<nolyoi> > `Transaction` does that include serializable too?
<nolyoi> ah that was it. *facepalms*
<Blacksmoke16> strange error tho, i would have thought it would have pointed to that
DTZUZU_ is now known as DTZUZU
<nolyoi> yeah not sure. im kind of running through a tutorial and very new to crystal.
<nolyoi> could someone possibly explain these macros to me? why would you ever not use Id? Also it states "You can invoke a fixed subset of methods on AST nodes at compile-time. " what exactly does the fixed subset mean? ⏎ ⏎ ```macro define_method(name, content) ⏎ def {{name.id}} ⏎ {{content}} ⏎ end ⏎ end``` [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5f0e9b87343f5d69494ee8b3]
Are you complaining about the concept of storing data in a module or just about the naming that is exposed?
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<j8r> Using class variable makes testing harder
<j8r> Sometimes they are practical and cannot easily be avoided, so in this case I prefer having a single class var which holds a struct/class
<j8r> for example, application's configuration
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Yes, it can certainly be argued they are usually anti-patterns. But I didn't get the impression that was the question.
<j8r> for class vars in modules vs objects, that kind feel weird but why not - that's a namespace like another
<j8r> class vars does not need to instantiate an object, so kind of make sense.
i have a feeling we should feed the crystal codebase to GPT-3 and see what comes out
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<naqvis> module is `Class` in disguise with a purpose for namespacing and partial types implementations for mixin usages. ⏎ `pp typeof(Foo) # => Class`
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what is the shell command equivalent to `Crypto::Bcrypt::Password.create("my_password").to_s`?
I have a weird issue with duplicate logging, not sure what I'm doing wrong
2020-07-15T18:25:41.909097Z INFO - ContentRenderer: rendered page 1/1 to output/pages/about/index.html I [ContentRenderer] -- rendered page 1/1 to output/pages/about/index.html
that's 2 lines
I have a customized Logger backend, but it seems like the default one is still active and mirrors all my Log.x calls?
<Blacksmoke16> can you share some of the code?