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<Noxz> does shorter wavelength UV light help create high resolution/pitch on PR?
<Noxz> higher
<SpeedEvil> yes
<SpeedEvil> shorter wavelength than extreme UV is also difficult to work with
<SpeedEvil> hence the use of highly multiple patternings
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<Noxz> is there a known extreme UV laser/whatever that consumers can buy at a decent price?
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<Sync> you can go to AMAT and ask them if they will sell one of their wafer steppers
<Sync> (protip: they won't)
<SpeedEvil> They might, if you bring your own semi-trailer.
<SpeedEvil> Full of $100 bills.
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<Noxz> ;)
<Noxz> what would be the lowest wavelength I could get?
<Sync> that depends on what you want to spend and what your targeted feature size is
<Noxz> I think what is available to a consumer would dictate what the feature size I could attain
<Sync> well you can buy whatever you want, it just depends on your market position and the money you are willing to spend
<Noxz> I don't see myself spending more than $1k on such a thing, and even that might seem a bit steep
<Sync> add two zeros and then we are starting to talk
<Noxz> right
<Noxz> doesn't su-8 require simple UV-A light?
<Sync> sure
<Sync> usually you are using the Hg I line
<Sync> but if you are unwilling to spend more than 1k you can basically stop thinking about it altogether
<Noxz> oh? I thought homecmnos was about doing it at home
<Noxz> and not requiring such massively expensive equipment
<SpeedEvil> Anything homecmos doesn't require red lasers
<SpeedEvil> never-mind UV
<Noxz> hrrmm
<Sync> sure, but 1k is about the absolute minimum you are going to spend on every piece of process equipment
<SpeedEvil> Even 650nm would be very ambitious at home.
<Sync> well, the most affordable solution would be a 1µ step contact litho machine
<Noxz> I was looking at piezo linear drives
<Sync> or direct laser litho, although that needs annoying R&D + expensive stages
<Sync> piezo linear drives are nice, but they can't really provide the travel you need to effectively use them
<Sync> 99.99% of the time spent will be process development
<Noxz> well, if I am only doing 1cmx1cm ..
<Noxz> I am not mass producing something
<Sync> and for that you need wafer area so your yield goes up
<Sync> even 1x1cm is a lot for piezo drives
<Noxz> I found a dual axis one not too long ago
<Noxz> for somewhat inexpensive
<Sync> there are quite good ballscrew driven microstages to be had on the second hand market
<Sync> with travel in the 50mm range
<Sync> which is ideal
<Sync> so you can use 2 or 3" wafers
<Noxz> but I am saying what I am making, little tiny gears, like for MEMS, does not need much travel
<Sync> the best would be 4" wafers, as they are still quite common
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<Sync> sure, but usually you'd want to make quite alot of them to get some that work
<Sync> which tends to get annoying with small samples
<Noxz> I can manually move the wafer over an inch myself
<Noxz> ;)
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<Sync> sure, but manual intervention is annoying... I'd rather use some mechanical stages
<Noxz> sure
<Noxz> but, for fine tuning stuff, the drives seem available
<Noxz> if need be have them ride ontop of bigger ballscrews
<Sync> ballscrew driven stages acheive good enough resolution for all practical purposes
<Noxz> hrm
<Noxz> I may consider it
<Noxz> but the topic at hand is LASERs ;)
<Sync> mine resolve around 200nm
<Sync> and with blue lasers you are well within the minimum focus you will acheive
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