ChanServ changed the topic of #lowempire to: Low Level Empire | This channel was created for Algorithms, Compilers, OS, Hardware, CS theory stuff (low-level) | be patient, polite | don't do off top | Ask your question | Paste your codes/long texts or "echo just testing! | nc 9999" | Logs:
lucid_0x80 has joined #lowempire
ascii has joined #lowempire
<ascii> nece gozel , nece pakize :)) ozde faylin extensionu 'sl' beh beh)
<ascii> │tebrikler lucid,tebrikler hamimiza )) Ejdahasan mellim ) fexr edirik )yesy
<ascii> salamlar hamiya/)))
<ascii> lucid etaga gorem seni ki burdasan,sesivi cixart
<ascii> :DDDDDDDD
<lucid_0x80> ahahaha
<lucid_0x80> salam olsun
<lucid_0x80> tesekkurler
<lucid_0x80> opurem
<lucid_0x80> notification gelmire
<lucid_0x80> ona gore esitmemisem
ascii has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
marlin has joined #lowempire
<marlin> luciddd good afternonon man
xdxdxdxd has joined #lowempire
<xdxdxdxd> mellimler
<xdxdxdxd> nagaysiz?))
<marlin> salamlarr
<lucid_0x80> salamlar
<marlin> herekese igidler
<lucid_0x80> patent oxuyuram :-D as usual
<lucid_0x80> siz neynirsiz
<xdxdxdxd> :DDDD
<marlin> break ver gorek))
<xdxdxdxd> shushaya gore?))
<lucid_0x80> yooo cpua gore
<lucid_0x80> :-D
<xdxdxdxd> he :D
<marlin> onun patetintin neynirsen ki ?
<marlin> diyede bilmedim tfu :D
<lucid_0x80> duzelteceyim CPUa tetbiq edecem
<xdxdxdxd> oy blyaaaaa
<xdxdxdxd> qeweeeeeey
<marlin> aa
xdxdxdxd is now known as ascii
<ascii> xeyirli olsun menllim))
<marlin> yorulmaysaiz
<lucid_0x80> tesekkurler dostlarim
marlin is now known as macrus
lucid_0x80 is now known as suskub
suskub is now known as suskun
<macrus> babat is gedir
<macrus> deyesen hello world dan sonra
<suskun> indi baslayacam pointer
<suskun> yazmaga
<macrus> deyesen istirhate edirsne
<macrus> :D
<suskun> heee istirahet edirdim :-D
<suskun> biraz computer arxitekturasina matha zada baxdim
<suskun> dedim compilerdan uzaq durum biraz :-D
<macrus> )))
<suskun> usaglar
<macrus> besdir menimle yasadiz imkan verin kecim cpu zada))
<suskun> bir muddet sonra isteyirem kecim asyncede
<macrus> qesey olar
<macrus> sen bunu isteyrinde
<macrus> osnuzda demisdin
<suskun> he
<suskun> async esas meseledir ;-D
<suskun> tetbiq etmek istediyim
<macrus> olar olar
<macrus> neqder cetin olcagi sohbeti
<macrus> var
<macrus> da
<macrus> vaxtini cox almayacaq?
<macrus> o mexanizmi qurmaqi deyirem
<ascii> mence lucid ucun cetin hecne yoxdu ))
<suskun> indi oxuyuram ki
<suskun> onu nece yaza bilerem 0dan
<suskun> cunki bir cox diller sifirdan hazirlayib
<suskun> custom versiyadir yeni
<suskun> epoll zad istifade etmirler
<ascii> hmmm,sifirdan nece mellim? Sen os-in API-sinnen istifade etmeli deilsen?
<suskun> yox
<suskun> :-D
<suskun> ehtiyyac yoxdur ona
<ascii> aaaa mirtdawirsan?))
<suskun> yoo
<suskun> ciddiyem
<suskun> izah edecem onu
<suskun> orda babat proses var
<ascii> onda bele cixir os-in verdiyi funksionalligida ozun yazassanda he?
<suskun> bezi seyler var onlari tetbiq edim
<suskun> yeap
<suskun> eynen
<ascii> ne vaxt izah eliyessen??? :DDD pizdets temadi
<suskun> cox dehset temadir
<ascii> gozleyirikde seni mellim, partdayishnan geleceysen inanirig))
<suskun> bezi seyler var
<suskun> onlari oxuyub tetbiq edim
<suskun> sonra :-D
<suskun> rustdanda bezi konseptler goturecem borrowing zad
<ascii> he he mellim,nedese komek ede bilerikse xeber ele :D
<macrus> :D
<suskun> coxsagol opurem
<macrus> yeni temalar var
<macrus> deysen ))
<suskun> isteyirem hefte sonu streaming edim
<suskun> nece fikirdi?
<macrus> yaxsiki neqder diller bilirlersen low level seviyede
<macrus> onlarin komeyi deyir en azindan
<suskun> 100%
<suskun> :-D
<suskun> hem dillerin
<suskun> hem OSin
<suskun> hemde CPUnun
<suskun> basqa
<suskun> dillere
<suskun> baxiram
<suskun> ziglanga
<suskun> zada
<suskun> got gunundedir konseptleri
<suskun> ziglangin kohne versiyasinda hele birdene tema deyib gozume
<suskun> duzdu test etmemisem
<suskun> ancaq mence
<suskun> problemdir o
<suskun> birdene allocate funksiyasi var
<macrus> onu demisen
<macrus> onlara?
<suskun> yox
<suskun> allocate funksiyasi ile memory allocate edibler
<suskun> bircox yerde
<suskun> ancaq free etmeyibler :-D
<macrus> aaa
<macrus> bes dolsa
<macrus> grabage collector yxodur?
<macrus> bes
<suskun> hecne crash
<suskun> yox
<suskun> Cppdi
<suskun> bu
<macrus> maralidir
<suskun> menede maragli geldi ki
<suskun> bu sehvi nece edibler :-D
<macrus> belke necese duzeldibler
<suskun> oda ola biler
<macrus> o qeder kicik sehve yol vererler yeni
<macrus> ?
<suskun> that makes sense
<suskun> ola biler
<suskun> belkede necese external
<suskun> bir mexanizm var
<suskun> deallocate edir
<macrus> hmm
<macrus> ola biler
<suskun> notbukun anasini aglatmisame etaga ::-D
<suskun> 16 gb memorynin hamisi istifade edilir :-D
<macrus> ohhh
<macrus> now way man what did you do?
<suskun> idk i need a new computer :-D
<macrus> we share mine :D
<suskun> i just opened a lot tabs :-D
<macrus> we can
<suskun> lot of tabs*
<macrus> ahaha as usual me
<suskun> ahahaha :-D
<macrus> :d
<macrus> but computer will no be avalaibe after certain time
<macrus> did not upgrade memry yet
<suskun> i need a computer that has min 256 gb mem
<macrus> it is 8 gb
<macrus> :D
<macrus> aahahha
<macrus> i think you dont want computer
<suskun> super* computer
<suskun> aahahah
<suskun> :-D
<macrus> you want super powerfull
<macrus> something called machine :D
<macrus> :D:D
<suskun> last days to start hackathon
<suskun> ascii ibardan
<suskun> xeber cixdi?
<macrus> no way guys I told you join
<ascii> yox e mellim))
<suskun> bizi qaqas bu olkede sikine alan yoxduda
<ascii> xaxaxax)))) etaga)))
<ascii> etaga camaat wappawup Open source proyektlerimize contrib eliller ,amma ozumuzde qozdamillar :DDD
<macrus> we could have meet with other people
<suskun> with who? :-D
<suskun> osduragcilarla? :-D
<ascii> xaxaxaxax
<suskun> we have to make new relations with them
<suskun> we had*
<macrus> man you are more social addicted person you could have made some relations with them
<suskun> if i lost my job today, i'm sure i won't find new job in Azerbaijan
<macrus> you should be ignoring them i guess
<ascii> xaxaxaxaxaxa
<macrus> you should not sorry
<macrus> yeah that is ture
<macrus> true
<macrus> but case is you should show your power
<macrus> some random makes statements become rock star programmers from nowhere
<macrus> with piece of shit papers or some knowledge
<suskun> why should I join/(make relation) with trivial ppl?
<suskun> they don't care about my power :-D f
<suskun> they just think about pafos :-D how they can make pafos works for community
<ascii> they build pafos apps))))
<macrus> I am not saying be popular or do daily activ article writing or sharing stuffs (as i am not doing I cant ask someone to do that) but at least your efforts should be raised to these places should be famoues
<macrus> ehehehe :D pafos and populist
<macrus> :D
<suskun> macrus please do some differentiation between ascii and other ppl who work as Software Architect/Team Leader in banks, government etc.
<ascii> 😢
<suskun> you will see high curve i agree with you about making a bit advertisement
<ascii> partdayish olacagda bizim code talksda :D
<suskun> hee code talksi etmeliyik ne olur olsun
<ascii> yuz faiz
<macrus> :D)
<macrus> alaaa
<suskun> Aşağıdakı hərbi qulluqçular 2 dekabrdan etibarən səfərbərlik üzrə hərbi xidmətdən tərxis edilirlər:
<suskun> 1. ikidən çox uşağı olanlar
<suskun> 2. himayəsində I dərəcə əlilliyi olanlar
<suskun> 4. ailənin tək övladı olanlar
<suskun> 3. himayəsində yetkinlik yaşına çatmayan bacı və ya qardaşı olanlar
<suskun> 5. ataları və ya qardaşları döyüş əməliyyatları, habelə hərbi xidmət üzrə vəzifələrin icrası zamanı həlak olmuş və ya vəfat etmiş;
<suskun> 6. döyüş əməliyyatları zamanı və öncədən yaralı olanlar
<suskun> 7. yaxın qohumları şəhid olanlar
<suskun> 8. təhsillə əlaqədar hərbi xidmətdən təcrid olanlar
<suskun> oybla
<macrus> oo boydaaa yazi yamisdim
<macrus> getdi hamsi blee
<suskun> bu neydi
<suskun> CTRL Z
<suskun> et
<suskun> qayitacaq
<suskun> macrus
<macrus> ble seherden yazdim ((
<macrus> gelmedi
<suskun> azerbaycan dilinde yaz
<suskun> eybiyox
<macrus> bilirsen ne deyirdim
<macrus> ureyim sixilaca birde yazsam ((
<macrus> qisaca deyim
<macrus> code talks bizi qaldiracq o sen dedyin temalar ki vare o pozsiyada olan zad, it is beacse beacse some people can feed their ego, they feel happier beaing called in that postion.
<macrus> and more they are more power they gain but
<macrus> being less does not mean that you cant change anything
<macrus> being wise with statements counter attacks, having nice future vision, with knowledge you can destroy any stone
<macrus> being away from this will make this to grow
<macrus> poppulist people are there they will be always
<macrus> code talk really will make big chnage to that picture I belive
<suskun> for sure but most of ppl respect their power (position) don't respect for their knowledge
<suskun> yes i think we should show some magic :-D
<suskun> there
<macrus> definetely
<macrus> cool
<suskun> "with knowledge you can destroy any stone" sorry but I don't agree with this sentence :-D
<suskun> nowadays you just need a gob joob/position to be famous ppl
<suskun> or respectable ppl
<macrus> We can try at least mostly you should try it
<macrus> yeah right
<macrus> :D
<macrus> anyways code talks is ahead
<macrus> :)
<macrus> will be good hopefully
<suskun> yeapp
<suskun> there will be good things
macrus has quit [Quit: Leaving]
marlin has joined #lowempire
marlin has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<ascii> suskun: Shushani nece run edirik fayli?)
<suskun> ./build/bin/shusha test/
<suskun> source kod var sende? :-D
<suskun> gite atmamisama source kodu hele tezeni
<ascii> yox yoxdu hele dedin o kohnedide,prosto soruwdum )) atmisan uje?
<suskun> yox hele
<suskun> atmamisam
<suskun> atacam
<suskun> bezi seyleride qutarim
<suskun> Error handler yazmaq isteyirem birdene normal
<suskun> Error Handler problemi var hele
<suskun> birde switch/if/while kod generasiyalarini yazacam
<ascii> try catch bloku var?))
<suskun> yox hele :-D
<suskun> aybrat onlari yazmaq cox vaxtimi alare
<suskun> cox cetindir onlar
<ascii> yooo prosto sorushdum mellim )))) dedim gorum var ya yox maragliydi )))
<suskun> heee
<suskun> yox try catch yoxdur
<suskun> pointer yaziram indi
<suskun> sonra kececem looplara conditionlara
<suskun> onlardan sonra mence birsey lazim deyil
<suskun> basqa
<suskun> runtime polymorphism flanda yazacam
<ascii> Eoooofff ))))) ugurlar)))
<suskun> opureM)
<ascii> Macello ejdaha mellim ))
marlin has joined #lowempire
dumenci has joined #lowempire
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<dumenci> bunu C++nin core developerleri istesede yaza bilmez :-D
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lucid_0x80 has joined #lowempire
ascii has joined #lowempire
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marlin has joined #lowempire
<marlin> lucid
<marlin> burdasan
<marlin> meni bilirsen neye devet edirler?
<lucid_0x80> aha
<lucid_0x80> burdayam
<lucid_0x80> neye?
<marlin> bir lahiye var
<lucid_0x80> aha
<marlin> klip cekecekler menede deyirler sende velikle geleceksen duseceksen velikden , sonra oturub kod yazsan zad :D :d
<lucid_0x80> ahahah
<lucid_0x80> ahahah
<lucid_0x80> sesli guldum :-D
<marlin> men olumde yeni meni
<lucid_0x80> mezelenirsen :-D
<marlin> ancaq bele lahiylere devet ederler
<marlin> :d :D
<lucid_0x80> ahahahahah
<lucid_0x80> :-D :-D
<marlin> etaga :D :D
<lucid_0x80> camaat hackathonda munsif olure :-D
<marlin> tech klip cekir deyir sende gelersen
<lucid_0x80> bee lahiyelere devert edirler :-D
<marlin> :D
<marlin> gucnen gutardim
<marlin> yaxsiki xestelenmisem )))
<lucid_0x80> ahaha
<lucid_0x80> etaga
<lucid_0x80> sesli guldum
<marlin> :d :D etga cekilseydim gor indi meni neqeder trolleryrdiz he? ))))
<marlin> ahahha :D :D ozumu bir anliq tessvur etdime o video zad
<lucid_0x80> heryerde paylasardim :-D
<marlin> :D :D gelir qaqas veliki qiyur dusur
<marlin> sonra acir komputeri basliyir islemeye
<marlin> ahahah
<marlin> :d :d tema olardime men))
<marlin> ahahah etmede :D :D
<lucid_0x80> yaxsi teklifdir
<lucid_0x80> mence deyerlendir :-D
<marlin> basdama da lucid :D :D
<marlin> :d ncncn :D
<marlin> adiniz dastanlara dusecek qizlar
<marlin> :d :D
<marlin> a kisi deyirem
<marlin> gedin usaq musaqla cekdirinde
<marlin> ))diresibler sende xarici telebe gorunusu zad var ))
<lucid_0x80> tech academynin
<lucid_0x80> reklam uzu olacagdi
<lucid_0x80> n
<lucid_0x80> hahahah
<marlin> gedim gerey ozume qaqa paltari zad alim :D
<marlin> makasinler eassa
<marlin> qirmizi ;D
<marlin> hahaha
<lucid_0x80> ahahahah
<lucid_0x80> :-D :-D
<lucid_0x80> ayin 4u
<lucid_0x80> hackathon var
<marlin> qosulmadizda
<marlin> bro
<marlin> men dedim gelin qosulaq en azindan maraqli olsun
<marlin> hem community ile tanis olaq, hemde network yaradaqda
<lucid_0x80> esh
<lucid_0x80> basini burax
<lucid_0x80> yene gic gic sohbetler olacaq
<lucid_0x80> neynirsen
<lucid_0x80> bekara seydir
<marlin> hee?))
<marlin> yaxsi
<marlin> baxariq
<marlin> gorey
<marlin> ne leiyeceyler
<marlin> burnum acilsaydi duzelerdim bogazim qutardi
<marlin> burnumda bitse rahat oxuyardim
<lucid_0x80> spray vare
<lucid_0x80> onnan al
<lucid_0x80> vurda
<marlin> hansi bro?
<lucid_0x80> acilacaq o deqiqe
<marlin> vururam
<lucid_0x80> otrivin
<lucid_0x80> spraydi
<marlin> lorevan vurram
<lucid_0x80> birdene al
<lucid_0x80> six
<marlin> sabah alimda ondan ele?
<marlin> yaxsi
<lucid_0x80> otrivin spraydi
<marlin> ela
<marlin> cox sagol bro
<lucid_0x80> icine vurursan fsoacilir
<marlin> opurem
<lucid_0x80> mende seherler tutulur
<lucid_0x80> vururam onnan
<lucid_0x80> mehvi demeshq olur
<lucid_0x80> buyur buyur xoshdur
<marlin> yaxsi alaram sabah
<marlin> cox sagol mellim
<lucid_0x80> ozun neceseneeee
<lucid_0x80> messenger isletmirsen sen?
<lucid_0x80> facebookda
<lucid_0x80> sene sey atmisam
<lucid_0x80> baxmamisan
<marlin> yox lucid girmirem hec ora
<marlin> isletmirem messengeride
<marlin> sen xabbere
<marlin> niye girmirsen?
<marlin> baxaram
<marlin> sukur yaxsiyam
<marlin> he gordum onu paylasmidilar
<marlin> gurcustanda he
<marlin> gurupda
<marlin> birdene sene deidyim pathim vare o vaxti danisdiqe senle, onu tamamlamga calisirm
<marlin> bitrim onu muyyen hissesin
<marlin> lucid
<marlin> bilirsen neynedim evde
<marlin> perekes tokdum burnuma belkeye indiye qder bu qder asqirmamisdim bro :d
<marlin> belke sende eliyesen ama cox az damcida bro cox olmaz
<lucid_0x80> ahaha
<lucid_0x80> buruna perekes
<lucid_0x80> tokmek olmaz
<lucid_0x80> axi
<lucid_0x80> mence
<lucid_0x80> :-D
<lucid_0x80> yaxsi fikir deyil mence
<marlin> bir damci bir damci
<lucid_0x80> onu men esgerlikde yaraya tokurdum :-D
<marlin> acildiye butun burnum
<marlin> bomba kimiyem
<lucid_0x80> yaxshisi
<lucid_0x80> sabahda
<lucid_0x80> tutulsa
<lucid_0x80> men dediyimi
<lucid_0x80> yoxla
<marlin> :d :D ahaha
<marlin> yaxsi bro
<marlin> ozun neynirsen
<marlin> salamciliqidir
<marlin> lucid generator nece isleyir low levelde
lucid_0x80 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<marlin> o nece milyonluq datani suretli sekilde saxalaya bilir
marlin has quit [Quit: Leaving]