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<marlin> lucid whats up
<lucid_0x80> as usual compiler writing :-D
<lucid_0x80> what about you ?
<marlin> bir sey sorusum deqiqlesdirim daha dogrusu, mqtt protocolu vare o pub/sub patterndirde , o ancaq IOT-da istifade edilmelidir bele convesnsiya var yoxsa sen meselen redisin pub/sub evezine istifade ede bilersen mesel ucun ?
<marlin> yeni sert o deyilde sirf IOT olcaq ? yada machine-to machine olacq?
<marlin> meselen men restAPi da gateway kimi mqtt protocloundan istifade ede bilerem de
<marlin> ?
<lucid_0x80> mqtt iot ucun
<lucid_0x80> dizayn olub
<marlin> real-da bunu edirler yeni ?
<lucid_0x80> zeif internet
<lucid_0x80> suretlerinde
<lucid_0x80> istifade etmek ucun
<lucid_0x80> daha cox
<marlin> aha yes
<lucid_0x80> bele istifadesini
<lucid_0x80> gormemisem
<lucid_0x80> bele istifadeye yararli deil axi
<marlin> yeni men dediyim case ucun olar yoxsa yox ?
<marlin> nohun ?
<lucid_0x80> cunki
<lucid_0x80> funksionalligdan
<lucid_0x80> optimalligdan
<lucid_0x80> daha cox
<lucid_0x80> internet traffikinin
<lucid_0x80> asagi salinmasi
<lucid_0x80> ucun dizayn edilib
<marlin> a ona gore iot ucun deyirlerde
<marlin> sirf olaraq
<lucid_0x80> yes
<lucid_0x80> bele istifadesini hec gormemisem
<marlin> onda meslehet deyilde REST arasinda istfiade edesen
<lucid_0x80> rabbitmq
<lucid_0x80> nie istifade
<lucid_0x80> etmirsen?
<marlin> yox onu bilirem prosta maraqli qaldiki olar goresen mehz bunu mqtt istifade etmek
<lucid_0x80> istifade ede bilersene
<lucid_0x80> amma funksionalligi olmayacagda
<lucid_0x80> o daha cox IoT-da
<lucid_0x80> istifade edilirde
<lucid_0x80> birdene data transfer ucun
<marlin> he cunki bir defe qaqasnan danisirdim onunlada bele sohet oldu, ama men cox meqale tapmadim desin ki redisin pub/sub evezi veya rabbimq evezi bunu olar istifade etmek
<marlin> yeni eger app simple datadirsa
<lucid_0x80> onu gerek
<lucid_0x80> sen ozun
<lucid_0x80> mence
<lucid_0x80> review edesen
<lucid_0x80> proyektin ucun
<lucid_0x80> ise yarayacaq ya yox
<marlin> he okey ozman :*
<marlin> cox sagolun opurem maraqli sohbet ucun
<marlin> compiler nece gedir? ))
<lucid_0x80> buyurun deymez brat opurem
<lucid_0x80> ele onu yaziram
<lucid_0x80> :-D
<lucid_0x80> sen nese lazim olsa
<lucid_0x80> men burda olmasam
<lucid_0x80> bele
<lucid_0x80> bura yaz
<lucid_0x80> men loglari oxuyuram
<marlin> Cox sagoln :)
<marlin> yorulmayasiz :D
<lucid_0x80> tesekkur edirem brat :-D
<marlin> babatdir
<marlin> baxUsing MQTT, Facebook brought to the game a fast and reliable messenger application—small and lightweight, a battery and cost saver—that would function well even with the varying Internet connections available across the world.
<marlin> he bax bro
<lucid_0x80> bu messangerde istifade edirler :-D
<lucid_0x80> telefonda
<marlin> fb-da mqtt sirf lightwieght oldugu ucun device-lar ucun istifade edib eynei
<lucid_0x80> az internet traffiki ucun
<marlin> aha eynen
<lucid_0x80> 3gde zadda
<marlin> az internet yesin deyee
<lucid_0x80> az internet istifade etsin
<lucid_0x80> heee
<marlin> hee
<lucid_0x80> sen onu webde istifade etmeyin
<lucid_0x80> sene hecne qazandirmaz
<marlin> ejdahadilar
<marlin> eledir yeni webe yarim
<marlin> yaramir
<marlin> sirf devece olmalidir
<marlin> device
<marlin> module yaziram ona uygun
<marlin> ona gore istedim senle muzakira edek, hem orda kicik bir meqale olacaq onun parcasi olaraq qeyd elemek isteyiridm bu caseleri
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<lucid_0x80> heee daha cox az traffik istifade edilmek istenilen yerlerde istifade edilir
<lucid_0x80> burda specificationida var
<lucid_0x80> lap maragli olsa baxa bilersen
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<marlin> mellim idris atdi sene nece duzledibler?
<lucid_0x80> aha beli brat
<lucid_0x80> coxsagol ejdahadir
<lucid_0x80> opurem
<lucid_0x80> ircloga bax sene yazmisam burda deyesen cixmisdin
<marlin> qesey duzeldibler he meinmde xosuma geldi :)
<marlin> ejdahadilar
<lucid_0x80> ejdahalar
<marlin> heqqi gozde gorum
<lucid_0x80> sen burda olmayanda da yazacam
<lucid_0x80> sene
<lucid_0x80> bunnan sonra :-D
<lucid_0x80> offline olanda
<lucid_0x80> ircloga baxarsan
<lucid_0x80> :-D
<marlin> yaz brat yaz aciq qalacaq menim lgolarim
<marlin> yuz faiz dont worry
<lucid_0x80> ejdahasannnn
<marlin> :d
<marlin> sizde ejdahasiz
<marlin> :d
<lucid_0x80> tesekkur edirem
<lucid_0x80> o sizin ejdahaliginizdir
<lucid_0x80> :-0D
<marlin> ahahah
<marlin> :D
<marlin> getdiyde indi ejdaha sohbetkere
<marlin> :d
<marlin> bura isleyir de?
<lucid_0x80> yox yox
<marlin> yoxsa menim netim yene ucub
<lucid_0x80> this one
<marlin> oh right
<marlin> thanks ejdaha
<lucid_0x80> you're welcome brat
<lucid_0x80> shusha
<lucid_0x80> ucun
<lucid_0x80> semantic analyser yaziram
<lucid_0x80> function definition ucun
<lucid_0x80> runtime polymorphism yazacam
<lucid_0x80> indi ikidene funskiyani eyni
<lucid_0x80> adda teyin ede bilmirsen
<lucid_0x80> ancaqgerek argument tipleri ferqli olsun
<lucid_0x80> fn sqr(a: u32){}
<lucid_0x80> tezden
<lucid_0x80> teyin etsen bele
<lucid_0x80> error olacaq
<lucid_0x80> fn sqr(a: u32){}
<lucid_0x80> fn sqr(){}
<lucid_0x80> ancaq bele teyin ede bilersen
<marlin> aa bunun bele olmagin sen ozun istedin, yeni maraqlidr hece bele birseyi nadir hallarda edirler
<marlin> cox spesfik yanasmadire bu))
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<marlin> lucid
<marlin> burani bilirsen
<lucid_0x80> xeyr brat
<lucid_0x80> bu nedirki?
<lucid_0x80> indi gorurem\
<marlin> dedim gorum bilirsen bunlari
<lucid_0x80> yox brat
<lucid_0x80> ilk defedir gorurem
<marlin> martin eminnin is yeridir
<lucid_0x80> nese konsultasiya sirketidir
<lucid_0x80> martin fowler?
<marlin> martin flower senin sevidyin :d
<marlin> ja
<lucid_0x80> hmm :_D
<lucid_0x80> ilk defedir
<lucid_0x80> gorurem
<marlin> :d
<lucid_0x80> shusha ucun
<lucid_0x80> forum qurmaq
<lucid_0x80> isteyirem
<lucid_0x80> bilmirem forum qurum
<lucid_0x80> yoxsa
<lucid_0x80> mailing list?
<lucid_0x80> hmm
<lucid_0x80> hansi daha yaxshidir?\
<lucid_0x80> sence
<lucid_0x80> ne dusunursen?
<marlin> hmm maraqlidir,
<lucid_0x80> forum
<lucid_0x80> daha maragli olar
<lucid_0x80> he mence?
<lucid_0x80> yeniler zadlar
<lucid_0x80> mailnen cetin olar
<marlin> bilmedim hec men daha cox google form gorurem
<marlin> mence forum daha yaxsi olarda
<lucid_0x80> bax bele birseydir
<marlin> mail adami bezidir cixirlar
<marlin> intertim gozelim menim
<marlin> yoo
<marlin> babatdir a bu
<marlin> lezzetli temadir bu))
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<xdxdxd> Lucid sen xengel yeyirsen?
<lucid_0x80> aha
<lucid_0x80> niye yemirem :-D
<lucid_0x80> brat
<lucid_0x80> amma acili olmasinda
<xdxdxd> Vse ela))) daniwag gun teyin eliyey gedeyde xengele))) havalar soyuyub)
<marlin> ooooo
<marlin> seviremde bele teklifleri
<marlin> :d
<lucid_0x80> mende
<lucid_0x80> sevdim
<lucid_0x80> bu teklifi :-D
<lucid_0x80> brat
<lucid_0x80> destekleyirem
<marlin> men umuytler yigincaqlari sevirem
<marlin> ama karantin vaxti yox
<marlin> Ld
<marlin> :d
<lucid_0x80> onsuz karantin
<lucid_0x80> hefte sonlaridir
<xdxdxd> He vse ela onda) Hesennende danisag gun teyin eliyey gedey xengel basag))
<marlin> hede bizde heftesonu yeqin gedeciyiy))
<marlin> heri bratlar
<lucid_0x80> hefte sonu
<lucid_0x80> gede bilmeyeceyik
<lucid_0x80> :-D
<lucid_0x80> ancaq hefte ici
<lucid_0x80> hefte sonu cunki baglidir
<lucid_0x80> butun restoranlar
<marlin> eynen
<marlin> poxu cixdi
<lucid_0x80> hefte ici
<lucid_0x80> ishden cixa bilmirsiz?
<lucid_0x80> onsuzda karantin rejimidi
<lucid_0x80> vot votduinnolandida
<lucid_0x80> bagliyacaglar :-D
<lucid_0x80> evden ishe kecende
<lucid_0x80> gederik :-D
<marlin> sacokluk eliyirsiz ay sizi developerler
<marlin> :d
<lucid_0x80> ahahah
<lucid_0x80> :-D
<marlin> :D :d
<xdxdxd> Ala hefte ici biraz tez cixib gederiyde marlim
<lucid_0x80> nevare ishde :-d
<lucid_0x80> oda duzdur
<lucid_0x80> saat 3-de flan
<lucid_0x80> gederiK
<marlin> he olar olar )))noshu olmasin
<xdxdxd> Ala he))))) 🤣
<marlin> :D
<xdxdxd> Vse ela)))
<lucid_0x80> isteirsiz
<lucid_0x80> indide gele bilerem
<lucid_0x80> mene colde bayir kimidir :-D
<marlin> gedeyinde bu deyqe isleeyn yer hardadir ?
<marlin> men gelirem zad
<marlin> :d
<lucid_0x80> ahaha
<lucid_0x80> durub gelirsend :-D
<xdxdxd> Xaxaxaxaxaa
<marlin> :d :d
<marlin> taksiye minirsen deyirsen gizlince apar
<xdxdxd> Takside sicir agziva))) 🤣 🤣
<marlin> oda aparir soxur posta promiy nese subheli geldi qaqas baxin gorun kimdir, saxlayirlar deyrisen xengle gedirdim
<marlin> :d
<marlin> birdene video vare gozdeyin
<marlin> tapim
<lucid_0x80> brat publicdiii :-D
<marlin> stop
<lucid_0x80> hackerlerin intiqami :-D
<lucid_0x80> ircni cox seviremeetaga :-D
<lucid_0x80> 32 monitorda daha seksi gorunur :-d
<marlin> I love IRC
<marlin> :D
<xdxdxd> 32 monitora yerleshir irc?))
<lucid_0x80> hee :-D
<lucid_0x80> bla o qeder
<lucid_0x80> yetimem ki
<lucid_0x80> 1920x1080
<lucid_0x80> isledirem
<lucid_0x80> 32 monitoru :-D
<lucid_0x80> elebil 24 monitordayam :-D
<xdxdxd> Xaxaxaxaxaxaca
<xdxdxd> 🤣 🤣 🤣
<lucid_0x80> 2560 islemir :-D
<lucid_0x80> debian nese gicliyoru
<xdxdxd> Brat manjaro kde plazma yukle konfetdi))
<xdxdxd> Xaxaxaaxxaxa ay blya cox zor deyir e)))
<lucid_0x80> ahahahah
<lucid_0x80> :-D
<marlin> axaxax
<lucid_0x80> baxmisam buna :-D
<marlin> :D
<marlin> aj qarnina deyilde xasnan icmisem )))
<xdxdxd> Xaxaxaxxaxa
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