ChanServ changed the topic of #libreoffice-ru to: Канал поддержки русскоязычных пользователей LibreOffice | Wiki TDF | On-line документация | Логи канала:
UnDeadPresident has joined #libreoffice-ru
UnDeadPresident has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
UnDeadPresident has joined #libreoffice-ru
JohnDoe_71Rus has joined #libreoffice-ru
<tagezi> JohnDoe_71Rus: привет
<tagezi> и всем остальным тоже утра ))
<JohnDoe_71Rus> привет
JohnDoe_71Rus has quit [Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.]
JohnDoe_71Rus has joined #libreoffice-ru
<tagezi> JohnDoe_71Rus: вопрос есть
<tagezi> стукни, пожалуйста, в приват
UnDeadPresident has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
JohnDoe_71Rus has quit [Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.]
JohnDoe_71Rus has joined #libreoffice-ru
nobody-nobody has joined #libreoffice-ru
<tagezi> о_О
nobody-nobody-2 has joined #libreoffice-ru
<nobody-nobody-2> test
nobody-nobody-2 has left #libreoffice-ru ["WeeChat 1.1.1"]
<tagezi> тест-тест.. тут некому отвечать, бота только осенью поставлю
JohnDoe_71Rus has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium]
nobody-nobody has left #libreoffice-ru ["Ухожу я от вас (xchat 2.4.5 или старше)"]
svetlana__ has joined #libreoffice-ru
svetlana has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
UNIm95 has joined #libreoffice-ru
UNIm95 has left #libreoffice-ru [#libreoffice-ru]
svetlana__ is now known as svetlana