<watzon> Ok I’m aware of clear, just had never heard of Clean haha
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<tenebrousedge> what's a good way to deal with a possibly empty iterator?
<tenebrousedge> preferably other than `rescue nil`
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<ryanprior:matrix.org> @tenebrousedge: something like `iter.first unless iter.empty?` help?
<tenebrousedge> hmmm, `iter.empty?` could work
<ryanprior:matrix.org> you can also use something like `iter.first(n).to_a` and get an array of between 0 and n elements, which could be an empty array
<tenebrousedge> I don't necessarily want a known number of elements
<ryanprior:matrix.org> how do you decide when to stop? can you express it in a block? if so, `iter.take_while { |item| keep_going? item }.to_a`
<tenebrousedge> it's either `iter.first` or `iter.find(&.foo?)`
<ryanprior:matrix.org> The second one should work fine for an empty iterator, the first one I'd guard with `unless iter.empty?`
<tenebrousedge> doesn't seem to work :/
<tenebrousedge> but I kinda like the idea of using iterators for the sight lines, I can see reusing that for other grid problems...if I can get it working
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tenebrousedge: ooh, i like the use of #hash to check if it's still evolving! i need to keep that one in mind in case we get another one of those "find the cycle" problems
<tenebrousedge> it seemed like the simplest implementation
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<tenebrousedge> I mean I don't know. I definitely have a particular style of doing this
i used a boolean that flips if there's any change and didn't like that solution very much
<tenebrousedge> otoh that's more space friendly
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yeah but requires keeping track of all the places where you might be changing something :\
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<tenebrousedge> did you see asterite's solution?
<Daniel-Worrall> I looped until previous = current
<Daniel-Worrall> The set of object hashes is neat
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<mattrberry> After doing today's advent of code with sexprs the first time, I saw other people doing hacky operator overloads in ruby/python, so I was curious if I could do something similar in crystal. This is the best I could come up with: https://carc.in/#/r/a4rf ⏎ I'm wondering though if I could do it just by reopening the Int struct like you could in ruby rather than making MyInt, but it doesn't look like that
... works. I can only override certain operators on Int. For example, while overriding `%` works fine, attempting to override `+` doesn't do anything. Additionally, overriding `<<` seems to get into a weird loop until the stack overflows. Any idea why certain operators can be overridden but others can't? I saw that `+` and `*` aren ... [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5fdc64f24eba353cdfe45c47]
<erdnaxeli:cervoi.se> what are sexprs ?
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Trying to make a struct that reflects commented json structure...
Also how can I only use setter without .new word on a struct?
<tenebrousedge> a setter?
<tenebrousedge> on a struct?
<tenebrousedge> that's not what structs are for
<tenebrousedge> use `record` and `copy_from`
<tenebrousedge> `record Foo, id : String`
<tenebrousedge> er, `copy_with`
Can you edit my code please?
<tenebrousedge> I have no idea what you're trying to do, but without a setter (and you should not use setters with structs) the object is just `record Verse, id : String`
I'm trying to build that json string, example in comments in above link. With this example that you provided how can I add another verse id to the json?
<tenebrousedge> you would need an array
<lodenos> Hi everybody the 11th December was Fantastic. I have a weird question, is-it possible to get the AST of a Proc ? ⏎ My objective is get the AST send for a client write in crystal and make the compilation on place, like a master send some codes to compiling adn execute for the slave ⏎ I supporse for get the AST it’s only during the compilation to binary but just before with a macro save the AST as a string
yes, the AST only exists at compile time
<lodenos> @straight-shoota Do u how get it ?
<tenebrousedge> is there some way to do it by using the compiler?
I don't think so
The major obstacle with this is that you really need the proc code as a literal. Even at compile time you can't just get the AST of a proc reference
for example when I do `proc = Proc(String, String).new do |x| x.upcase end; capture_proc proc` all the compiler sees is the variable `proc`
there's no way to retrieve the proc that was assigned to it as a value.
<lodenos> I see
<lodenos> I write an example give me 2mn
feel free to merge if you find it useful, `ART::Spec::APITestCase` was just too verbose for me ;)
why store cookies and response in the fiber?
cookies is somewhat explainable, but response is just the return value of the spec helper
just for quick access, i'm lazy
specs are more readable w/o those temp assignments
no they're not
when I look at the spec I wonder where http_response comes from
nah you don't
with `http_response = get("/")` it's clear
if you don't wonder where get() comes from you have no business wondering where http_response comes from :p
too much magic in specs
yeh, matter of taste, feel free to leave that out if you use it ;)
will do :D
<Blacksmoke16> *what have you done* :p
just some boilerplate removal :p
<Blacksmoke16> i wouldnt be against having helper methods like `self.get("/")` versus `self.request("GET", "/")`
<Blacksmoke16> but id rather keep the `APITestCase` 😉
sure, i didn't mean to change athena, was only offering it as an add-on ;) (personally i just didn't see the benefit of ATC, other than boilerplate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<HertzDevil> how does the compiler itself figure whether a def is an operator
<HertzDevil> the closest thing i could find is `Crystal::Type::SuggestableDefName = /\A[a-z_]/`
<Blacksmoke16> the idea is that it enables code reuse
<Blacksmoke16> i.e. you could imagine having something like `struct AuthenticatedUserRequestTestCase < ART::Spec::APITestCase`
<Blacksmoke16> which redefines the request method to make the request as some default user
yeh i saw that, also the mocking stuff. i just prefer my tests dumb and straightforward.
<jwaldrip:matrix.org> Is there support for ARM macs yet?
i don't want my tests to need tests :p
<Blacksmoke16> ha, they're not *that* advanced
<Blacksmoke16> test case stuff boils down to describe/it blocks anyway
yup, i didn't like the `def foo`-style
but it's all a matter of taste
<Blacksmoke16> theres also this format