<nickbclifford> Hmm, having some weird issues with C libraries again (I just can't escape -.-), getting segfaults when trying to dereference an array pointer in Crystal/turn it into a `Slice`, but no such issues when doing the same directly in C
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<nickbclifford> Okay I think I see the issue, it's to do with struct flexible array members, seems like something worth opening a compiler issue about
<Blacksmoke16> can you share the error/code?
<nickbclifford> Treating it as a `Pointer(LibC::Int)` in a `lib` declaration causes segfaults, and I can't see a way to get `StaticArray` to play nice with it either
<Daniel-Worrall> default encodes space to `+`
<Daniel-Worrall> > By default, the space character (0x20) is encoded as + and + is encoded as %2B. If space_to_plus is false, space character is encoded as %20 and '+' is encoded literally.
<oprypin:matrix.org> @Daniel-Worrall: i can see that, yes
<Daniel-Worrall> So, is there still confusion on how to percent-code?
<oprypin:matrix.org> yes in crystals stdlib
<oprypin:matrix.org> i am making a URL that's referring to an item named "foo#20"
<Daniel-Worrall> `URI.encode_www_form("foo#20", space_to_plus: false)` is the correct way
<oprypin:matrix.org> question: how do I make a URL `/items/#{name}` that can be opened
<oprypin:matrix.org> @Daniel-Worrall: again, I'm not encoding a www form
<Daniel-Worrall> but since you don't have spaces, you can leave out space_to_plus
<Daniel-Worrall> I get that, but that's how it's named in the stdlib
<oprypin:matrix.org> no, it's just a method for a different purpose
<oprypin:matrix.org> that somehow happens to match what people want in non-form-encoding context
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<ryanstout> One quick thing that I'm worried might affect people besides myself. (And sorry to be "that guy") When I went to https://crystal-lang.org/ and hit learn, I didn't see the "Next" links or any navigation elements to tell me that I'm in a full guide/tutorial, since the "Next" stuff only shows up once you get to the bottom of the page. I must have looked at that page 5 times thinking "where is the tutorial stuff"
... (Which I remember from that past)
<ryanstout> Having the full tutorial tree on the left would be one solution (so you could jump past the install stuff if you already have it installed for example)
<oprypin:matrix.org> @ryanstout: i dunno, like, the navigation split was an explicit decision to change. didn't you see the navigation tabs at the top? ⏎ the obvious small takeaway i have is this though: https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal-website/pull/129
<asterite> It's strange that Learn doesn't take you to the reference. I agree it's pretty confusing
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<ryanstout> @oprypin:matrix.org the top nav disappears once you scroll, at least on my screen size. Totally understand there is some variance in opinion here, but I think the value in having a full hierarchy of "learn X language" sections visible is so you can quickly figure out what parts you need to read to learn something. Seems to be a common paradigm also: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/