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<wwilly> hi
<wwilly> for using the ds18b20 thermal sensor 1wire connected on gpio pin 13 of odroidxu3
<wwilly> I finally write this dts:
<wwilly> but it's not working, I get w1-gpio onewire_device: could not find pctldev for node /my-w1-pin, deferring probe
<wwilly> somebody can help me? krzk ?
<wwilly> I follow this page
<javier__> wwilly: your pinctrl devnode (my_w1_pin) needs to be a child of the pinctrl
<wwilly> javier__, thanks for your help
<wwilly> still get the dmesg
<javier__> wwilly: yes, that seems correct. I would add it in your dts and not the common dtsi since is only used in your board but shoulnd't make a dif
<javier__> wwilly: same error?
<wwilly> w1-gpio onewire_device: could not find pctldev for node /my-w1-pin, deferring probe
<wwilly> so I have this now
<wwilly> but still get w1-gpio onewire_device: could not find pctldev for node /my-w1-pin, deferring probe
<wwilly> in cat /sys/kernel/debug/pinctrl/13400000.pinctrl/pinmux-pins I have pin 21 (gpx1-5): (MUX UNCLAIMED) (GPIO UNCLAIMED)
<javier__> hmm, your second dts should had fixed that since AFAICT the error is due the pin controller not being found
<wwilly> ok
<wwilly> so, what to do?
<wwilly> can you point me somewhere where I could solve this prob?
<javier__> wwilly: in your first DTS is cleary why it fails, because the pinctrl config node doesn't have the proper pin controller parent. But in the second one I don't see why it would fail
<wwilly> uhm ok
<wwilly> do you know a pinctrl's guru that I could annoye to help me write this?
<javier__> wwilly: it doesn't have to be a pinctrl guru, this is a very simple thing to do. Maybe I'm missing something obvious in your DTS but I don't see what could cause your issue
<javier__> in principle, a resource not being available by the time is looked up is not an issue since it just causes the driver's probe to defer and latter when another driver registers it, it's re-tried
<javier__> but in the case of the pinctrl drivers, these usually are registered in a very early initcall level so should be available by the time the drivers are probed
<wwilly> when you say look at pinctrl/devicetree, you mean put some printk to trace what happend?
<javier__> wwilly: yes
<javier__> look what's the node parent, etc
<wwilly> uhm ok
<wwilly> sounds lile a busy afternoon for me :/
<wwilly> :)
<javier__> wwilly: this works for me
<javier__> # dmesg | grep w1_gpio
<javier__> [ 2.219607] w1_gpio_probe probed correctly
<wwilly> and with cat /sys/kernel/debug/pinctrl/13400000.pinctrl/pinmux-pins
<wwilly> you see the reservation as well?
<javier__> # grep gpx1-5 /sys/kernel/debug/pinctrl/13400000.pinctrl/pinmux-pins
<javier__> pin 21 (gpx1-5): onewire_device gpx1:21 function /soc/pinctrl@13400000/my-w1-pin group gpx1-5
<wwilly> uhm ok
<wwilly> not working on my xu3
<wwilly> could you try on an xu3?
<javier__> hmm, I don't see why it wouldn't work. I don't have a xu3 but let me boot my xu4 with a modified xu3 dts
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<javier__> # grep gpx1-5 /sys/kernel/debug/pinctrl/13400000.pinctrl/pinmuux-pins
<javier__> pin 21 (gpx1-5): onewire_device gpx1:21 function /soc/pinctrl@13400000/my-w1-pin group gpx1-5
<javier__> # dmesg | grep w1_gpio
<javier__> [ 2.244105] w1_gpio_probe probed correctly
<javier__> # cat /proc/device-tree/compatible
<javier__> hardkernel,odroid-xu3samsung,exynos5800samsung,exynos5
<wwilly> I should have a ghost on my board
<wwilly> I have the exact same change for this
<wwilly> and still the same
<javier__> wwilly: what kernel version do you have?
<wwilly> 2d6be4abf514fc26c83d239c7f31da1f95e4a31d
<javier__> also, are you sure that your dtb is being updated?
<wwilly> origingit:// (fetch)
<javier__> Ok, so 4.10+
<javier__> I'm testing with today's next so it should be about the same
<wwilly> ....... Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair
<wwilly> since I git commit, the image isn't marked as dirty.... and then I booted the prior kernel
<wwilly> ......
<wwilly> damn, I owe you a beer
<javier__> wwilly: no worries, I'm glad that I could be of any help :)
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<LiquidAcid> can someone confirm that the exynos mixer internally works with YCbCr?
<LiquidAcid> i did a bit of reverse engineering with the magic numbers if mixer_cfg_rgb_fmt() and they appear to be a rgb-to-yuv conversion matrix (the default values of the registers as well)
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