jruby/master 0b6787b Thomas E. Enebo: Exclude out symbol encoding mismatch for the moment to re-green ci
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enebo: at work a bit early today?
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headius: no not really
I usually wait until 9:01 to message you
on the days I'm up early, that is :-)
headius: ah. I do usually read email and crap before I start committing
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headius: this morning the first thing I did was look at fallout from the symbol fix
ahh yes
do you know what's wrong?
headius: well somewhat. These symbols are created during boot from various encoded files since they are operators and they have random encodings
headius: So there is some logic which needs to say, hey guys you are ascii
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[jruby] mkristian pushed 7 new commits to master: http://git.io/AmhkGQ
jruby/master da96af9 Christian Meier: refactor FileResource.inputStream to be easier to use...
jruby/master fb0281b Christian Meier: redefine uri:classloader: meaning to be the parent classloader of runtime.getJRubyClassLoader...
jruby/master 40e4c8f Christian Meier: add testcase for the case where jruby.home is inside a jar but not on the context-classloader
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lopex: Why do encoding and encoding entries have different indices?
That must have been an exciting merge
going to update jnr projects now
I think they are all done
yes it was exciting indeed
mkristian: Does ‘jruby -S rake maven:dump_poms’ not work when run with master?
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enebo, just checking . .
mkristian: A second enhancement also would be to generate stuff stored in hashes in a sorted order to not noise up generation diffs:
[jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to jruby-1_7: http://git.io/dBx-RQ
jruby/jruby-1_7 0576fd5 Charles Oliver Nutter: Handle NCDFE for odd envs like GAE that throw it for Unsafe....
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I will commit my new pom.rb and the pom.xml it generated (which I think is the only thing which would change from new artifact versions
just remove the require 'rake' in maven/jruby-jars/jruby-jars.gemspec and rerun the rake task
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[jruby] headius closed issue #2304: Unable to use JRuby with google app engine due to use of sun.misc.Unsafe http://git.io/7IVNcg
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mkristian: I will try that in a sec
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mkristian: Changing that I get:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project jruby-lib: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.jruby:jruby-lib:pom: Could not find artifact org.jruby:jruby-core:jar: in rubygems-releases (http://rubygem
OK - I fix the task for those cases that there a no local snapshots.
mkristian: oh but I did not have your last merge commit
mkristian: Could that last merge possibly have helped?
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the last error is usually because maven can not find the SNAPSHOT from core/ - this happens for example when you change the VERSION and then run the rake tasks.
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headius: once you see that I would like to respin so this will end up green
yeah I know this failure
but I thought I mitigated it
headius: I thought semaphore fix fixed it
this is something else
ThreadFiber uses SizedQueue and normal Ruby thread eventing, but for this test case sometimes the interrupt comes in before it is ready to handle it properly
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oops, I didn't catch you in time
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pretty sure I know the issue but I didn't copy the exception in time
if you see it again file an issue for me
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enebo: did you see capture3 error on last 1.7 build?
my fault I guess...probably a 1.9-only API that I added a spec for
jruby/master badca70 Thomas E. Enebo: Passing now (probably from recent symbol fixes)
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some days I just want to sit and watch builds turn green
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I want to watch builds turn green every day :(
I started caring a lot more about green builds after I learned that Travis won't promote a JRuby dev build that was red.
nirvdrum: looking at the evalScope thing now
the code is still used but I'm not sure it should be
gah well 43839718 should flip green after two restarts
Cool. That was one I didn't feel comfortable just changing myself.
enebo: two?
Implementing stuff in Truffle that JRuby has had for years gives me the opportunity to revisit some stuff that otherwise wouldn't be looked at.
nirvdrum: indeed...and hopefullly more improvements will fall out of that process
Yeah. I'm lazy, so I don't want to reimplement stuff that I don't need to.
After 15 years, I do find myself finally wanting friend classes though.
rtyler: So, you get to work on JRuby full-time now?
nirvdrum: why do you ask?
enebo: oh, was it the one where you don't see *any* build output?
like, it goes into the maven build line and sits there
eregon, yes and no. I honestly do not remember the details. it had something to do with eclipse incremental compile or so. if it bothers you just remove it
my ec
rtyler: I guess I misunderstood a tweet headius made about sponsorship.
nirvdrum: mkristian works with me on Core Systems at Lookout
headius: It might have made it further but some tests grab those app servers and what not
I'm not smart enough to contribute to JRuby
working up to it xD
my eclipse setup is not really compatible with all those files coming from github
enebo: yeah, there's a lot o fnetwork traffic that could fail on travis
rtyler: Ahh. Well, thanks for the clarification.
You seem plenty smart though.
mkristian, nirvdrum: I thought it was something to do with getting Eclipse to recognize our build-time-generated code
mkristian and eregon, not nirvdrum
I have not used Eclipse in years though
mmh, does anyone use Eclipse to develop JRuby atm?
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nirvdrum: my time is spent largely elsewhere nowadays for better or worse, but that does give me the ability to hire awesome hackers like mkristian to help projects like JRuby
mostly we'd like to have it as we have some good IDE support there for the Truffle anno processor, and ideally also incremental build, which could make the feedback cycle much faster
one of these days I'd love to be able to contribute mnore to jruby though, jruby-gradle is as close as I can get
(right now)
rtyler: Cool. Well thanks. The efforts are appreciated.
eregon, what I do with eclipse I set the eclipse classes/build directory to target/class-eclipse so eclipse does not interfere with my maven build
nirvdrum: I'm really excited that we can do this, I've been trying to get funding for initiatives like this for years
that works really OK
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mkristian: OK, do you think having both working on the same generated dir is never going to work?
mkristian: the same class dir*
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eregon, not with me. eclipse start to recompile things when maven runs and then they both compile the same classes at the same time :(
eregon, that cause more pain then gain with me
mkristian: mmh, right. So you actually develop under Eclipse most of the time?
I would give something with those core/.classpath core/.settings and core/.project would not be on github
yes I am using eclipse for jruby
yeah, I thought no one was using Eclipse anymore
old habit - never used anything else ;)
beside emacs
I am not sure what's the good way to share or not the config files, to still have easy import for new users
but you use the Maven plugin, right? So builds are not really incremental?
convert the project into a maven project is what I do
yes, I convert the project to a maven project. it looks very incremental to me.
mkristian: does it still generate the big jruby jar at every compilation?
eregon, no this I do with maven.
mkristian: sounds like we want sth very similar :) What would be the easiest way for me to try your setup?
eregon, delete core/.classpath core/.settings and core/.project, create a project from existing project (or how they call it), convert to maven
OK, which maven plugin do you install?
maven support comes with eclipse since a few versions now
I am using Eclipse Luna right now
then I did set the output folder to target/classes-eclipse - but just saw it is not set right now. so it might work OK even without it.
enebo: didn't you say crypt is platform-specific? I don't think this spec can be made to pass everywhere unless it uses a known mechanism for generating the crypt data to verify against
e.g. a shell-out to some command or something
headius: though crypt specs should be tagged out and really they should just be removed
headius: I don’t know why they are running though
headius: I thought I tagged them
oh merged from 1.7
headius: I will tag these out on master. fwiw, I don’t know why this behavior is being spec’d n the first place. It is just verifying how crypt works itself and does not have much to do with Ruby. Plus it is clearly something you should never do based on how inconsistent it behaves
enebo: evalScope stuff may expose a bug in parsing
the logic that does the parse immediately before eval uses DynamicScope.getEvalScope to get a DynamicScope to hand off to the parser
but when executed, we create a new scope
this "bug" is that if I do eval "a = 1"; eval "b = 1", the second eval's "b" is at index 1 instead of index 0
I'm still seeing "b" at index 1 in jruby -Xir.compiler.debug=true -X-C -e "def foo; eval 'a = 1'; eval 'b = 2'; end; foo"
I just realized Block and LocalStaticScope was cooalesced to a single class
there's only one true StaticScope now
yeah I liked the three class design more but it is ok :)
I'm confused why this isn't given b a 0 offset
headius: does Binding come into play at all. There is logic there looking for a cache too
it should be a new scope for every parse
this is the no-binding path though
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yeah so in this case that logic should just plain be removed from DynamicScope
just put your factory call in evalSimple
I'll try that
Although it will make no difference but since there is no special relationship any more it makes more sense
mkristian: tried a couple things but still seem to not work so well, maybe you could send me your eclipse .prject/.classpath/.settings to see what I did wrong?
enebo: small change I'm falling into binding path too
which was still using cache logic
mkristian: seems only truffle factories are not generated, did you need any special treatment for them?
bleh...didn't fix it, still putting b at 0:1
I don't want to step through this :-(
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mornign all
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dfr|work: hello there!
headius, for the protobufs stuff: besides just adding supoport for jruby, I want to see whether I can migrate my current project to use it ;)
'cause I feel that they don't really have any ruby customers at all yet, so not sure whether their API makes sense ;)
but the fact that protbufs are finally being opensourced is pretty exciting
from the simple look at it, seems like the java part is exactly what I use within Google, so it's pretty close
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headius: oh but we do store %block at 0
headius: I think we do now anyways but hmm that is weird
headius: you are doing eval a =1 ; eval b = 1;
<c(0:2)> = Fixnum:1
of course I have not changed anything so this is correct with no changes
headius: You sure you are recompiling? :P
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headius, there's even RPC stuff :D
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dfr|work: does it use byte[] or char[]?
enebo, ByteString, I think
lemme link
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I think the only thing is missing is the RPC server implementation that google uses, but that's probably okay, because it's pretty Google specific =/
enebo: pretty sure
headius: ok now I am looking at this in a debugger
I'm going to confirm normal eval goes through these paths...something's fishy
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headius: neight evalSimple not evalWithBinding are ever called
in Interpreter :)
yeah I noticed that
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My guess is this somehow must go through a block dispatch path
well wait
evalWithBinding appears to be used from evalCommon
HAHA…This is baffling
eregon, yes, I can send you my project files. but not sure when those truffle factories are missing. cd core;mvn package should do everything right
I'm thinking we should make travis just run openjdk8 so we don't have so many backed-up builds
we can have the rest run in 7 on 'bees
travis needs to be faster turnaround to be useful for us
Does it build on every commit or every push?
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every push
but I think most of us have a tendency to push every commit
jenkins, on the other hand, polls...so it will only run a maximum of N builds in a given day that each aggregate a few commits
I love travis but it's not useful when we wait over an hour to get results
plus it gets massively backed up
gonna give it a try
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[jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/7iz9Hg
jruby/master 8ddeaaf Charles Oliver Nutter: Try speeding up travis by only running one JDK, one platform.
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mkristian: do you have any objections to moving the other -P test runs to 'bees and not running on travis?
-Posgi, -Pcomplete, etc
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I really want to get travis runs down to a reasonable length
headius: Okay. I knew it was push triggered, but I wasn't sure if N commits in a single push meant N builds.
ahh, no, just one
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i'd leave the other jdks and platforms just make them optional
that's not apparent in travis's UI
Aethenelle: optional?
allowed to fail
that wouldn't keep us from backing up on them though
That'd still back the builds up though.
we need total travis time to be much lower than it is now
hrm... true...
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it doesn't help that the travis instances are dog slow, of course
vm within a vm
not that it takes long but ffi can move
Of course, if it only contains a subset of total builds, it might be worth considering if it's worth doing at all.
-Pmain probably too (dups -Pmain,test -Dinvoker.test=extended ?)
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i'd prbably also move the tests that are allowed to fail, -Pcomplete, spec:jrubyc, and spec:profiler
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maybe fast finish the rest and dup them on 'bees without the fast fail?
nirvdrum: well, I don't think that's true...do you run all these suites locally every commit?
there's value in having a fast CI even if it doesn't run the extensive suite
headius: No, but that's the point of CI.
right, we'd still do them in a cloudbees
nirvdrum: that's why we also have cloudbees
but people look at travis to see build status, and we're pretty much always behind by like 5-10 builds
do you know at all which test suites might be good canaries?
if it ran faster or we got more concurrent jobs, I'd be fine running everything
Aethenelle: I guess my point is if there's one source of total information and one of partial, looking at the total maybe makes sense. But CloudBees is pretty slow too, so maybe that's a moot point.
we used to only run the comprehensive suite nightly
Aethenelle: at least MRI and RubySpec
nirvdrum: the idea is to speed up the CI non-jruby devs will look at
headius: regression and jruby too
those four would catch the vast majority of failures
maybe spec:ji
nirvdrum: the other issue is that it takes so long for a build to fail, the person who committed it has gone home for the day :-)
so someone else has to mop up, or we sit all night with a broken build
that's counterproductive
Clearly I'm on the losing end of this discussion. I don't care a whole lot.
there's no losing end...I won't remove jobs from travis unless we add them to 'bees
we just need one or the other to give results fast
either that or go back to running our own CI :-)
Fair enough. We just seem to keep making concessions to get faster Travis builds.
headius: i think it might be a good idea to include all tests on cloudbees not just the transfered ones...
nirvdrum: travis's fault, really
Is there a way to buy a faster machine and maybe get a sponsorship?
unfortunately not
everyone gets the same, even paid users
another reason bees could be more flexible
A $5 DigitalOcean droplet would probably cut the time in half :-/
perhaps something could be arranged with travis... they rely on jruby for testing, so it makes sense they might be willing to up the power or something...
Aethenelle: yeah maybe
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[jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to jruby-1_7: http://git.io/azJ_Uw
jruby/jruby-1_7 1724893 Charles Oliver Nutter: Reduce travis build times by only running on one JDK version.
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asarih: is there any way to get faster instances?
unfortunately not.
it's a one-size-fits-most for the time being.
I *think* you can get dedicated queue, though, if RHT is willing to pay.
too bad :-\ we're having to make concessions to get travis runs to short enough
asarih: hmmm that's interesting...would that help overall job time?
headius: hang on. let me try something…
I'm wondering if we should reinstate the aggregate build of all test: targets...we split them out so we wouldn't hold an instance for so long, but now we have N builds all taking >10m
trying to figure out how to best utilize travis
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asarih: earlier today I mused that some days I just sit and watch builds turn green...I could revise that and say some days I sit and cancel builds the whole day so that stale commits aren't slowing down CI status
our builds are just too big to run on every push during a busy day
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[jruby] BanzaiMan created ha-feature-sudo-false (+1 new commit): http://git.io/8IrKrQ
jruby/ha-feature-sudo-false 51f9786 Hiro Asari: Use conatiner-based infrastructure
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it'd probably also help if more use was made of the skip ci magic comment
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[jruby] BanzaiMan pushed 1 new commit to ha-feature-sudo-false: http://git.io/yX3Kfg
jruby/ha-feature-sudo-false e15f77e Hiro Asari: Build this branch!
by caching ~/.m2, I think we can cut down on time more.
switching JDK requires sudo because of update_alternatives I am guessin?
if they're already installed we could just ENV it too
caching .m2 would be big
headius: yes.
the jobs calling for Oracle JDK 8 in that build would fail
Personally I would rather test on 7 than 8
At least for fast turnaround to point out someone is usnig an 8 API
test for lowest supported version
only things that change in higher JDKs are going to be one-time failures because of some new API conflict
wheeee… for .1, the build time went from 18+ minutes to 11+.
that's much better
I sort of like nirvdrum worry about splitting ci across two systems because inevitably we will start ignoring cloudbees … but I guess with some discipline we can make that work
sounds like a big improvement to me
enebo: I think having fast feedback is more important, so long as we're not leaving huge testing gaps
enebo: I got five words into that and was really excited. Then deflated.
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I have also wondered if we could split some test targets across process-launching/resource ones and !proceass-...
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enebo: I wouldn't underestimate the cost of file system access in an environment like this.
nirvdrum: It would be cool if testing software could emit time taken stats as it goes too
Aethenelle: I don't think they do the badge thing. But our builds haven't been consistent for a while, making the badges markedly less useful.
which I guess we could do if we timestamped output and made each test produce output
nirvdrum: I was thinking the added badge would help prevent ignoring cloudbees
Ahh. I was thinking you meant the PR auto-test notification thingie.
[jruby] kares opened pull request #2311: changes that address tests with current jruby-openssl master (jruby-1_7...update-openssl-1_7) http://git.io/CvOJlg
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What's the best way to embed a Ruby web server in a java process? I'd like to spin up a middleman server programmatically for local development in an existing JVM-based project.
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jgdavey, ruby web server?
jgdavey, you mean so that ruby handles all the low level socket stuff?
it sounds like he wants to just boot webrick or something inside an existing jvm
mjc_, yea, that sounds scary. :)
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although I'm sure you could do: Ruby.newTime().evalScriptlet("require 'webrick'; WEBrick.start 80"); or whatever way you start webrick >.<
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My exact use case: I'd like to spin up a middleman server, which uses webrick
I tried Ruby.getDefaultInstance().evalScriptlet("require 'middleman'; require 'middleman-core/preview_server'; Middleman::PreviewServer.start")
It does bind the port, but nothing comes out
I also tried doing the evalScriptlet within a Thread
jgdavey, what does "nothing comes out" mean?
jgdavey, the server doesn't respond on the default port?
TCP port is bound and I can connect to the port, but HTTP requests just hang
I'm sure there's a more idiomatic way to do this, but was confused by the hanging.
jgdavey, maybe your server is messed up?
I'll try it from irb instead.
If the same "scriptlet" hangs there, then it's definitely server setup stuff
jgdavey, if you do: ruby -e "require 'middleman'; require 'middleman-core/preview_server'; Middleman::PreviewServer.start") does it work fine?
Trying now
Yep, that works.
jgdavey, I'd maybe try Ruby.newRuntime rather than default, so that you get a brand new runtime. But otherwise not sure.
if there's some initialization going on, maybe add puts or whatever statements to see what's going on.
It's working now!
It seems like an error was being swallowed.
When I did evalScriptlet, I had a missing require, which raised undefined constant.
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Also, using newInstance rather than getDefaultInstance is working much better
dfr|work, thanks for the help!
jgdavey, yw. But for the record, spawning stuff that listens to sockets from Java still seems very ugly. :)
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the downside of this setup is that we can't spin up a debug instance yet.
lopex: I'm just trying to figure out how encodingIndex in EncodingService isn't a problem.
Multiple Encodings can map back to different RubyEncodings.
Sorry. The same Encoding can map to multiple RubyEncodings.
currently using mkristian's jbundler and mvn tools on a jruby project, I get "jbundler support needs jruby to create a local config: jruby -S jbundle install"
I've not used maven much, and am unsure what the error means/ how to fix it
nirvdrum: afair, those are just for faster lookups
that line is thrown in the rakefile when I do `wt = Warbler::Task.new`
anyone know what i'm missing?
nirvdrum: I'd have to recall the details
lopex: It seems to be used to implement Encoding.compatible? I'm just not sure how they're not colliding.
byteit101, did you run $jbundle install ?
this is from a polyglot-mvn'ed pom file through normal maven
using pmvn works on systems with jruby installed
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using normal mvn on systems with jruby does not work
byteit101, on first glance it all looks ok. let me see more . .
mkristian: also is there actual documentation that is up to date with mavenfiles? I could only find old information and had to figure it out from existing mavnfiles
can you run the rake tasks without maven ?
nirvdrum: wow, how can bugs live for so long
(assuming jruby is installed)
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lopex: This is probably an atypical case. But I ran into it because I was trying to use EncodingService#getEncodingFromString, which returns an Encoding. Then I was trying to use that index. It caused one of the rubyspecs to fail.
mkristian: it builds fine using rake and mvn (calling rake) on systems with jruby installed, but fails when its only using jruby inside the mvn call
byteit101, that is strange. could gist me the output of mvn -Djruby.verbose
is there a .jbundler/classpath.rb in your directory ?
should I commit that file from my dev system?
so warbler needs this file to warble the war ;)
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ok. is that safe to commit or should I add some step to building to generate that?
I think it would be better to get jbundler to build it.
it is not safe to commit since it contains absolute pathes
mine donesn't, but ok. how can I have jbunder build it? should I do that in the mavenfile or rakefile?
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yeh - I tried not to, so it might be safe for you.
if you run proper maven you should to it in the Rakefile. jbundler-0.7.0 has JBundler.install
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mkristian: is it safe to do this to avoid rake always re-bundling? `JBundler.install unless File.exist? ".jbundler/classpath.rb"`
(aside from when people update that file, of course)
that is fine.
I think that should better go into warbler itself instead of this warning
yea, that would benice
need to go now - hope that all fixes your problem
mkristian: ok, seems like it
thank you!
welcome . . .
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[jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/ZeiiZg
jruby/master 2df1533 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Last of the def-2.0 specs.
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[jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/HquhFA
jruby/master 9668c24 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Fix regexp errors.
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Lots of Truffle 'last of the ... specs' commits going by in the last week!
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[jruby] BanzaiMan opened issue #2313: Consider dropping OracleJDK 8 for now, and move builds to container-based Travis CI http://git.io/JNz5hQ
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chrisseaton: this must be something new in onigmo, the a modifier, for example
lopex: do you want a bug open for this? at the moment it's a failing spec, but unless you went to look there you wouldn't think to work on it
egp: what exactly do you want to do? evaluate little bits of Ruby code, use classes written in Ruby, or something higher level than that?
chrisseaton: I want to use this gem: https://github.com/staqapp/staq-msbin, and really be able to call MSBIN::Record.DecodeStream(is) where is is an inputstream or whatever I need to do
in such a way I can just do a rake build/copy that gem somewhere, and have my ScriptExecution or whatever code setup in a nice way
and just have the gem in my classpath or some such
mitchellhenke has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
egp: this code looks relatively well self-contained - I would recommend trying the JRuby AOT compiler, which produces normal Java classes - https://github.com/jruby/jruby/wiki/JRubyCompiler
that could be neat
can I actually do the library
or do I effectively need to create a script
diegovio1 is now known as diegoviola
I'm really not sure beyond pointing you at that wiki page, sorry
hang around on here and someone else might chime in