mszyprow|home: ok, let me know, I'm really curious
wwilly: it looks that there is a bug in the regulator code for coupled regulators, which results in setting too low voltage. your patch decreases the clocks rate for fsys bus (200MHz cannot be derived from 666MHz, so i efectively sets 166mhz), what 'fixes' its operation on too low voltage
wwilly: but still, that's only a theory
uhm ok
wwilly: I'm checking it now
what is your formula to derive the frequency? is there any code for that?
I haven't dig that yet
wwilly: you need to check the clock tree from the PLLs to the individual clocks
wwilly: there are only integer dividers there
uhm ok
wwilly: so from 666MHz you can derive only 222MHz (div 3), 166.6MHz (div 4), 133MHz (div 5), 111MHz (div 6), ...
wwilly: if you set 200MHz, clock framework will round it down to the nearest possible value -> 166MHz
ah yes ok
so you have only one divider here
wwilly: some paths have more than one divider
wwilly: but there are only integer dividers
wwilly: so it doesn't matter how many of them are there
... yes
hope there is not a math test for my job after the PhD ah ha
so I test your suggestion about removing regulator-coupled-*
mszyprow|home: if you pop a patch, you mind to add reported-by or something similar? :)
wwilly: of course
I still the report bug mail, than I never sent, do you want me to send it, or you want to find a fix first and use this mail as cover support to your patch?
wwilly: first please check if my assumption is correct, so if increasing the min voltage fixes your issue
wwilly: my last idea to check: https://pastebin.com/8ZUssmzW (without opp-shared, with reduced numer of opps in fsys2 table used also by fsys)