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<kares[m]> +1 let's hear the news from RC :)
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<lordb> Are there any current daemon frameworks that work with JRuby? I am trying to update an old app that was using the Raad gem which is not compatible with ruby 2.5.
<enebo[m]> lordblordb I don't know off hand but colinsurprenant is still around and it may be fairly easy to correct any 2.5 isms?
<enebo[m]> lordb: you know what in particular is not working?
<lordb> enebo[m] the thing that crashes it is use of Config::CONFIG instead of rbconfig, which would be an easy fix, but when I tried to build the project, many things were very out of date
<enebo[m]> lordb: Yeah I can see an ancient rspec...If no one else has a suggestion you can open an issue asking if he is willing to update it. He may even then tell you a good replacement if he has no interest
<enebo[m]> lordb: he works with elastic and does jruby stuff so this was likely made for a reason. If he stopped using it then likely he is using something else
<lordb> enebo[m] Thanks, I will do that. I did send an inquiry about the project to his email in the gemspec last week, but opening an issue is probably more appropriate.
<enebo[m]> lordb: yeah no doubt there is some other library too. I just know he is around and probably knows the answer
<enebo[m]> I was curious what was broken but I think it largely just works with the RbConfig change
<enebo[m]> Although I also wonder if there is a more current daemon gem since this one was pretty old
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<lordb> thanks, enebo[m], I will give that a try
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