path to the type
<srowe_gitlab> I do have some classes in a module, but not the one it's complaining about
<srowe_gitlab> and I use the Module::Class to get to them in the code
<Blacksmoke16> hard to say, im sure its some require issue tho
<srowe_gitlab> lemme put the code somewhere
<Blacksmoke16> yea, you're using `Moka.new` in the kemal route before its defined
<Blacksmoke16> on 16, when its not defined until 32
<srowe_gitlab> yea 28 is shell...
<srowe_gitlab> so it should be defined on line 1
<Blacksmoke16> oh sorry
<Blacksmoke16> moment
<srowe_gitlab> oh wait
<Blacksmoke16> yea where do you require `moka` or `mokaweb`?
<srowe_gitlab> I'm very sorry. I've wasted your time.
<Blacksmoke16> 😆 all good
<tenebrousedge> no worries
* FromGitter
* Blacksmoke16 called it
<srowe_gitlab> I was converting this project from ruby to crystal and I've been using mokaweb.cr with crystal code in it
<srowe_gitlab> this is a .rb vs .cr problem
* FromGitter
* srowe_gitlab feels stupid
<tenebrousedge> every developer makes stupid mistakes
<tenebrousedge> all the time
<srowe_gitlab> thanks for your help everyone
<Blacksmoke16> np
<tenebrousedge> good luck with the project
* FromGitter
* tenebrousedge is still doing a happy dance because the code works the way it should
<srowe_gitlab> any chance any of you an answer my Kemal question in their chat from yesterday?
<Blacksmoke16> prob should look into `ECR` versus doing `File.read`
<Blacksmoke16> what was that?
<Blacksmoke16> pretty sure kemal even has like `render`
<srowe_gitlab> I found a bug that talked about the way to do streaming responses (not websockets) and was wondering if that's still the preferred way
<Blacksmoke16> idt `stream` is still a thing
<Blacksmoke16> should just be able to do like `obj.to_json ctx.response` since the response obj itself is an `IO`
<Blacksmoke16> i.e. so this example would write the json directly to the response as a chunked response
<Blacksmoke16> versus building the string and copying it
<srowe_gitlab> this project searches through the contents of tarfiles and spits out text... the ruby version streams as it finds results
<srowe_gitlab> (no JSON if you're saying that to me)
<Blacksmoke16> was an example but the ideas the same
<Blacksmoke16> pass ctx.response and you can write to it
<Blacksmoke16> and the data will be written directly to the response io
<srowe_gitlab> yea that's what I'm doing... env.response.print mything and then env.response.flush
<Blacksmoke16> or in other words, to stream something just write to the `ctx.response` `IO`
<tenebrousedge> so `sscanf` gives me a `StaticArray(LibC::Char)` representing string data, which will have at least one `0` at the end. What's the best way to convert that to a string, without trailing zeroes?
<tenebrousedge> right now I'm doing `String.new(a.to_slice).rstrip('\0')` and it could be better
huh, String.new should already skip a trailing 0 byte
<srowe_gitlab> hmm that's interesting. So one of the many reasons I wanted to try this in Crystal was to use concurrency. So I'm looping over my targets with a `Channel(String).new` and then `spawn{ channel.send mything.to_s }` (simplified) and I then count those so I know how many times to `endpoint << channel.receive` (where endpoint is `env.response`)
ah, maybe only String.new(Pointer) does
so just String.new(a.to_unsafe)
<srowe_gitlab> Should I instead pass the endpoint all the way down to `mything` so I can directly write to it there in the Fibers?
<tenebrousedge> hmm, kay
<tenebrousedge> thanks jhass
or maybe just make the slice one shorter
if you already know the length that should be slightly faster
<tenebrousedge> I'd have to re-compute it
<tenebrousedge> at compile time though
<tenebrousedge> well okay, but that gets you one type, right?
sure, just put it into loops etc
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<tenebrousedge> okay, but if you have `"abc 123 -- 456"` and you don't want `--`, then you have to do a lot more than just `scanf("%s %d -- %d")`
<tenebrousedge> or I guess `scanf("%3s %d -- %d")`
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<tenebrousedge> `scanf` was recently removed from Ruby stdlib, presumably because no-one used it. I maybe needed it twice in the last ten years, and at least one of those times I rewrote that code a different way so that it was no longer useful
<tenebrousedge> it's dangerous and arcane, but every once in a great while it's a simple solution to some problem
well you may need to build some abstractions on it
paulcsmith: so here's why it's better to private message such requests. you're just feeding the troll and helping them derailing the topic
<paulcsmith> I’m not sure who to private message or I would
<paulcsmith> Also literally anything anyone says is feeding the troll at the moment 😂
<tenebrousedge> who is trolling?
<paulcsmith> Which is why IMO he needs to be banned. This person is toxic to the community
<paulcsmith> IEatReturnValues4 on the crystal forums
well, I guess discourse lacks a tool for that, yeah
like being able to DM a predefined group of people or so
or at least being able to add a custom message to a flag
<paulcsmith> Yeah. Or if there is a I don’t know. So I put it in multiple places so hopefully someone sees it. This person is totally disruptive and when asked to change just mocks people
<paulcsmith> Yeah that’d be cool too. Custom message. I’ve personally muted him but his replies still show up in my email so the mute doesn’t really work lol
<paulcsmith> I admit I did rip into him at one point and my comment got removed but I was hoping it’d bring attn to the issue and he would be banned or be given an ultimatum or something. But he just kept on going with no repercussions so far
<paulcsmith> A code or conduct is not very valuable if not enforced :(
mmh, it seems to you can restrict categories to certain trust levels
and by default there's one restricted to TL3 called "The lounge" inteded foor such discussions
but looks like we got rid of it?
<paulcsmith> That’s a good idea. I don’t know much about discourse though so can’t really offer much
<paulcsmith> So my recommendation in the meantime is mute. It helps because replies are hidden by default (but still show up in emails unfortunately)
<paulcsmith> Ah I figured it out. I can choose “something else” when reporting and leave a comment. Not sure it actually makes it to moderators though
<straight-shoota> FYI I just hid a bunch of comments because they're off topic
<paulcsmith> Can you please hide IEatReturnValues4?
<paulcsmith> His topics may be on topic, but are completely inappropriate in delivery
<paulcsmith> It is baffling to me that my posts are hidden for calling someone out, but the guy actually *causing* the issues has been allowed to derail conversations constantly over the last week
<paulcsmith> I'm sorry if I'm being annoying here, it is just so strange. WE have a code of conduct that he is not following. How is he still allowed to post?
<asterite> Yes, please hide him 🙏
<paulcsmith> Thank you! I was starting to feel like I was on crazy pills here lol
<paulcsmith> Honestly if he isn’t then the code or conduct may as well be an empty file. I don’t like to be dramatic, but it’s better not to have one than to have one that is not enforced
straight-shoota: paulcsmith: How about we split those into an offtopic category post?
for now
@paulcsmith Can you point out a clear violation of the CoC? I think it's difficult. In total, the behaviour seems destructive. But the individual comments are IMO on the edge
and that's why I'd go for isolating them into topics we can use to escalate without derailing the originals. That'll eventually drive them into behavior that's clearly bannable
<paulcsmith> I think if the total behavior is destructive it is fine to ban or mute
<paulcsmith> Even if there isn’t one single post. I personally think he’s said some stuff that’s made me feel like a total dumbass so 🤷♂️
<paulcsmith> jhase I’d be down for moving it to off topic
jhass, what exactly to you mean?
<paulcsmith> I’m gonna be out for dinner so won’t have time to respond
straight-shoota: discourse let's you freely move posts around, into a new topic, an existing one etc
<paulcsmith> Also if his behavior hasn’t breached the code of conduct then I imo it should be modified so that that kind of behavior isn’t allowed
<paulcsmith> Because if this continues people won’t want to post or go to the forums at all. Which would suck :(
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I think it's fine to simply hide off-topic posts
Why would we want a separate topic for them?
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I think it worked out well for https://forum.crystal-lang.org/t/arithmethic-overflow-should-not-raise-an-exception/2006, it kept the original topic in tact while isolating the toxic behavior into its own topic that people could just choose to ignore. If you just hide within each topic that'll entice them to post more more to that same topic you have to hide
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and discourse allocates rather a lot of screen estate to those still
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and tbh if it escalates a bit to give us a clear cut ban reason, also fine by me
you seem to be hesitant to ban them outright and I have to agree, at least for my position in this community, in one where I would feel more authoritative I'd be less reluctant already. But just hiding fits their strategy tbh where they can present themselves as oppressed
and it'll also requrie hiding the the annoyance caused in other community members, which is not exactly beneficial to the community as a while too IMO
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