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<mixfix41> is that with uboot or just with the checksum
<mixfix41> or a uboot file, when i had invalid checksum it would just effect my library files not sure about uboot
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<mixfix41> error like this was common then fsck took care of it after maybe like something undera dozen happenings
<mixfix41> though that was with a program i was trying to run so maybe i was lucky it didnt hit my boot files at all
<mixfix41> or fortunate yeah fortunate
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<PabloPL> mixfix41: Issue happens only when inside uboot, i'm enabling internal memory as mass storage and try to copy files to it. If i do the same thing but with sdcard - it's working fine (able to copy/remove/etc files to it). Also i'm able to boot system from internal memory without problems
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<PabloPL> Is here anyone with goni board and can check if it's possible to use emmc as mass storage in uboot ?
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