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[jruby] jrubyci pushed 1 new commit to master:
jruby/master 8dab723 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] During warmup some benchmarks become metamorphic until splitting, so need to explicitly transfer.
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chrisseaton: hey, interested in your thoughts on a known problem: call sites rooting temporary objects
e.g. a singleton object method cached at a call site will keep that object alive forever... unlike non-singleton object methods, which will only keep that class alive
could be avoided by having call sites be a weak reference, but that obviously means traversing a weak reference every time (along with the many other reasons weak references can get messy)
won't that just reference the singleton class
we have opted to just not fix it, and have it be a known side effect of method caching that singleton objects may stick
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[jruby] jrubyci pushed 3 new commits to master:
jruby/master be557da Thomas E. Enebo: Make frame requirement calculation a small method in ACP
jruby/master 9d24f55 Thomas E. Enebo: Register end block to toplevel scope so JIT can know it exists
jruby/master 0961f2d Thomas E. Enebo: For methods and other scopes do not mandatorily not allow ACP to run on them...
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the singleton class holds a reference back to the object
ah yeah
is it a memory leak problem, or are people expecting objects to disappear from weak references, ObjectSpace and finalisers and things?
we tried to make that connection weak once, but we ended up with a bunch of methods in flight that no longer had an "attached" object
the latter... it's not really an unbounded leak, since it will only retain as many objects as there are live call sites
that's another reason we haven't prioritized researching a fix
ah well if it's the latter, tell people that GC guarantees you nothing ever and to get used to it - not even MRI guarantees that :)
sounds about like our official policy on the matter
it might be worth looking at having the class reference stored in the call site be weak *only* when that class reference is to a singleton class
that would mean singleton methods require weakref traversal at call sites, but singletons usually trigger heavy invalidation anyway and don't cache well
And of course we need to use that policy for IR tmporary variables pinning objects unless we introduce a pass to nil out temp vars after they are no longer referenced
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enebo: yeah, that will be an interesting one...old JIT and old interpreter likely had the same issues though
local variable in Java that holds a reference to something it shouldn't...same effect
those are all over the AST interpreter
headius: well AST interp probably did not have it since everything was a function call with a return from a function
one option is deopt-alot - Graal does this - deoptimize and clear call sites every now and again
headius: we did have living nodes hold some values so I concede a little bit of it
good for the case where your setup code uses on call site cache, but never again
Truffle doesn't use it yet though
chrisseaton: yeah, I have been thinking about how to productively do periodic flushing
one of the indy smalltalk impls does a periodic flush
had a thread on a timer, deoptimsie everything, clear all caches, start going again - not great in the middle of a request though
could also track all call sites currently holding references to weakrefs and only periodically flush those
it gets messy every way though
er, holding references to singleton objects
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we could have a chaos monkey - randomly deoptimising methods and resetting call sites - but not all at once, just one at a time here and there
would be very probabilistic (so guarantees nothing, just like the GC)
at least we're not in Jython's position with ref count semantics
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chrisseaton: eesh, don't remind me
pretty sure they just punt on it though
is the truffle python doing ref counting?
the conclusion was we wanted to support --help in RUBYOPT, so instead of changing the behaviour that's why I included the strict option
asarih: sorry I thought this was recent
chrisseaton: so we can certainly support it. It was more whether we want to go through the trouble
chrisseaton: I don’t quite read that we want it supported from this issue though. More we did not want to take the time to fix it
I'm happy to do that if it's ok
chrisseaton: yeah that would be great since you would kill two birds with one stone
of our remaining 61 failing tags that is about 20 of them
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ok - it's on my todo list
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enebo: I modified InterpretedIRMethod to only JIT IRMethod instances, and with that change every method successfully JITs running rspec with threshold=0
I'm not sure if it's valuable to JIT non-method bodies (other than blocks) but we can revisit that later if we like
headius: ah yeah I did not check to see where that was ahppeneing
ahh you saw the cast errors?
headius: yeah I do not remember the exact reason for doubling down on using interpretedIRMethod for non methods but it was probably just easier to implement
yeah... InterpretedIRMethod is really just a vessel
headius: I did not but I knew last week when I saw no debug info
it may be the only DynamicMethod for all IR soon
headius: I corrected that problem (debugging) by moving the debug above JIT check
I guess I see it clear the same flag in computeScopeFlags
ZSuperInstr does
in compuireScopeFlags
chrisseaton: I asked a question about your tags above too
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enebo: I'd already removed them as we were running specs with the strict option, but thanks for the reminder
chrisseaton: ah ok
JRuby is clearly doing something strange with JavaCV, my ruby code calling openCV works always, but java .class works never, and java .jar works only if ruby has called openCV.
chrisseaton: maybe I should have reviewed this, but Rubinius has to do almost all the same tricks to make Array and String internals accessible from C
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e.g. copying data back and forth, duplicating content in native heap and managed heap
oh didn't know they actually did copying
post a comment :)
they have to...they don't have pinning and lifecycles of object handles will cross GC boundaries
byteit101: If I had to guess Mat is trying to load something else not in your classpath
byteit101: try ‘java_import “theclass”’ and see if you get a better error
byteit101: I think java_import for some reason has a more detailed error
yea, except it works *after* jruby has called it
byteit101: nice to see you btw :)
indeed, I also made some fixes to jrubyfx recently
supports j8 now
byteit101: great
chrisseaton: Did I see an earlier version of this blog post?
chrisseaton: It feels like I read this already
chrisseaton: Out of all the stuff you guys have done the thing which has blown my mind the most is the C interpreter :)
enebo: we sent out the Modularity paper draft a month or more ago
chrisseaton: It is one of the more unintuitive solutions to the non-inlining issue (at least to me)
chrisseaton: FYI, tweets that start with @ only go to that person and people who follow you both
oh bollocks
that's why people will insert a space or . before a leading handle
I mean it make sense but it I never ever thought of it as a solution
enebo: java_import has no effect
Rubinius pins Strings
we could pin Arrays as well, but don't at the moment
brixen: so as long as the handle is alive, that string cannot be moved, yes?
by the GC, that is
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brixen: thanks for clarifying...what's the lifecycle of handles + pinning in that case? Can a String stay pinned even after C ext call returns to Ruby?
chrisseaton: FWIW, JVM accessors for array elements (which I believe we use in our C ext stuff) *can* pin, but I'm not sure if they do on most current JVMs
if you've allocated on the heap, you've already lost for a lot of the benchmarks
We also lost because we go through JNI :)
well, I make no claims that JNI could ever be efficient for C ext
and that's probably the biggest reason we ditched C ext support
enebo: interesting. java_import 'org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core$Mat' results in same error as java, but simply putting the reference `org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core::Mat` (w/o backticks) works and fixes it just like java
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byteit101: I guess technically $ is an internal encoding thing
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opencv_core is a class with "public static class Mat" inside it
byteit101: internally the class is named that but in Java and Ruby we cannot refer to an inner class with a $
at a lang-level
yes, well, it can't find it with . or :: inside a string
NameError: cannot load Java class org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat
NameError: cannot link Java class org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core$Mat, probable missing dependency: org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core$Mat.allocate()V
which is the same error as java get
headius, enebo i am lazy to read the scrollback now .. so, will let you two figure it out .. have to also focus on some parsoid things.
subbu: yeah I'm on it, just FYI
byteit101: I think using :: makes sense and . does not but the string form probably does not split on :: which is a bug
NameError: cannot load Java class org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core::Mat
want me to report that as an issue?
byteit101: yes please
byteit101: I also believe this code is in core/src/main/ruby/* so you may even be able to fix if that tickles your fancy
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cool, though I think my jruby source is > 1 year out of date so I may need to pull :D
any idea on why the const ref can fix the java and jruby errors loading the jni class?
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byteit101: I predict you fix :: on the string form and it will do the same thing
byteit101: It is probably classforname on the opencv_core::Mat as a single name
I don't, thats a seperate bug
because simply calling my java class ( causes the error
and adding a reference to Mat in jruby fixes it
bleh, I need to step debug ACP to find this
I have no idea why it's adding frame and scope
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headius, is it happening in interp mode as well?
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enebo: it boils down to a JavaUtilities.get_proxy_class('org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core::Mat') call which gets into the guts of jruby fast. Should I just replace :: with $ in the java_import (impl ruby) or the get_proxy_class (impl java) or lower?
subbu: checking
the actual conversion is in javasupport, which looks to be called by everything
subbu: yes
so should be simpler to debug in interpreter land.
byteit101: You could do it on Ruby side we do not document get_proxy_class but if it receives a Ruby string it basically just does a Class.forName
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ok, yea i figured that out after several layers of abstraction
byteit101: It would be a starting point anyways. I see lots of consumers of that internally so perhaps we go sleuthing after you make a PR
byteit101: My only other thought is that ‘org::bytedeco::javacpp::opencv_core… is valid
byteit101: I don’t think we want to try every permutation
sub(/::/, "$") ?
that way only $ can be replaced ?
byteit101: but do we do n tries?
org$bytedeco$javacpp .. or org.bytecodeco$javacpp …
oh, no
not in the code I saw
byteit101: I guess I am realizing :: and . create some ambiguity
but you can have innner classes in inner classes
I guess it could try n times from the back
forward references are ‘.’ initially and rear references are ‘$’
Start with all ‘.’ then all but last ‘$’ then all but last two as ‘$'
yea, though I always though java_import was java-style syntax
byteit101: well we could do that too
byteit101: If it is a string we just punt and ‘::’ won’t work
hence I didn't realize what you were talking about with gsub("::",".")
byteit101: If it is not possible then I guess we could then just throw an error
byteit101: with a helpful message
byteit101: I was thinking about it from the angle of it working anyways
enebo, subbu: looks like super instructions all get a %block argument even if there isn't one
byteit101: but with multiple tries this seems icky
that's causing it to full deopt
I did like the idea of making it slightly more consistent with :: => $ only
but I agree with your ick
maybe that check on CallBase should just go away?
we have other checks for closures in lexical scope
* subbu
is busy with deploys. back later.
headius: I don’t think we can remove it unless you know the method the super is in cannot have an implicit block
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headius: A super can pass the block through…we could possibly not use block(0:0) and use an actual temp
but only zsuper does it without explicitly passing something, right?
or have I forgotten super's crazy semantics?
actually no, that still shouldn't matter for this because it's still not a block in this lexical scope
headius: I was referring to the implicit nature of blocks overall. I guess in that sense we do pass it around internally
it's from some other scope
headius: yeah so perhaps I am wrong. Maybe it can be eliminated. I am confused on %block’s role in analysis. I know for inlining it is important since we can have mutliple blocks in play in that scenario
each one needs to be renamed and kept track of
this check basically just says if there's ANY block passed to a call, deopt
even if it's not a literal block
and supers all get a block param regardless of containing method
yeah so implicit block we just pass down to super anyways I think
headius: in debug output if you see it have (0:1) or syntax like that is refers to depth/offset which means binding
So you probably see %block(0:0) = recv_closure as third instr of that method
yes, 0:0
if it's a literal closure, after linearization I should see WrappedIRClosure as the operand, right?
I need to change this logic to only deopt for literal blocks, not blocks passed in other ways like &block
wrappedirclosure is for a lexical closure
that's the deopt case
what is?
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we are talking about receiving a closure to the method
so we we a live Block instance and store it into a variable of some kind
oh shit…hahaha…Something was confusing me with -S ast —ir and I just realized what it is
I am seeing every method print out as broken
It is storing variables away but has no binding push
but in prepareForInterpretation we add ACP in an if statement
So ast program does not know that and prints it out without that pass
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not really related to what you are talking about but I cannot see what it is actually doing because AST no longer works correctly
I guess I can run these and generate the output with debug on
I'm trying an instanceof check on the closure operand... if it's WrappedIRClosure I trigger deopt
but I'm worried about WrappedIRClosure getting loaded into an intermediate temp var
for which instr?
in CallBase
on the callsite site not the definition side
subbu: Today is rough. I'll give master a look tomorrow.
weird...ALMOST everything works, but I get two failures in rubyspec: Java::JavaLang::ClassCastException: org.jruby.RubyClass cannot be cast to org.jruby.runtime.Block
enebo: yes, call site's the calls (supers) that are causing deopt unnecessarily
any call that passes a block arg through would deopt with the current code, though
headius: I am not sure exactly I am following what you are trying to do but I will point this case &a will just contain an IRubyObject whereas a foo {} would contain a WrappedIRClosure
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(IRubyObject == variable accessed)
enebo: that cause would deopt for the proc {} call
&b block passing should never cause deopt
well here let me show you something and perhaps we can change it
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headius: The def for the foo above generates this:
b(0:0) = recv_closure
%block(0:1) = copy(b(0:0))
none of that should cause deopt
but call(... %block) does
and should not
headius: What I am wondering is whether load store pass is convering block to a temp
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%t_b_2 = recv_closure
%t_%block_3 = copy(%t_b_2)
yeah it does rename the block
enebo: def foo; bar(&b); end deopts
that's what I'm trying to fix, because it's affecting all supers since they implicitly pass block through
yeah I see
but my patch causes two failures...weird ones, like it doesn't know where to load the block from anymore
I can show you what I have
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enebo: there's no need to deopt anything there, I'm 99% sure
This is not all passes applied but it does not eliminate the scope
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subbu: headius realized if it is a variable for closure and not a lexical one it should not deopt
subbu: but I am guessing either load/stores make it deopt after he tries to make callbase smarter about closure argument
subbu: Maybe related question we must be able to run ACP multiple times? Or does interp and JIT run it exactly once at the end?
headius: 99%…I like those odds
acp cannot run multiple time.
well, once you add a push/pop binding, you dont need to add it again.
unless you want to remove all of those and rerun the pass .. not sure why you would want to.
subbu: unless you apply a pass which removes the reason you added those instrs in the first place
I'm getting this behavior running threshold=0
subbu: I guess I don’t either since I was going to say inlining but that would be a new method
I feel like I'm not communicating something well
makes sense.
headius: Did my description sound right?
enebo: after my fix, it does not deopt...but a yield somewhere in a spec blows up trying to find its block
in the interpreter
shoot, I bet that's it
headius: ok that is different
it's removing the scope but not doing local var load/store
yield is using it implicitly
in that case it cannot deopt
getting IR for the broken case
since a lexical closure is trying to access it
more importantly how can push_binding not exist if the scope has load/stores in it?
Seems a little more primal to me
ok, both failures are the same thing
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headius, enebo you probably already know this .. but when for scope foo in that example above, here is what I see: For scope:INSTANCE_METHOD foo[-e:0], escaped binding? true; require frame? true; require binding? true
headius, i cannot build with the diff patch.
subbu: I was thinking about debugging IR and it would be nice if we stored enums for reason why a flag was toggled
subbu: possible even a full object
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subbu: run with indy and that won't happen
but this affects interpreter anyway
I removed a method JVM6 needed
ah, ok.
subbu: we could print out pass and instr/oper or some other info so we know why some flag was marked
testing that this rebuilds and then I will update patch
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headius, ok .. i can copy that code outside the mspec harness and run it directly .. the failure is reproduced.
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yopp: cast aside your preconceptions about C code, and think of it as a language like any other - an if statement in C is very much like one in Ruby
yopp: and we run it very much like we do Ruby
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so basically instead of AOT compilation, you will, uh, interprete C?
enebo: so do you think I should add "::" -> "$" and make java_import with strings slightly more rubyish, or leave it $ only as a "I am importing this java reference into ruby, and that is how the jvm specifies it"
it should be at least two deep, right?
yopp: yeah, and if we are interpreting both C and Ruby, we can interpret them together, and the division between Ruby and C becomes irrelevant
I bet receive_closure logic is not getting fixed when we optimize leaf scope away
oh, but if scope goes away, it *should* be at depth zero
byteit101: I think it should be documented as saying this is Java calling format but we can probably look for ‘::’ in code and generate a better error message since I don’t think that is allowable in classname
because having backtrace to C code is sounds a-w-e-s-o-m-e
yopp: yeah - we've had that idea - both C extension and Ruby code in one unified backtrace
yopp: maybe with all the local variables from both languages shown as well
chrisseaton, but what about platform specific stuff? If we have shitty driver, with platform-specific intstructions, then what?
yopp: plus performance and allocation profiling, step debugging through C code...
headius: yeah either depth is wrong it should be (1:0) or something removed a recv_closure from the block
headius, yeayeayea!
pretty exciting stuff
yopp: it's unlikely to work for all code - but it can also call compiled native code if you have it - so you can call into your database driver or your Qt library, or your Win32 API or whatever
I am confused about this error case I thought the optimization only worked if not a lexical closure
chrisseaton: so you would parse c calls to code you don't have source for as FFI calls?
optimize dynamic scope pass removes dynscope from closure if it's a leaf
|jemc|: yeah, and the FFI is very fast as the JIT knows about C calls
and then fixes up scope load/store to have depth - 1
headius: yeah fixes the depth
FFI is a great use case - no wrapper or configuration layer - write a line of inline C to include the header and make the call
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chrisseaton: attractive indeed
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|jemc| yopp will you be at RubyConf?
enebo: I'll try to get the IR for the surrounding body
there's so much dumped out
nope, I don't have US visa :|
chrisseaton: nope, unfortunately I can't get away
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but I'll be sure to follow your progress :)
ah right - we'll I'll try to get around to some more EU conferences and show it off
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[jruby] jrubyci pushed 1 new commit to master:
chrisseaton: waiting for a plane right now... saw your blog post about C ext on truffle/jruby... have you tried running cFFI under that implementation?
enebo: I think that's it...surrounding scope does not have a recv_closure here
so never allocates slot for the block and it's getting used for something else
laughing at subbu not like that extra output :)
Aethenelle: no I haven't - we didn't evaluate the FFI either - maybe we should do
chrisseaton, ping me when you will ge to EU :) I'd like to meet with you
Aethenelle: are there any major gems using FFI?
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0mq bindings
that's one I know is in active use
chrisseaton: I don't know off hand... most that I knew of switched to native Java for jruby support... I know I use it at work whenever I have to deal with a native lib but that's because I'm usually writing throwaway code.
Aethenelle: hate to ask about this, but what's the status of prepend PR now?
we have about two weeks before preview
headius; chrisseaton: 0mq bindings are actually my use case :)
I'll take a look at them
headius: will there be a freeze at some point?
although I may end up moving to the czmq bindings instead
subbu: You realize this works if you replace with HashDB < Hash?
subbu: I just made up a class name
headius: what's wrong w/ asking about it? It needs some more work... I'll push the current work (i had to start w/ a fresh branch)... I'm dealing w/ a inf look in unresolved/instanceSuper right now but it shouldn't be too bad to fix from here...
chrisseaton: probably talk about that after rubyconf, but e.g. truffle stuff that won't be done anyway doesn't have to freeze
Aethenelle: ok...I have a better understanding of the super instructions now that JIT is "done" so once you update I'll try to help
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headius: I think one of the recent pushes also broke some of my already working impl (probably a bad rebase) but I'll circle back to that once I get the right one working...
alright, heading home. back online in 15 again.
I don't think it should need to get block from binding in this case, though
we can fix that later though
unresolved doesn't affect most common supers
Aethenelle: ok
Aethenelle: so this will fail, yes?
yes, test_prepend fails w/ a stask overflow all other MRI tests pass so far (for some weird reason)
*module tests that is...
enebo: I'll run tests and push this if it's good
resolved super calls are 4x faster than 1.7 in a simple test
they optimize like any call now
headius: I would expect them to behave like a call
hah yeah
inlining, arity-fixing, all good
rubyspec has two failures in module tests. Module#prepend throws a NoMethodError when there is no more superclass and Module#prepend prepends multiple modules in the right order
one of these things will turn out to be our perf dark matter
one of the rubyspec problems is equivalance testing iirc.
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Aethenelle: how so?
lemme check the backlog real fast
ahh... one sec...
Module#prepend prepends multiple modules in the right order FAILED
Expected [:c, :m1]
to equal [:c, :m2, :m1]
.... nvm....
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i already fixed some of that in test_prepemd_module_ancestors in the MRI test suite yesterday
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too much code w/out enough sleep...
enebo: I have a one liner to do the trick, though its rather long line. How long should I make the lines?
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byteit101: I don’t know if we ever came up with a guideline on ruby side so we are probably more closer to 80 columns
byteit101: but for Java we are 110
I'll wrap this then :) 249
byteit101: no doubt multiiple variables will make it easier to read as well :)
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yea, I'll submit this later as I have to run now
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cool... I can still reach the airport wifi from the plane while we're boarding...
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byteit101: if it's the kind of one liner I tend to write, you should probably use do ... end if possible instead of {}...
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[jruby] jrubyci pushed 1 new commit to master:
jruby/master cd6c331 Charles Oliver Nutter: Indy binding for class super plus opto for scopes around super....
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enebo, subbu: it's in
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headius: coolio
resolved supers won't deopt and will bind directly now
check that one off the JIT to-do list
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headius: no doubt this will help rails quite a bit
I think I might try to do simple arity-splitting for small optional arg lists
headius: they have pretty long super chains and I think most are resolvable
if they're resolvable that will be great
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compile error :-(
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I guess
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I was going to make this refactoring anyway
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[jruby] jrubyci pushed 1 new commit to master:
jruby/master a0a91cf Charles Oliver Nutter: Bifurcate super call sites.
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funny thing, structuring my indy logic using OO is better than doing all as a bunch of procedures and structs
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all call sites share 90% of their indy logic now
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I shall remain sane as a result
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either I'm doing something wrong, or red/black warms up faster and executes faster on master
it's at least on par, which is fantastic considering the JIT is so young
exciting times
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headius, not true for me on java 7
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so, truffle gonna make it into jruby?
it already has
imperator: It is already in JRuby as a backend
oh? cool
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imperator: don't get too excited - you won't be able to use it for anything real for a while
chrisseaton: no shit…implement param of rand :)
chrisseaton: I kid but I was just trying to invoke bench/bench_red_black.rb
param 1 of rand
I'll add red/black and see how it goes
which one are you using?
bench/bench_red_black.rb in our repo
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chrisseaton: It will be exciting when you guys can run some of these scripts without mods. I will try and do comparisons when I can and give feedback if something is bad (or good)
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for every new benchmark there's always some new slight variation of a core library method we need - I wouldn't say we need mods though - we modify Truffle, not the benchmarks
chrisseaton: oh I am remembering back I thought to when you did change some things to for loops?
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don't think so - must have been something else
but what I should get running is the benchmark gem