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<GitHub72> [jcodings] lopex pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub72> jcodings/master fdde919 Marcin Mielzynski: add case options
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<lopex> this data and flag packing is madness
<lopex> headius: many of those transcoder tree start value has changed without affecting the arrays
<lopex> which means most of that is untested
<lopex> rtyler: does codevalet use docker multi stage builds ?
<lopex> or it's just a flow abstraction ?
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<GitHub98> [jruby] javalovercn opened issue #4897: NoMethodError: undefined method `current' for Java::JavaLang::Thread:Class
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<chrisseaton> lopex: only methods reachable from the start of JIT compilation need the data to be used by the compiler
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<GitHub40> [jruby] grddev opened pull request #4898: Improve compatibility with MRI's Ripper (master...ripper-fixes)
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<GitHub189> [jruby] enebo closed pull request #4898: Improve compatibility with MRI's Ripper (master...ripper-fixes)
<GitHub155> [jruby] enebo pushed 14 new commits to master:
<GitHub155> jruby/master 7ecf6ee Gustav Munkby: Update the MRI ripper spec excludes...
<GitHub155> jruby/master 62462ec Gustav Munkby: Return false on tokadd_mbchar failure...
<GitHub155> jruby/master 32d2c20 Gustav Munkby: Call tokadd_mbchar from tokenAddMBC...
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<GitHub165> [jruby] sormuras opened issue #4899: Compiled module descriptor in complete JAR distro
<GitHub150> [jruby] kares closed issue #4897: NoMethodError: undefined method `current' for Java::JavaLang::Thread:Class
<GitHub52> [jruby] kares closed issue #4710: utime behaviour different from MRI
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<GitHub92> [jruby] grddev opened pull request #4900: Improve compatibility with MRI's Ripper for JRuby 9.1 (jruby-9.1...ripper-fixes-9.1)