<GitHub34> [jruby] headius pushed 5 new commits to jruby-9.1: https://git.io/vxugC
<GitHub34> jruby/jruby-9.1 4811ad2 Charles Oliver Nutter: Eliminate deprecation warnings in test suite.
<GitHub34> jruby/jruby-9.1 5e2fc23 Charles Oliver Nutter: Finally eliminate use of WrapperMethod.
<GitHub34> jruby/jruby-9.1 bc950ea Charles Oliver Nutter: Fix most deprecated calls.
<GitHub69> [jruby] headius pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vxuwU
<GitHub69> jruby/master 9addd60 Charles Oliver Nutter: Add io/console/size.rb from io/console etc....
<GitHub69> jruby/master 7a3f78c Charles Oliver Nutter: Add ripper to sync files.
<GitHub184> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to ruby-2.5: https://git.io/vxuwI
<GitHub184> jruby/ruby-2.5 35e67c6 Charles Oliver Nutter: Add io/console/size.rb from io/console etc....
<GitHub37> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to block_dispatch: https://git.io/vxuwT
<GitHub37> jruby/block_dispatch 94324ff Charles Oliver Nutter: WIP: use indy to improve block dispatch
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<GitHub197> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to jruby-9.1: https://git.io/vxurk
<GitHub197> jruby/jruby-9.1 2a265b1 Charles Oliver Nutter: Default to Java 9 bytecode for any java.specification.version>1.8....
<GitHub111> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vxurt
<GitHub111> jruby/master b3ba7e3 Charles Oliver Nutter: Default to Java 9 bytecode for any java.specification.version>1.8....
<GitHub96> [jruby-openssl] headius closed issue #157: JVM version detection breaks on Java 10 https://git.io/vxW59
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<GitHub170> jruby/jruby-9.1 1718c4a Charles Oliver Nutter: Handle this deprecation differently.
<GitHub170> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to jruby-9.1: https://git.io/vxuoi
<GitHub177> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vxuK1
<GitHub177> jruby/master bd860b8 Charles Oliver Nutter: Actually add size.rb. rails/rails#32318.
<GitHub60> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vxuXm
<GitHub60> jruby/master b119ccb Charles Oliver Nutter: Add Integer#pow. #4876
<headius> oops
<GitHub17> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vxuXW
<GitHub17> jruby/master caf8daa Charles Oliver Nutter: Revert "Add Integer#pow. #4876"...
<GitHub117> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to ruby-2.5: https://git.io/vxuXl
<GitHub117> jruby/ruby-2.5 47328e0 Charles Oliver Nutter: Add Integer#pow. #4876
<kares> headius: since enebo doesn't know do you have any ideas why https://github.com/jruby/joda-timezones exists and whether its needed?
<kares> trying to upgrade joda (has newer TZ data) so I wonder if there's anything left to do
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<GitHub184> [jruby] kares closed pull request #5093: upgrade joda-time library to latest 2.9.9 (master...upgrade-joda) https://git.io/vxs5I
<GitHub199> [jruby] kares pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vxuHj
<GitHub199> jruby/master 1fec405 Karol Bucek: Merge pull request #5093 from jruby/upgrade-joda...
<GitHub180> [jruby] kares deleted upgrade-joda at 1646e57: https://git.io/vxuQe
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<GitHub148> [jruby] kares pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vxupp
<GitHub148> jruby/master b07a584 kares: [refactor] we can actually hide the Date/DateTime.new! internal now
<GitHub148> jruby/master 7763dfa kares: [ji] implement nonzero? check (as well) for Java number types
<GitHub155> [jruby] eregon closed pull request #5114: Update specs (master...update-specs) https://git.io/vxum5
<GitHub136> jruby/master a9b4d28 Benoit Daloze: Add tags for failing specs
<GitHub136> jruby/master fb1001f Benoit Daloze: Update to ruby/spec@a585ec3
<GitHub136> jruby/master b838732 Benoit Daloze: Update to ruby/mspec@8b54bf3
<GitHub136> [jruby] eregon pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vxzeE
<GitHub71> [jruby] eregon deleted update-specs at 4609841: https://git.io/vxzeu
<GitHub186> [jruby] kares pushed 1 new commit to jruby-9.1: https://git.io/vxzJt
<GitHub186> jruby/jruby-9.1 682626e kares: [fix] cast nsec nanos to long to avoid "overflow" with double value...
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<kares> headius: after a fix I attempted a merge from jruby-9.1 to master
<kares> seems that I inherited all the failures, is that okay to push or is it only cherry-picking at this point?
<GitHub64> [jruby] kares closed issue #4989: Inconsistent end_of_day result https://git.io/vNRTP
<kares> I mean I have the merge done just haven't pushed - want to be sure its okay
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<headius> good morning!
<headius> kares: it's ok
<headius> we need to clean those up but I think they're probably mostly my fault
<kares> headius: hey! you mean the jruby-9.1 failures now, right?
<kares> so its fine to merge over to master - its still the prefered way?
<headius> kares: yes
<GitHub98> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to ruby-2.5: https://git.io/vxzoM
<GitHub98> jruby/ruby-2.5 1a83b13 Charles Oliver Nutter: Oops.
<headius> I'll try to sort out the failures today
<headius> I really want to get 2.5 merged
<kares> kk I'll push the 9.1 merge in the mean time
<GitHub1> [jruby] kares pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vxzKm
<GitHub1> jruby/master dc63be1 kares: Merge branch 'master' of github.com:jruby/jruby...
<GitHub1> jruby/master ad6d793 kares: Merge branch 'jruby-9.1'...
<kares> second thins before I forget - guess we shall regenerate TZ data after updating JODA?
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<headius> they distribute a tz jar don't they?
<headius> quarterly tz data
<headius> asarih was updating it for us at one point
<GitHub144> [jruby] headius pushed 3 new commits to ruby-2.5: https://git.io/vxzMU
<GitHub144> jruby/ruby-2.5 d344f52 Charles Oliver Nutter: Eliminate unnecessary abstract class.
<GitHub144> jruby/ruby-2.5 70379dd Charles Oliver Nutter: Merge branch 'master' into ruby-2.5
<GitHub144> jruby/ruby-2.5 69ec12c Charles Oliver Nutter: CGI#escape should not escape tilde. #4876
<headius> kares: in any case, we should try to always ship latest tz data
<headius> so yes
<kares> headius: you're right, its there - part of joda-time.jar
<kares> so this seems redundant
<kares> remove?
<headius> remove what exactly?
<headius> we update the tz data independent of joda, since it is released more often
<headius> or we don't want to risk joda update
<kares> its bee updated in 2013?
<kares> joda-time will have newer data in the .jar
<kares> so it seemed to me like duplication? to include the org.jruby:joda-timezone as well?
<kares> if its to stay than it definitely should get updated ...
<headius> I think it should stay and we should go back to updating it periodically
<headius> maybe as a release step
<headius> enebo: ^^
<headius> we can add an exciting perma-bullet to the release notes for * Updated time zone data
<enebo> headius: yeah I don't know the risks past dates and timezones sucking
<rdubya> kares: enebo: I pushed some changes for arjdbc PR that I made last week if you want to take a look. Hopefully it makes more sense now.
<enebo> rdubya: looking
<enebo> rdubya: do those comments even match AR adapter source about type map and using execute? I remember this values.first.first
<rdubya> not sure which comment you mean
<enebo> + # Need to use #execute so we don't try to access the type map before it is initialized
<enebo> in adapter.rb
<rdubya> yeah, otherwise we try to fetch the type for the column so that we can build the AR::Result and it goes into an endless loop
<rdubya> just realized that I have a conflict in that PR too so I'll take care of that, shouldn't change much though
<kares> rdubya: hmm I am actually adding postgresql_version on the native end - extracting from JDBC meta-data on 50-stable
<kares> is it too much?
<kares> I mean it should help, but there still others initializing along with type-map
<rdubya> yeah, that should be fine
<rdubya> just need to make sure it doesn't run through exec_query
<kares> haven't thought this thru but to add back jndi support the right way these things would need a proper review
<kares> or at least be configurable ...
<kares> but yeah maybe some day ;(
<enebo> rdubya: I think the impact of this has nothing which hurts mysql or sqlite3. Whether mysql wants to follow suite is a question since they have a native result with the same or very similar small set of methods
<enebo> you eliminate ColumnData which should reduce some allocation so you more than pay for your result object
<enebo> The fact the jdbc to ruby methods are now in a specific connection adapter class could yield some duplicated code but as we talked about before if you work on pg support it is all in one place
<enebo> So I am not very concerned about and DRYness
<enebo> (if we really wanted to dry we could call to a common helper class with static impls but YAGNI)
<rdubya> I was planning on updating the other two so we could pull a bunch of that out of the other adapters as well
<rdubya> we can't really remove it until *all* the other adapters are updated though I guess
<enebo> rdubya: it is questionable whether sqlite ever should
<enebo> rdubya: but I have not studied it to know
<rdubya> I think it has the concept of a result as well, but not 100% sure
<rdubya> but I think the benefit of them all using a standard interface and the encapsulation it provides
<rdubya> would make it worth doing
<enebo> rdubya: if so then yeah mysql has result in their native adapter and it is a reasonably simple type of each, size, and fields (for column type)
<enebo> I imagine all probably do this at some level even if not in a specific Result instanc3e
<enebo> rdubya: so that util/ActiveRecord we need to change
<enebo> you can read my comment before we talk
<rdubya> i can pull that out if you want
<enebo> I will just start with my desire. We can just look them up once in initialize() and save them as fields
<enebo> I don't know if we need to worry about them changing?
<enebo> kares: ^ we always lookup constants like ActiveRecord all the time
<rdubya> yeah, i still don't know enough about how jruby <-> java interact to say if its safe to cache it
<enebo> maybe for dev mode?
<enebo> does dev mode completely tear down stuff like this? I don't think so
<kares> enebo: that is fine - more problematic was call-site caching for callMethod
<kares> but some of it should be in ... hopefully
<kares> but yeah sure there's ton of room for improvement :)
<enebo> kares: yeah calls are another issue but we definitely need equivialent to site() like we have in core
<enebo> I just do not want to codify a static method pattern which will make that impossible
<kares> you mean for constant caching, right?
<enebo> yeah
<kares> ok
<enebo> This PR change made things no worse except it is a static API which makes changing it later less convenient
<kares> smt would be useful - also wondered about a 'pattern' previously at some point in jossl
<enebo> kares: yeah for extension authors a nice mechanism for site caching constants and methods would be very nice
<kares> okay - trust your judgment I am in a middle of smt and already on low brain activity
<enebo> kares: ok :)
<kares> guess we can change pieces as we go - my concern will not show up until I attempt a piece
<rdubya> I'm more concerned about getting the result stuff in at this point, so I'm good just duplicating the methods that I need access to in there
<rdubya> and removing the static stuff I added
<kares> +1
<enebo> rdubya: yeah other than that static stuff I am happy
<rdubya> cool, i'll pull that bit out then
<enebo> rdubya: you even cheapened the allocation a bit
<enebo> two primitive arrays for columns
<enebo> vs n ColumnData also i is just i of the array
<enebo> so one less field in a sense
<enebo> If columns were in the 100s perhaps making two arrays maybe becomes some extra cost but these will generally be small
<kares> have seen AR managed tables with 10s of columns
<kares> its wild out there :)
<enebo> kares: oh yeah but even 80 column primitive array is not a huge array
<enebo> kares: finding space for it anyways
<kares> yy
<kares> might run some benchmarks later
<enebo> kares: if there is a simple way to run benchmarks I would love to do that too
<kares> although not sure if the adapter for PG is in a benchmarkable state ...
<kares> well just with some AR operations
<enebo> it is always in a benchmarkable state!
<kares> some lives under bench/...
<enebo> :)
<enebo> kares: oh these are the ancient ones
<kares> well its quite demotivating if you compare to MRI :)
<kares> I know but they're good indicator
<enebo> no that is great
<enebo> I just mentioned them in passing to rdubya saying we used to have a set
<enebo> I did not realize we still had them
<enebo> kares: rdubya did get some nice prepared stmt improvement
<enebo> kares: maybe we will be pleasantly surprised
<enebo> although we no doubt regressed performance as well during 5.x work
<enebo> kares: you just need to make us pure native adapters so we can bypass JDBC!
<kares> yeah that was amazing
<enebo> kares: then we can use bytelist all the way through :P
<kares> never actually approached going that way - so lesson learned
<enebo> that would easily double perf of simple queries
<kares> exactly - that's what I had in mind
<enebo> no more utf16 transcoding crap
<kares> its possible by going to some native APIs
<kares> already checked MySQL/JDBC
<kares> get the encoding raw bytes and map to ruby
<enebo> Probably the only huge achilles heel of Java
<kares> possible but time consuming + there's 2 druivers we support somore work ...
<kares> * so more work
<enebo> kares: yeah I know I tried in the past with MySQL (aka 2008)
<enebo> kares: something weird broke with one of the raw methods
<enebo> so it has been a decade (geezus).
<kares> that and some Time/Date handling used to be slower on raw AR ops
<kares> but the Date/Time part should be done
<kares> also some of it was to account to JRuby's date.rb
<enebo> kares: but your recent work no doubt will make it better
<kares> that should also be done - so progress I guess
<enebo> I heard there will be a new async jdbc coming as well
<kares> java 11?
<enebo> I don't know how it fits into anything
<enebo> I just literal saw someone mention those two words next to each other
<kares> ah okay - there are attempts
<kares> there's another driver for PG as well
<kares> which I naively thought at some point of adding support
<kares> but than it got wild with PG's type system that Rails did ...
<kares> although since than the 'official' driver has caught up - it used to be 'slow'
<headius> enebo: I've heard that before, is there something new?
<enebo> headius: I was just hoping it was something concrete but I have not checked
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<GitHub66> [jruby] headius pushed 7 new commits to ruby-2.5: https://git.io/vxgJp
<GitHub66> jruby/ruby-2.5 b4b381b Charles Oliver Nutter: Rogue copy got left behind.
<GitHub66> jruby/ruby-2.5 9802921 Charles Oliver Nutter: Range no longer rescues exceptions during init <=> call. #4876
<GitHub66> jruby/ruby-2.5 2e850a5 Charles Oliver Nutter: Add Exception#full_message. #4876.
<headius> lunch!
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<rdubya> enebo: just pushed up changes for that PR if you think it looks good I'll try to get it merged and then backport this and the other changes I had with the exec_ methods to the 50-stable branch
<headius> ugh
<enebo> rdubya: I will loook
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<headius> kares: you didn't do anything that might cause an FTP+ssl spec to hang, did you?
<headius> just started in past few pushes to ruby-2.5
<enebo> rdubya: yeah looks ok to me. We should definitely try some benches soon to see how things are progressing
<enebo> rdubya: then trying stuff like looking up those constants once will end up showing us whether that is noise or not
<headius> kares: it's just you and me in there
<enebo> openssl cage match
<enebo> headius: so how much could we generalize sites() so extension authors can use it?
<headius> hmm
<enebo> headius: I mean they can obviously just replicate the basic pattern
<enebo> just thinking about arjdbc since it does some constant lookup and callMethods
<enebo> seems like site cache would be effective
<headius> yeah, sites grew out of the difficulty of providing a generic mechanism for call site caching from Java
<headius> it's very static by design
<enebo> headius: you know it may not need to be a library so much as a nice cookie cutter
<enebo> we don't cookbook here but it might be a good candidate
<headius> tbh I think it's time we look at some bytecode translation that rewrites the class files to use indy
<headius> Remi has a project that does 90% of that already
<enebo> yeah maven plugin!!!!
<headius> you just call dynamically using his utility and then run a post-processor on the bytecode
<enebo> boom callMethod is fast now
<headius> that's right
<enebo> sounds excellent
<GitHub14> [jruby] lopex pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vxgt1
<GitHub14> jruby/master 25df05d Marcin Mielzynski: 2.5 String#grapheme_clusters and String#each_grapheme_cluster
<enebo> I think in the case of arjdbc it may not matter a ton but it is difficult to know
<headius> along these same lines I wanted to bring up another idea
<enebo> nice odin's ax
<enebo> hammer
<enebo> heh
<headius> the pure-indy invoker stuff works well last time I checked it
<enebo> it makes thunder
<headius> basically it has a single DynamicMethod subclass that just holds a couple MethodHandles
<headius> I have never gotten it quite as fast at startup as the generated invokers, so it has not been on
<headius> but it might be appropriate to turn it on with -Xcompile.invokedynamic
<enebo> well it will be faster than inheritance searching for a method over and over
<headius> if I could get it as fast as generated invokers we could simply them but it's maybe 10-20% slower booting right now
<headius> this also plays into making AOT actually AOT and using newer JDK utils
<enebo> I think as a nice solution extension authors could love this
<headius> the newer JDKs have the ability to pre-create method handles in constant pools
<headius> so if we had all these pieces in place, we'd be able to precompile Ruby, ditch invokers, and pre-optimize all of it using new tools
<headius> that's what we'd turn into a toolchain for ext authors
<enebo> yeah
<enebo> so this looks like some extra unneeded coding
<enebo> or is his example just showing how it can be hand coded
<enebo> "Mjolnir is built using pro which is my own build tool, you can download it from github (amazon S3) like this"
<enebo> no remi no
<headius> I know
<enebo> hopefully it is a maven artifact at leastr
<headius> I always have to fork his projects to use them
<headius> it's not
<headius> he refuses to push anything to maven
<enebo> hahaha ok well it is oss
<enebo> jruby-hammer
<headius> I've asked too
<headius> he's a character
<enebo> so we call it jruby-hammer and then we define API called screw
<headius> but yeah all his shit is public domain or MIR
<headius> MIT
<headius> ha
<headius> from his readme it looks pretty simple to use
<enebo> something about rewriting always feels dirty
<headius> which means it should be nearly impossible to integrate into maven toolchain
<headius> yeah I know what you mean
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<headius> failing of java
<headius> no way to do indy
<enebo> yeah but we would want something which intercepts ordinary callMethod from our types and basically reflects and then makes proper bootstrap
<headius> right
<headius> so we'd either start normalizing to a single Mjolnir path or customize it in some way
<enebo> Well I wonder how much we can help some other projects with this
<headius> the code may be simple enough we just gank this into our repo and do it our way
<enebo> I bet nearly all have dyn dispatch
<headius> ah well if you want to be a good guy
<enebo> we could renamespace it
<headius> making this a general-purpose indy-from-java would be great
<enebo> seems like a descriptor .java explaining which types/method combos and it just rewrites
<enebo> I hoped this project did that since that would be excellent
<headius> yeah
<enebo> Still I guess he did make the good bits
<enebo> headius: imagine just plugging that into java reflection and rewriting on the fly using profiling!
<headius> so we get this, we start specializing methods that take blocks (through IR inlining or manually regenerating bytecode) and then profit
<headius> heh yeah
<enebo> ah that is interesting
<headius> we need to revisit profiling for incrementally deeper indy stuff too
<enebo> I think native calls which calls blocks
<headius> like initially just bind stuff via DynamicMethod.call until it gets hot enough we want to try the heavier direct binding
<headius> if that lightweight binding matched CachingCallSite we could start going all indy call sites
<headius> hell, compile.invokedynamic could still use indy call sites but just simple ones
<headius> probably not much more overhead than CachingCallSite everywhere
<headius> better caching
<enebo> what I like about Mjollnir is the notion we could just write ordinary Java code and then change where we do this
<headius> right
<headius> it's cool
<enebo> So in places which don't matter we just do something slower
<headius> and with that freedom we could do it many more places
<enebo> I keep thinking there are limits to how much indy that can be in play
<headius> at this point, recent 8+, they've done a ton of work to reduce the memory overhead of indy
<headius> MH trees now just go straight to bytecode very quickly rather than waiting
<enebo> I am also thinking about warmup though (acutally mostly warmup)
<headius> once they do they collapse
<headius> yeah this helps that too
<headius> but it *is* still generating code at runtime
<enebo> yeah
<headius> that's where jlink etc can help
<headius> you pre-emit the handles
<enebo> appcds?
<headius> appcds is in all of them but starts to take advantage of modules and jlink in 10
<headius> it's only Free in 10+...it's free for dev in 8 and 9
<enebo> oh heck gotta run for a bit
<headius> we only want it for dev anyway
<headius> ok
<headius> grr...I'm going to have to dissect this
<headius> and bisect too
<headius> of course it's my collapsing of RubyException into AbstractRubyException
<headius> guess I'll re-attempt that
<GitHub52> [jruby] JasonLunn opened issue #5115: ConcurrentModification error during Tomcat startup https://git.io/vxgs1
<GitHub123> [jruby] nomadium opened pull request #5116: Range should raise TypeError if necessary method is not defined (ruby-2.5...fix-range-ruby-2.5-should-raise-type-error-if-necessary-method-is-not-defined) https://git.io/vxgG5
<GitHub179> [jruby] headius pushed 2 new commits to ruby-2.5: https://git.io/vxgZI
<GitHub179> jruby/ruby-2.5 8e631ca Charles Oliver Nutter: Second attempt removing unnecessary abstract class.
<GitHub179> jruby/ruby-2.5 d237355 Charles Oliver Nutter: Revert "Eliminate unnecessary abstract class."...
<GitHub151> [jruby] headius pushed 2 new commits to ruby-2.5: https://git.io/vxgZO
<GitHub151> jruby/ruby-2.5 ab440ad Charles Oliver Nutter: Merge pull request #5116 from nomadium/fix-range-ruby-2.5-should-raise-type-error-if-necessary-method-is-not-defined...
<GitHub151> jruby/ruby-2.5 ec02fe1 Miguel Landaeta: Range should raise TypeError if necessary method is not defined...
<GitHub101> [jruby] headius closed pull request #5116: Range should raise TypeError if necessary method is not defined (ruby-2.5...fix-range-ruby-2.5-should-raise-type-error-if-necessary-method-is-not-defined) https://git.io/vxgG5
<headius> enebo, kares: I think I'm going to merge 2.5 to master at this point
<headius> we haven't been green for a while anyway, and we'll just mop up remaining tests on master
<headius> gotta land this stuff so it can bake
<GitHub171> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to ruby-2.5: https://git.io/vxgCe
<GitHub171> jruby/ruby-2.5 be3bd17 Charles Oliver Nutter: StringIO#write takes multiple arguments. #4876
<GitHub121> [jruby] headius closed pull request #5109: Require real path (ruby-2.5...bug/fix_require_symlink) https://git.io/vx0vh
<GitHub74> [jruby] headius pushed 2 new commits to ruby-2.5: https://git.io/vxgWw
<GitHub74> jruby/ruby-2.5 107dfbf Charles Oliver Nutter: Merge pull request #5109 from ChrisBr/bug/fix_require_symlink...
<GitHub74> jruby/ruby-2.5 860229a Christian Bruckmayer: Require real path...
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<headius> ok we'll see how this latest push looks
<headius> bbiab
<kares> yay!
<GitHub15> [jruby] headius created revert-5109-bug/fix_require_symlink (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vxg0O
<GitHub15> jruby/revert-5109-bug/fix_require_symlink 8aef4af Charles Oliver Nutter: Revert "Require real path"
<GitHub27> [jruby] headius opened pull request #5117: Revert "Require real path" (ruby-2.5...revert-5109-bug/fix_require_symlink) https://git.io/vxg0B
<GitHub27> jruby/ruby-2.5 0cdd2f9 Charles Oliver Nutter: Merge pull request #5117 from jruby/revert-5109-bug/fix_require_symlink...
<GitHub27> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to ruby-2.5: https://git.io/vxg00
<GitHub93> [jruby] headius closed pull request #5117: Revert "Require real path" (ruby-2.5...revert-5109-bug/fix_require_symlink) https://git.io/vxg0B
<GitHub17> [jruby] headius deleted revert-5109-bug/fix_require_symlink at 8aef4af: https://git.io/vxg0z
<headius> bit optimistic I guess
<GitHub48> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to ruby-2.5: https://git.io/vxg0P
<GitHub48> jruby/ruby-2.5 5559273 Charles Oliver Nutter: Back off part of JavaUtil opto....
<headius> nice that Travis kills unstarted builds on a branch if there's a newer build
<headius> hopefully this last push will clean up regressions and I'll merge it
<headius> that's looking better
<GitHub77> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to ruby-2.5: https://git.io/vxgzH
<GitHub77> jruby/ruby-2.5 e13b58c Charles Oliver Nutter: Go back to 9.2.
<headius> down to 23 total failures in specs
<ChrisBr> headius: is ruby-25 now already in master?
<headius> it will be in a few minutes
<headius> just looking over last build results a bit
<ChrisBr> k
<headius> I believe if you do your PR against master it will reflect the merge once it's there
<headius> so just do it against master if you have something
<ChrisBr> ok
bbrowning is now known as bbrowning_away
<headius> something's up with dist target
<headius> doesn't seem to be working on master either
<headius> 146F/E in MRI suite
<GitHub85> [jruby] headius merged ruby-2.5 into master: https://git.io/vxggh
<GitHub147> [jruby] headius merged master into ruby-2.5: https://git.io/vxg2U
<headius> and that's that
<headius> JRuby master is 2.5 compat now
<headius> oops, compile error?
<headius> bad merge maybe
<headius> oh, nm, tried to build on 10
<ChrisBr> yay :)
<GitHub75> [jruby] headius closed issue #4876: Ruby 2.5 Support https://git.io/vbUxG
<GitHub135> [jruby] headius opened issue #5118: Unimplemented Ruby 2.5 Features https://git.io/vxgaC
<lopex> headius: String#each_grapheme_cluster and String#grapheme_clusters are done
<lopex> headius: and landed today
<headius> oh right you are
<headius> I'll fix that
<headius> most of the remaining failures look pretty mundane
<GitHub116> [jruby] headius closed issue #4458: NotImplementedError: kill unsupported or native support failed to load - works on RHEL5, fails RHEL7 https://git.io/vMxL1
<lopex> headius: is there a similarly pruned 2.4 issue ?
<headius> lopex: yes
<GitHub116> [jruby] headius opened issue #5119: JRuby 9.2 Projects https://git.io/vxgVQ
<headius> well wait, maybe not
<headius> we never released 9.2 so I don't know if I made one
<headius> I will do so
<headius> lopex: if you have anything to add to 5119 above go ahead
<headius> there's a few specific failures I opened issues for too
<lopex> mostly case map
<lopex> headius: the grapheme cluster is now as in 2.6 since in 2.5 is terribly broken
<headius> I see several of these are done
<lopex> no
<lopex> none for now
<headius> oh not wired up in jruby yet right?
<lopex> yeah
<lopex> the thing we talked recently
<headius> right
<headius> ok
<headius> I feel pretty good about where we are on master, 2.5 failures notwithstanding
<lopex> ao are we testing against 2.5 suite now ?
<GitHub54> [jruby] headius opened issue #5120: Dist target now fails https://git.io/vxgwK
<headius> lopex: yes
<headius> master will not be green just yet...need to sort out which of remaining failures we can defer and which we need to address now
<ChrisBr> headius: looking at https://github.com/jruby/jruby/pull/5117
<ChrisBr> it seems like the regression tests are now obsolete and wrong
<ChrisBr> should I delete them?
<headius> ChrisBr: oh I should have confirmed
<headius> if that's the case, yes, just delete them
<headius> a lot of jruby suite is copies of old MRI tests
<ChrisBr> I tested it with 2.5 and it is expected output
<ChrisBr> (the first test is actually the feature)
<GitHub160> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vxgo0
<GitHub160> jruby/master 3242f49 Charles Oliver Nutter: This should not be versioned.
<headius> ChrisBr: ok
<GitHub163> [jruby] ChrisBr opened pull request #5121: Require real path (master...bug/require-expanded) https://git.io/vxgoa
<headius> resubmit with the bad tests removed and we'll see if anything else fails
<headius> I got too eager to merge :-)
<ChrisBr> headius: already done ^^
<headius> oh yeah there it is
<headius> I'll let this one finish testing
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