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<Pyrrh> I'm pretty sure ec is no longer speaking to me because appalled xD
<Pyrrh> <--- persona non grata
<ljharb> Pyrrh: appalled at what
<ec> what
<Pyrrh> radio waves are made of light
<ec> no, my phone died
<ec> :P
<Pyrrh> lol
<Pyrrh> Which I did not know
<ec> I told you that it was!
<Pyrrh> FINEFINE technological excuses prevail
<ec> perfect timing tho
<Pyrrh> haha yes you did I'm just giving you shit <3
<ec> <criticize Pyrrh> <phone immediately dies>
<ec> so I think I'm gonna pick up a ICOM IC-7100 on sale
<Pyrrh> ^^ that exact thing
<ec> and a Comet UHV-6 antenna
<ljharb> everything is made of light
<ljharb> e equals mc squared, yo
<ec> ljharb: well, they thought radio was sound waves, so, like, ;)
<ljharb> i mean, they're all forms of EM radiation :-p
<ljharb> well, all forms of radiation.
<ljharb> physics is fun
<ec> sound-pressure waves aren't radiation o_O
<ec> ljharb what are you smoking
<Pyrrh> I can't physics. It's my most insurmountable shortcoming
* ec waves from a distance
<ec> Pyrrh: I can't drawing
<ec> personally
<Pyrrh> ooh I see what you did there
<Pyrrh> :3 we all have something
<ec> everything else, time, effort, or as a last resort, money, has overcome or will overcome
<ec> but drawing? fucking nope
<Pyrrh> lol well at least you get it :P
<ec> I don't even like it
<ec> I am not art
<ec> but like
<ec> it pisses me off that I'm so bad
<ec> and about once every three years I get all fed up and do my whole I WILL. CONQUER. THIS. thing
<ec> and ... fail
<ec> lol
<Pyrrh> I started out as hardware engineering instead of software but I was like NOOOOOOPE as soon as I remembered I can spend literally all my time studying physics and still fuck up the basics
<ljharb> ec: it's not a radiation of physical vibrations?
<ec> hm, wow, I ... am not sure about the answer to that
<ljharb> ec: it's not electromagnetic but it's still energy being transmitted in the form of compression waves
<ec> what even is the technical definition of radiation
<ec> just that it expands radiatively?
<ec> or, what
<ljharb> yeah maybe i'm playing fast and loose with the dictionary
<ec> like yeah I'm lost tbh
<ljharb> physics is still fun
<Pyrrh> lmao
<ec> ljharb, come get your ham w/ me
<Pyrrh> that's usually the case ;)
<ec> u 2 Pyrrh
<ec> let's try and dx with eachother
<Pyrrh> sure! no time like the present to learn
<ec> pronounced β€œdix w/ each other”
<ljharb> ham?
<Pyrrh> how many dollars are they
<ec> lmao cheap as fuck nowadays
<ljharb> i like ham but that second thing doesn't sound as delicious
<Pyrrh> oh bby yes let's dix
<ec> Baofeng UV-5R+ is like. fifty bucks? less?
<Pyrrh> oh that's not bad at all
<ec> I mean you can spend Arbitrarily Much, it's definitely one of those hobbies
<ec> one of the transceivers I very briefly looked into for my Ideal Car Setup is, like, fucking $8,999
<ec> no antenna, no wiring, that's literally just the *box*
<Pyrrh> but like besides dixing with irc peeps what could I use it for?
<ec> it's an β€˜expands to fill the available resources’ hobby in terms of time, too: you can get arbitrarily obsessive about your rig's SWR and radiated efficiency and shit
<ec> (look at me, using these terms like I have the slightest idea what they mean! yay!)
<Pyrrh> woo go you!
* Pyrrh throws a ticker tape parade
<ec> well so basically the *real* point of amateur radio is that it's extremely, extremely fucking reliable and simple
<ec> in a zombie apocalypse, you could still talk to people in fucking London; or more usefully, radiate and exchange messages in your larger-local area
<ec> in *practice*, it's a social thing, afaict
<ec> a lot like this IRC channel: people get on and shoot the shit about ... whatever ... with other ham ops
<Pyrrh> or more realistically, assuming both me and the equipment survived it, the imminent earthquake/volcano implosion of the PNW
<Pyrrh> that english was terrible
<ec> it's also just all fun from a technical aspect: again, it's actually pretty *technically* simple; almost all of the gear that you can spend lots of money on, you can also *build*, yourself, from scratch, and watch it work
<Pyrrh> assumbing both the equipment and I survived it
<ec> yeah: during 9/11 in NYC, literally every communications infrastructure went to shit,
<Pyrrh> okay building one would be super cool
<ec> so the fire/police/emergency responders collected friends who were HAMs, and the HAMs kept all the emergency responders in touch across the city
<ec> because it's the lowest-common-denominator, basically
<Pyrrh> that's pretty neato
<ec> same thing happened in Hurricane Katrina
<ec> and there's N+1 stories about HAMs hearing, and rescuing, <random dude on shitty Wal-Mart CB radio, stuck with a broken leg somewhere in Yosemite> from halfway across the continent
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<ec> so yeah: barrier-to-entry is basically zilch (buy $50 handheld radio or even build one, learn the terms and physics and Morse code); and it's a hobby with a weird cross-section of people (ancient crusty engineers; semi-truck drivers; TEOTWAWKI survivalists; software / Web peeps; hunters / backwoods-livers)
<Pyrrh> that sounds like my kind of people and I've always meant to learn morse code for some reason
<ec> (don't buy anything more expensive from Baofeng, though β€” they're only fun b/cuz they're surprisingly full-featured for being freakin' $25 lol; but there's much better options anywhere above $100)
<ec> oh and maybe invest a few bucks in a better antenna; a whip (long thin metal fling thing) will do you much better than the duckbill (stubby rubber thick motherfucker) that comes with it.
<ec> also ##hamradio
<ec> β€œFurther, by definition, people interested in 2-way radios are VERY talkative,”
<ec> I fucking lol'd,
<ec> Oh, wow. The amount that I love this physically *hurts*.
<ec> Chicago is bae.
<Pyrrh> ec: got distracted making yarn. what's difficult?
<ec> Pyrrh: come beat me at cw-encoding
<Pyrrh> mmmmmm maybe over winter break lol
<ec> no right now i demand it
<ec> no i lied i'm going bed
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<ec> guess what this is
<pikajude> not loading
<ec> y
<pikajude> because godaddy
<ec> damnit pikajude
<pikajude> it wasn't my fault
<pikajude> Ok it's some kind of
<pikajude> printed medium
<ec> hahah
<ec> it's an entire operating system.
<ec> printed out.
<pikajude> oh
<pikajude> Which one
<ec> xv6
<pikajude> Oh
<ec> there's a Lethal Weapon TV show!?
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