purr changed the topic of #elliottcable to: a
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<eligrey> hi one ELLIOTTCABLE
<ELLIOTTCABLE> current status: docker
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and vagrant
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and sleepy
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and Continuum.vid
<ELLIOTTCABLE> did you just ... dm me
<ELLIOTTCABLE> who does that
<eligrey> ne
<eligrey> me
<ELLIOTTCABLE> just ask in here
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I hate switching windows
<eligrey> lol ok
<purr> loling
<ELLIOTTCABLE> not a thing irccloud handles well
<eligrey> i got like 60% done with this unreleased project that lets you retrofit push notifications onto any site with feeds
<ELLIOTTCABLE> one of like three-ish small things I actually miss from the Bad Old irssi Days
<eligrey> i need someone to finish the rest because im bored
<ELLIOTTCABLE> welcome to the last five-ish years of my life
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wanna write a Paws? ;)
<eligrey> lol pls
<eligrey> i want to write projects in paws
<ELLIOTTCABLE> laaaaaawl
<eligrey> but paws isnt done enough i thought
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I mean if you want to write a *language* in paws, have fun
<eligrey> also i dont remember how2paws
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yeah it's p. simple
<ELLIOTTCABLE> graphs man, graphs
<eligrey> please dont describe how to use it though
<ELLIOTTCABLE> there's some important subtle shit that's changed, but lawlmeh
<ELLIOTTCABLE> how2docker
<ELLIOTTCABLE> how2vagrant
<ELLIOTTCABLE> how2containerization
<eligrey> i like to pretend im a pawspert by knowing you
<eligrey> but that's as far as i'm going atm
<eligrey> btw #elliottcable people this is an open source project
<eligrey> if you help me it helps the world and shit
<ELLIOTTCABLE> god, I love Paws
<ELLIOTTCABLE> idk hit up Indianfriend
<ELLIOTTCABLE> idk if he still needs mentorship
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but I'm bzy with school now
<eligrey> i'll literally pay you your local minimum wage (+$1/hr) + infinite hour flexibility
<ELLIOTTCABLE> discrete structures kicked my ass lawl.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> eligrey: don't you hold a CS undergrad degree, iirc?
<eligrey> nope
<eligrey> i never colleged
<ELLIOTTCABLE> well go learn some math
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and then help me some math
<eligrey> lol
<purr> lololol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ur gr8 purr
<eligrey> fuck that reminds me oftn-bot needs to be moved to my new host
<eligrey> #oftn is botless
<eligrey> gimme some purr in the meantime
<eligrey> have it autojoin
<eligrey> im in the middle of moving it all to ubuntu 16.04 so i cba with moving oftn-bot
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: want to procrastinate with me? do you like rocket league, rainbow six, or overwatch?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> he responds to invites
<ELLIOTTCABLE> or idk he might
<ELLIOTTCABLE> who knows, half of purr is broken
<eligrey> oh cool i'll try
<ELLIOTTCABLE> he's a beautiful broken bastard
<eligrey> yeah it worked
<ELLIOTTCABLE> don't fuck up my beloved factoids
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and he won't be an asshole anywhere but #ELLIOTTCABLE and #purr, so don't bother trying any of the fun things
<eligrey> i've already fucked up your beloved factoids behind your back for years
<eligrey> i've subtly altered like every factoid
* ELLIOTTCABLE pats eligrey gently
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I mean, there's a changelog, so, impossible ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<eligrey> as if you read it
<ELLIOTTCABLE> dude go to school with me
<ELLIOTTCABLE> how old are you
<ELLIOTTCABLE> come commiserate about being behind kids like micahjohnston
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -micahjohnston
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: http://ell.io/ifI8A
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: 22
<eligrey> but remember i'm moving to SF in june
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh lord you're young
<eligrey> so unless you move in with me lol
<purr> trololol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that explains so much
<eligrey> 23 in august
<ELLIOTTCABLE> purr: perfect application of trololol. approval.
<eligrey> i'm basically your age
<eligrey> except better
<ELLIOTTCABLE> lol. wat.
<eligrey> old=bad
<eligrey> less likelyhood of living until we have brain uploading = more likelyhood of dying permanently
<eligrey> i'm going to waste all of my money on gene therapy getting rid of my apoe3 gene lol
<eligrey> so i dont go crazy when im old
<eligrey> s/waste/responsibly spend/
<eligrey> i love the Genetic Information Nondiscrmination Act
<eligrey> i don't have to give a shit about mentioning apoe3 on your publicly logged channel
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: you're in chicago right?
<eligrey> other than less pollution, how do you like it compared to SF?
<eligrey> because you know you can get quality hepa filters for your house and car in SF so the smog isn't that bad
<ELLIOTTCABLE> care little about the clouds of smog, I just hate the clouds of smug
<ELLIOTTCABLE> sf people are my least fucking favourite people.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> or rather, s/people/culture/g
<ELLIOTTCABLE> because like half my friends live somewhere in that shithole of a state
<eligrey> but there are sooo many, just find the group that jives with you
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but they're almost all very, very unhappy there, and are getting out as soon as they get their <insert economic pipe dream here>
<ELLIOTTCABLE> i.e. “I'm gonna move to denver and start my own company as soon as we get bought” or “I want to live in Alaska but I need to build my nest-egg first” or “I'd love to live in New York or Chicago or Vancouver, but the jobs in my field just don't exist outside of the bay area” or …
<ELLIOTTCABLE> etcetcetc
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I just won't touch that shithole of a life with a ten-foot pole.
<eligrey> yeah i'm going there for jobs too
<ELLIOTTCABLE> if I end up there it's only if I get offered money to build programming languages, basically.
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: is their primary motivation to leave money though?
<eligrey> if you /own/ a house in sf it's not as bad i would assume
<ELLIOTTCABLE> which is basically … Mozilla. Because I hate Go, and I hate Java; Dart's dead; and I hate every dev-tooling product that's come out of Microsoft for a long, long time … and Google doesn't have enough control over TC39 as far as I can see for me to make a meaningful dent in JavaScript's direction, working for them … and those are the only players that
<ELLIOTTCABLE> pay for lang work
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so it's Rust or bust, I guess. and Rust is waaaaaay harder-core than I have the skillset and knowledge for, or even the interest, for that matter; so that's hella unlikely.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> maybe after I get some graduate schooling in mathematics and theoretical CS? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<eligrey> i'm more motivated to try out rust than paws though
<eligrey> actually i remember like 4 years ago i tried paws
<ELLIOTTCABLE> those are so compleeeeetely unrelated that it's almost funny
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's like Haskell vs. Rust
<eligrey> i dont remember what i did in it though
<ELLIOTTCABLE> no, actually, it's like Scheme vs. Rust
<ELLIOTTCABLE> anyway, no, not money
<ELLIOTTCABLE> disgusting, rotting startup culture.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the same reason I want nothing to do with it.
<eligrey> hm, depends on the startup but i get your point
<ELLIOTTCABLE> no, it really, really doesn't
<eligrey> btw what is your company?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> shut the fuck *up* about runways and acquisitions and capital and
<ELLIOTTCABLE> just go goddamn Build A Thing™.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Pinboard is literally the only person out there I see doing it remotely right. -_-
<eligrey> do you have a sole proprietorship / llc / corp / s-corp?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> like, the fact that you even ask that, is so fucking what I am talking about
<eligrey> well the first one is sorta implicit
<eligrey> if you answer freelancer
<eligrey> i'm not asking that in response to anything you've said
<eligrey> i'm just interested in what kind of stuff you've 'started up'
<ELLIOTTCABLE> lol. paws. anything before that is immaterial.
<purr> lol.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and for that matter, rather private.
<eligrey> anything other than investments that makes you passive income?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> when was the last time you saw me talk about my work in here? :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> in fact, fuck, I think there's a factoid about it from like 2001
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -find work
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Found: abstractsingletonproxyfactorybean, -_-, russfrank, working, and flamewar
<eligrey> you literally only talk about paws
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -flamewar
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: alexgordon’s starting a flamework up in heah
<eligrey> -working
<purr> eligrey: The channel is currently focused on a task. Please, for once, stay on-topic; at least until the project at hand is complete.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> well, historically … Paws, sex, alcohol, and feelings
<ELLIOTTCABLE> mostly Paws.
<eligrey> so i guess you live off stock investments and stuff?
<eligrey> wish i had enough from that
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh ugh there's a thing
<ELLIOTTCABLE> if you find out down the road, you will give me *so* much shit
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I just know it
<eligrey> lol are you talking about a company you inherited?
<eligrey> you mentioned your family money a bunch many years ago
<ELLIOTTCABLE> There's a hell of a lot I keep off the Internet; I keep a pretty intense way firewall between my Internet life and offline life, but I just feel like there's no way this doesn't get out >,<
* eligrey searches business filings for elliott cable
<eligrey> now i'm interested
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE probably doesn't own a delaware llc or corp
<eligrey> probably
<eligrey> i'm also bad at this
<eligrey> the us govt should make it easier to do country-wide owner searches
<eligrey> the official delaware.gov sites dont let me search by registered agent :|
<eligrey> either
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: can i at least get the industry? online services?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> lord in heaven, man
<eligrey> lol i found a lot of other random stuff though
<purr> loling
<eligrey> ok definitely not online stuff, it's got to be hardware
<ELLIOTTCABLE> anybody know if this is still true / necessary?
<eligrey> hm you have a rack full of bins of computer hardware
<eligrey> s/computer//
<eligrey> something
<eligrey> a lot of this stuff is for chemistry :S i'm not chem-smart
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: you have a lot of weird domains
<eligrey> have/had
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that is exceedingly true
<eligrey> pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis.info i didn't even know they were allowed to be that long
<ELLIOTTCABLE> they can be substantially longer.
<eligrey> also i'm confused with commerce.alaska.gov
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: is yreality still 'around'? i was getting no hits for it
<eligrey> checked in each of the states you've lived in for a while
<ELLIOTTCABLE> always remember:
<eligrey> ah thanks
<ELLIOTTCABLE> >> "63-characters-is-the-longest-possible-domain-name-for-a-website".length
<eligrey> that sucks for people who need to use punycode for long idn
<eligrey> wait actually not sure
<eligrey> some site said the email address elliottcable@yreality.net was on http://elliotattach.com/ at one point
<eligrey> but i'm doubting it
<eligrey> probably a bug
<eligrey> especially because elliot is their last name
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “Email Bonnie in Sales”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> dammit Bonnie
<eligrey> all about those padfoot shells ya know
<eligrey> your firewall is thick and fiery
<ELLIOTTCABLE> eligrey: wat.
<purr> beep.
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: btw you used to have nice fancy fonts on elliottcable.namme--what happened?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> idk u probably use google chrome, or another antiquated browser
<eligrey> some old cache of your site still works nicely
<ELLIOTTCABLE> antiquated browser (n.): any browser that isn't Safari because, I mean, really … why
<eligrey> apple has a conflict of interest with safari
<eligrey> they'll never make it capable of fully offline 'desktop-quality' apps
<ELLIOTTCABLE> lol the web is ded
<purr> lol
<eligrey> since if they implement serviceworkers then people don't have to pay apple 30% for their apps
<ELLIOTTCABLE> anyway: works fine for me, maybe I'll check it out from a university machine sometime? idk
<eligrey> well for webapps that seem entirely native
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 9 credit hours over the summer yahhhhhs
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gonna kill me.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> schoolicide.
<eligrey> yay stress
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: i bet you [arbitrary low amount of money] that safari will be the absolute last browser to support service workers
<eligrey> microsoft is already starting development for them in edge
<eligrey> and when they do support serviceworkers, it will only be at a time that google has a 50% higher market cap than them
<ELLIOTTCABLE> [arbitrary low amount of money]
<eligrey> yep, every arbitrary cent
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Limit[money, n -> 0]
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: did i mention that the open source project i'm 60% done with uses serviceworkers
<eligrey> and runs locally on your pc to poll feeds every hour
<eligrey> so this requires no server-side voodoo
<eligrey> simply include <script src="subscribe.js"/> on your page and magically you have background feed notifications
<eligrey> i do literally everything automatically no need to use any api
<eligrey> so you'll never get to experience this in sofargonei
* ELLIOTTCABLE pats eligrey
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: safari governance is whack
<eligrey> a couple years back i asked them to expose cpu core count in navigator.hardwareConcurrency, and they did but they limited to 8
<eligrey> because of 'fingerprinting concerns'
<eligrey> fingerprinting concerns have been a lost battle ever since they supported webgl
<eligrey> firefox and chrome governance recognize this so they implemented it without a cap
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: i'd imagine if webgl came out today in 2016, apple would limit it to 256x256 textures for 'fingerprinting concerns'
<eligrey> and make it useless
<eligrey> they'd also probably limit max vertex uniform vectors to 128 or something equally useless
<ELLIOTTCABLE> these sound like graphics words
<ELLIOTTCABLE> these are not my words
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: ^ everything on that page can be used for precise fingerprinting of your browser
<eligrey> when combined with all of eff's panopticlick stuff
<eligrey> google and mozilla have long stopped beating that horse
<eligrey> well that dead one
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: the worst part is i can already estimate actual core count to get an actually useful number
<eligrey> and* actually
<eligrey> oh misread my own message
<eligrey> an actual*
<eligrey> i don't know what i type
<eligrey> lol ignore both corrections because theyre wrong
<purr> lololol
<eligrey> i should stop reading what i type and trying to correct shit
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: wtf
<ELLIOTTCABLE> “Person who say it cannot be done should not interrupt person doing it. --Chinese Proverb”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> laughing so hard; I love this
<eligrey> you have a hundred fucking thousand tweets
<eligrey> i can't even comprehend how twitterdicted you are
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm a heavy, daily Twitter user? :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Twitter and iMessage are basically where I live my life.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Used to be a lot of IRC, but not so much nowadays
<eligrey> maybe if i had followers i'd tweet more
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and weirdly-much Snapchat in the last 6 months or so
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<eligrey> ask your followers to give me a follow infusion
<ELLIOTTCABLE> wow, that's the … whiniest sounding commentary on Twitter I've ever heard :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> you've got it backwards:
<eligrey> i know but i'm lazy
<ELLIOTTCABLE> you'd have more followers if you tweeted more¹.
<eligrey> i dont want to make things
<ELLIOTTCABLE> (1. modulo quality.)
<eligrey> i just want to complain about things on the internet
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gq! eligrey is speaking to me. send help.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> aw, that was mean.
* ELLIOTTCABLE hugs eligrey
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I lvoe you all
<ELLIOTTCABLE> here have buttsex
<ELLIOTTCABLE> if you want, consensually of course
<eligrey> giving me buttsex and then asking for my consent
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I really hope Facebook doesn't turn off the add-flowers-to-messages thing they got going on right now
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but I suspect it's just around for Mother's Day >:
<eligrey> where are the tumblr police i need help
* gq sends help to ELLIOTTCABLE
<gq> lol
<purr> lol
<eligrey> pretty sure i'm the victim here gq
<ELLIOTTCABLE> god *damn* ellioteyes look intense in italic monospace
<gq> pfff
<eligrey> you seriously call them that omg
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I look at that and I go ‘wow, that ELLIOTTCABLE dude is *not* fuckin' around’
<ELLIOTTCABLE> eligrey: actually, a huge subculture in one shitty town in a shitty state calls them that
<eligrey> neat i guess
<ELLIOTTCABLE> because I was the only person who used them, and I used them in Extreme Excess in the early '10s
<eligrey> i think i outgrew the look of disapproval
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yeah, the same, ish
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I got reminded the other day when somebody from the Deep Past texted me something and used them and then called them that
<ELLIOTTCABLE> always with one t tho
<ELLIOTTCABLE> fuck people who can't be arsed to spell your name rite ಠ_ಠ
<eligrey> i removed my auto replace thing in my irc client that replaced >.> with ಠ_ಠ
<eligrey> >.> is dank enough
<eligrey> i dont need any more memes
<gq> ಠ_ಠ is the original meme
<purr> Let it be known that gq disapproves of is the original meme.
<gq> purr: ...right
<gq> yolo 420
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ugh there's worse ones now
<ELLIOTTCABLE> except I can't remember 'em 'cuz I'm old now
<ELLIOTTCABLE> god gq come save me from all of the teenagers
<ELLIOTTCABLE> my life is so full of teenagers
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> teenage siblings, teenage classmates,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's like #ELLIOTTCABLE writ large
<gq> lol. i only have one teenager left for the next year
<purr> LOLNOPE
<gq> then my sister will be 18
<gq> and then it's only various toddler-sized niblings
<ELLIOTTCABLE> … 18 is still a teen
<gq> point
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<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: aren't you 27/28?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> def. like 30
<eligrey> whaaat
<eligrey> omg you are old
<eligrey> so this is what happens to people when they get old
<eligrey> that's scary
<gq> they turn into ELLIOTTCABLE
<gq> it's true
<gq> we didn't want to tell you because we knew you'd react like this
<gq> it will all be okay eligrey
<gq> don't worry
<gq> don't stress
* ELLIOTTCABLE pats eligrey
<ELLIOTTCABLE> breathe deep eligrey
<ELLIOTTCABLE> you'll be okay
<eligrey> i'm having a midlife crisis by proxy
<gq> hahaha
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