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<rdubya[m]> Has anybody seen an issue with jruby where it won't allow you to call private methods that are defined in a parent class from a child class?
<rdubya[m]> I have code that we've been running in production for months that suddenly decided it wasn't going to let me call it that way anymore
<rdubya[m]> one of the other devs had it happen in another place as well, in an area where we've been doing similar things for years
<headius[m]> 9.1.17, could be
<headius[m]> Especially if prepend or refinements are involved
<headius[m]> I don't know why it would start happening suddenly though
<rdubya[m]> neither of those apply in this case
<headius[m]> Not super calls to Java superclass private methods right?
<rdubya[m]> and I can't replicate it
<rdubya[m]> with test code, its only happening in these 2 specific places afaik
<rdubya[m]> no, java shouldn't be getting involved here
<headius[m]> Hmm
<rdubya[m]> i'll create a gist so you can see the code
<headius[m]> 👍
<headius[m]> Y'all like tabs eh
<rdubya[m]> lol yeah we use smart tabs
<headius[m]> Which call fails?
<rdubya[m]> line 27 in the hostname.rb file
<headius[m]> Oh I see
<rdubya[m]> if I change it to self.with_connection it complains that I'm calling a private method, if I don't have the `self.` part on there it just complains that the method doesn't exist
<headius[m]> On mobile on airplane
<rdubya[m]> oh lol
<headius[m]> Pretty straightforward code
<headius[m]> Could an instance have been made into a Singleton or something? Some code extends into it maybe?
<rdubya[m]> Shouldn't be
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<rdubya[m]> the line calling into it is: `Services::Cloudflare::Hostname.new(name).ensure_existence_and_correctness`
<headius[m]> Hmm
<headius[m]> I see nothing obvious here
<headius[m]> Got a copy of the error?
<rdubya[m]> if I change it to protected instead of private it works
<rdubya[m]> let me get a copy of it, it doesn't have much info unfortunately
<rdubya[m]> bleh
<rdubya[m]> I changed it to protected and restarted and it worked
<rdubya[m]> then changed it back to private and restarted and it worked 😕
<rdubya[m]> headius: guess I'll just keep an eye out for it and try to dig into it more if it happens again, thanks for looking into it
<headius[m]> I suspect something somewhere is monkeying with the hierarchy in was you aren't aware of
<rdubya[m]> the other place we had it happen was in a controller that extended ApplicationController
<headius[m]> I am definitely curious
<rdubya[m]> and its only certain methods lol, other private methods can still be called fine ☹️
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<headius[m]> Hmm
<headius[m]> JIT
<headius[m]> Would explain it working at first and not later
<headius[m]> Try setting threshold 0
<rdubya[m]> at this point I can't get it to fail anymore
<headius[m]> -Xjit.threshold=0
<headius[m]> Only hunch I have now other than some runtime class hierarchy nonsense
<rdubya[m]> love the hard to find ones lol, we'll hopefully be getting everything into 9.2 soon, so hopefully that won't have the same issue
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<enebo[m]> This sounds like maybe visibility changes somehow when it is JITd?
<kares[m]> rdubya what kind of app do you have, I recall you're using SQServer on Rails but anything you can share (always interested :) ?
<rdubya[m]> its a rails app, the primary datastore is postgres but we have legacy data in SQLServer and we also store some stuff in MongoDb
<rdubya[m]> the core functionality is a content management system for schools
<kares[m]> nice a custom (in house built) Rails cms or has it been based on something existing?
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<headius[m]> enebo I'm thinking slightly different logic for the vis check in jit vs interp
<headius[m]> It would explain it being intermittent
<enebo[m]> headius: yeah it could just be different logic with same value too
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<rdubya[m]> kares: It was built from the ground up, its a rewrite of our legacy coldfusion based cms
<rdubya[m]> that's why we're still stuck with mssql holding some of the data lol
<headius[m]> Good old cold fusion
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<alex_ezz> Hello, can somebody help me with jruby IO question?
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<alex_ezz> Does anybody know why jruby does not flush the buffer after running this simple script: https://gist.github.com/AlexEzzeddine/75caa12df3ac0af6c8246fc4f175f1de
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<enebo[m]> alex_ezz: can you open a bug on this. I don't think this is flushing though since if I explicitly $stdout.flush it is not there either
<enebo[m]> alex_ezz: I predict something special about how we treat stdout in the reopen
<alex_ezz> enebo[m]: ok, I will open an issue, thanks.
<kares[m]> https all jruby.org :) https://github.com/jruby/jruby.github.io/pull/16
<kares[m]> rdubya: never worked with CF, but sounds like you did have a dose of fun with it
<kares[m]> very nice that you were able to keep back-wards compatiblity with a closed system ...
<kares[m]> in terms of the data layer
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<kiwi_31> hey!
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<headius[m]> Hey hey!
<headius[m]> Oh left
<lopex> indeed
<headius[m]> Silly me for taking a nap
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