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I'm trying to setup drm_hwcomposer with my note 10.1 exynos4412 device, but there is some issues with semi transparent layers, they are hiding other layers behind them and only display as black. Could this issue be related to the exynos driver or is there maybe something missing in the drm_hwcomposer backend?
Viciouss, are you using lima driver or a non-free mali driver?
adjtm_ I'm using lima indeed and compositing with OpenGL is fine, so if I override the backend to use only OpenGL there are no issues
replicant 11 is using drm_hwcomposer with lima and I have not seen any issue
how can I reproduce it?
it happens for me for example in the clock app, when setting an alarm timer, there is a popup with a semi transparent layer to darken the background. this leads to a black background and only the popup and status bar being visible
Viciouss, it works with replicant 11, if I undertand correctly
this would point towards an issue with drm_hwcomposer then
the popup shows the circular time selection and the background shows the clock app with a darker blue color
Viciouss, ok, it flickers a couple of times with a black background, then every now and then it flickers again to black when the selection changes
but it finally goes to showing the background
ah that's what I mean, after a couple of seconds it should switch to OpenGL and everything is fine again
ah, ok
so it's the same issue there
then I can confirm the issue
but I don't understand what do you mean with "switch to opengl"
hwcomposer folds the layers together in opengl after a couple of seconds if nothing changes on screen to save energy
before that couple of seconds, does hwcomposer use the 2D engine for overlays?
it uses the exynos hardware layers and compositing is done in the display engine if I understood that correctly
are those hardware layers in the display driver and different from the 2D engine (FIMG-2D)?
yes it's something different, they are defined in the FIMD driver and are called hardware window 1 to 5
Viciouss, ok thanks for the information
which android version and rom are you using?
I'm using LOS 11
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