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<mszyprow> memeka: ping
<memeka> mszyprow pong
<memeka> Sorry busy with sick kid :(
<mszyprow> memeka: I've fixed the DRM dmabuf import issue, my fault since Linux v4.6
<memeka> Saw the drm patch, excited to try tmr
<mszyprow> memeka: but I noticed that gst uses dmabuf in very inefficient way
<mszyprow> memeka: from the logs I see it imports the buffers for every single frame
<mszyprow> memeka: I don't know the gst internals, but one should check it, there is huge space for optimizations there
<mszyprow> memeka: the buffers should be imported/exported once on pipeline configuration then simply used
<mszyprow> so basically now we benchmark dmabuf setup/import functions instead of real zero-copy buffer processing
<memeka> I’ll let the gst ppl know, but they might be aware
<memeka> I know they’re working on this: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=783521
<mszyprow> those 2 pipelines should work at the same speed:
<mszyprow> filesrc location=bunny_trailer_1080p.mov ! qtdemux ! h264parse ! v4l2h264dec capture-io-mode=dmabuf ! v4l2video2convert output-io-mode=dmabuf-import capture-io-mode=dmabuf ! fpsdisplaysink video-sink=kmssink sync=false
<mszyprow> filesrc location=bunny_trailer_1080p.mov ! qtdemux ! h264parse ! v4l2h264dec capture-io-mode=dmabuf ! v4l2video2convert output-io-mode=dmabuf-import capture-io-mode=dmabuf-import ! fpsdisplaysink video-sink=kmssink sync=false
<mszyprow> but in real test there are significant differences
<mszyprow> it should really not matter which driver exports the buffer
<memeka> What should the second one do? Is gscaler importing buf from kms?
<memeka> Why not use userptr?
<mszyprow> well, I just gave the example you sent me with the iommu bug issue ;)
<mszyprow> dmabuf should be preffered over userptr if possible
<mszyprow> in theory it would be faster when used properly
<mszyprow> userptr relies on a series of hacks
<memeka> Ok I’ll try them
<memeka> Oh I see
<memeka> I thought the idea was for the sink to allocate buffers
<mszyprow> but in practice the current code imports/exports the buffers every frame
<mszyprow> what completely kills the idea of zerocopy
<memeka> And send them to the previous elements (gsc, MFC)
<mszyprow> as setting up dmabufs between drivers has non-zero overhead
<memeka> In any case, with iommu disabled I was getting <10% cpu usage
<memeka> So I’ll compare to that :)
<mszyprow> if you know the gst people, please report them my complaints ;)
<memeka> Yup I will
<mszyprow> at least from the kernel side now it should work fine
<memeka> Cool
<memeka> Thx for looking at that, one more bug fixed!
<mszyprow> I will focus on the dmabuf import for mfc encoding now
<memeka> Wow cool
<memeka> I have to go to my son now sorry
<mszyprow> memeka: no problem
<memeka> But thx fir the awesome news
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