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<caiortp> I'm using pulseaudio with iMX6 Solo, but the audio is crackling, terrible, someone knows a basic configuration to improve the audio?
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<dv_> unfortunately there are *many* possible reasons for audio problems
<dv_> issues with the alsa driver, issues in the installed pulseaudio version, constant ring buffer underruns due to not enough time slices for the audio threads etc.
<dv_> I've never configured pulseaudio, I only used it on the desktop, pre-configured by the distro, but I'd guess one of the primary reasons could be that pulseaudio is sending too small buffers to alsa (small buffers means more buffers per second, hence more overhead)
<dv_> but that's a wild guess
<caiortp> thanks dv_
<caiortp> It's my first time with pulseaudio in embedded
<caiortp> I trying to configure the default-fragments and default-fragment-size-msec
<caiortp> I'm having some problem with audio, the first was configure two sgtl5000 codecs
<caiortp> the sgtl5000 can't handle more than one codec
<caiortp> sgtl5000 driver*
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