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<mszyprow^> memeka: ping
<memeka> mszyprow^: hi
<mszyprow^> memeka: where is the sd card image for reproducing mixer page fault? :)
<memeka> sorry i got myself busy with the wife leaving for a few days and did not manage to upload the image
<mszyprow^> memeka: okay, I also wasn't at the office yesterday
<memeka> plus, i was trying to get to the root cause and establish a simple program that crashes the DRM
<memeka> instead of "run kodi" :)
<memeka> so now i am trying to make MPV crash it, but i have to make it run gscaler first :))
<memeka> mszyprow^: but I have figured out something (after updating kodi too)
<memeka> with latest kodi, they assign specific planes for GUI and VIDEO
<memeka> GUI = overlay, VIDEO = primary
<memeka> as in, they create FB for each plane
<memeka> I think before there was only one FB
<memeka> and they were switching planes (somehow)
<memeka> so i think the DRM crash was happening because of this ...
<memeka> point in case: if i manually assign both GUI and VIDEO same plane => crash
<memeka> but now, i have another problem: isolating planes completely => i get only a black screen that can be fixed by reboot
<memeka> although stuff works (i can see kodi responds to my keypresses correctly)
<memeka> it's like the DRM and/or GBM drivers are not doing a flip or something
<memeka> or the FB gets lost
<memeka> dunno it's weird!
<memeka> mszyprow^: oh yeah! >> if i assign just GUI (egl gbm) to OVERLAY plane (GRAPHICS1) => the image "trembles" and after few seconds there's kernel crash!
<memeka> no video playing on PRIMARY plane ... just having EGL content on GRAPHICS1 ...
<memeka> mszyprow^: it doesn't ALWAYS crashes just by going into the menus ... but there's always a bit of ... small shaking of the image
<memeka> whereas on the other plane, it's rock solid
<memeka> looks like the rPi when it's undervolted :)
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<memeka> kernel panic with MFC when stopping the encoder:
<memeka> on kernel 4.18
<memeka> command: gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=sintel_trailer-1080p.mp4 ! parsebin ! v4l2h264dec ! v4l2h264enc extra-controls="encode,frame_level_rate_control_enable=1,video_bitrate=10000000" ! h264parse ! matroskamux ! filesink location=transcoded.mkv
<memeka> then interrupt it with multiple CTRL-C
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