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<hste> jas-hacks_: got x up running :) it was the gpu-viv driver that was too old
<jas-hacks_> hste: good, do any of the viv samples works?
<hste> yes the work. about 80fps on tutorial7 on 1080P
<jas-hacks_> can you pastebin the xorg.log
<jas-hacks_> what does glxgears give you?
<hste> in the downloaded image it gave 78 if I remember. I'm running a ownbuilt with xfce and its slow using the mesa
<hste> I'll try the other one again. brb
<jas-hacks_> doesn't look like its runnnig with acceleration
<hste> nope but the one with only fsl-image-gui did. I start it up now
<hste> that one gives about 70 on glxgears
<hste> I guess the xfce one had the mesa mess
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<jas-hacks_> does glmark2-es2 run?
<hste> only have glmark2-x11 and it got black screen
<hste> jas-hacks_: my fault. forgot to cp the modules. now its working on xfce glxgears about 64
<hste> es2gears_x11 gives about 230fps
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