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Okay, completely bored at work so researched a bit on epoxies and such.. I am planning on using certain solvents (think to remove PR) that seem to attack quite a bit of stuff.. well, I figure I need the lab table covered in something protective so I searched for such epoxies.. commercial ones are only available to companies or are way too overpriced
I came across RDGE, Resorcinol diglycidyl ether, CAS: 101-90-6
fairly easy to make by oneself, Resorcinol in an excess of Epichlorohydrin, heated up to reflux and dropwise add NaOH in ethanol or similar
kind of curious regarding about epoxies further.. I rememebr there was a guy in here that was talking about making his own
anywho, I figure add some UV reactive curing/hardener to the mix and you have a nice PR
I havent looked too much into the PR aspects of it, because, honestly, I just want a resistant lab bench at an acceptable price
I would test a small amount of a cured blob or whatever in certain solvents, and if it gains weight/noticeable swelling than I must have done something wrong ;)
btw, the main compound in most epoxies for fiberglas and such is Bisphenol A based (bisphenal a diglycidyl ether) versus Resorcinol.. but fairly similar
but bisphenol gets attacked readily in comparrison
my idea (for the lab bench) is to use RDGE with some novolac resin, and dilute it with acetone or similar (it evaporates fast) plus the curing agent
heh, work sucks ;)
another half hour or so then I'm heading home.. my home box should get any responses if someone comes up with something to say (even regarding PR)
what do you mean by PR?
Photo Resist
my application in this scenario is as an epoxy for a lab bench, chemical resistant