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<mjgardes> I'm also more interested in just vacuum deposition than doing CMOS myself
<mjgardes> I bought an old rotary vane pump a couple weeks ago and suddenly a bunch of people want me to metallize their telescope mirrors
<mjgardes> Gonna be a while before that happens...
<Sync> it is not really that hard, you should be set up pretty quickly
<SpeedEvil> Metalising is dead easy
<SpeedEvil> hard overcoating is fun
<mjgardes> true
<SpeedEvil> Just an Al coat, untreated - dead easy
<mjgardes> The pump isn't quite performing as well as it's supposed to. May need a bit of work to get it to pump down far enough.
<SpeedEvil> you can cheat somewhat.
<SpeedEvil> sorbtion pumps - Ti/Nb wire (?) in a tube cooled to ~room temperature
<Sync> for Al thermal evap a turbo is really helpful
<SpeedEvil> The Ti film is quite effective at absorbing most atoms
<Sync> just a rotary is borderline
<SpeedEvil> depends how much backstreaming you get of course
<Sync> I have gone completely dry pumped
<mjgardes> Worth a try
<SpeedEvil> Any idea of what actual pressure you're hitting?
<mjgardes> about 0.45 torr
<SpeedEvil> That's not very low.
<mjgardes> nope
<mjgardes> I think it has been stored in an outdoor shed for the last few winters
<SpeedEvil> Is it an oil pump?
<mjgardes> yeah
<SpeedEvil> you could try replacing the oil
<SpeedEvil> Or remove, heat.
<mjgardes> Yup. I do have some fresh oil.
<SpeedEvil> Though what's the pump actually specced at?
<mjgardes> opening the gas ballast for a few hours helped a little
<mjgardes> hard to say, it lacks documentation on the internet
<SpeedEvil> I have wondered about stupid stuff. Placing the mechanical pump in a easily-pumped by sorbtion pump atmosphere.
<mjgardes> I think 5E-3 is the theoretical max
<Sync> well, it is quite common to have sorption pumps to preevacuate larger chambers before putting the turbos on