ChanServ changed the topic of #lowempire to: Low Level Empire | This channel was created for Algorithms, Compilers, OS, Hardware, CS theory stuff (low-level) | be patient, polite | don't do off top | Ask your question | Paste your codes/long texts or "echo just testing! | nc 9999" | Logs:
etaga camaat wappawup Open source proyektlerimize contrib eliller ,amma ozumuzde qozdamillar :DDD
we could have meet with other people
with who? :-D
osduragcilarla? :-D
we have to make new relations with them
we had*
man you are more social addicted person you could have made some relations with them
if i lost my job today, i'm sure i won't find new job in Azerbaijan
you should be ignoring them i guess
you should not sorry
yeah that is ture
but case is you should show your power
some random makes statements become rock star programmers from nowhere
with piece of shit papers or some knowledge
why should I join/(make relation) with trivial ppl?
they don't care about my power :-D f
they just think about pafos :-D how they can make pafos works for community
they build pafos apps))))
I am not saying be popular or do daily activ article writing or sharing stuffs (as i am not doing I cant ask someone to do that) but at least your efforts should be raised to these places should be famoues
ehehehe :D pafos and populist
macrus please do some differentiation between ascii and other ppl who work as Software Architect/Team Leader in banks, government etc.
you will see high curve i agree with you about making a bit advertisement
partdayish olacagda bizim code talksda :D
hee code talksi etmeliyik ne olur olsun
yuz faiz
Aşağıdakı hərbi qulluqçular 2 dekabrdan etibarən səfərbərlik üzrə hərbi xidmətdən tərxis edilirlər:
1. ikidən çox uşağı olanlar
2. himayəsində I dərəcə əlilliyi olanlar
4. ailənin tək övladı olanlar
3. himayəsində yetkinlik yaşına çatmayan bacı və ya qardaşı olanlar
5. ataları və ya qardaşları döyüş əməliyyatları, habelə hərbi xidmət üzrə vəzifələrin icrası zamanı həlak olmuş və ya vəfat etmiş;
6. döyüş əməliyyatları zamanı və öncədən yaralı olanlar
7. yaxın qohumları şəhid olanlar
8. təhsillə əlaqədar hərbi xidmətdən təcrid olanlar
oo boydaaa yazi yamisdim
getdi hamsi blee
bu neydi
ble seherden yazdim ((
azerbaycan dilinde yaz
bilirsen ne deyirdim
ureyim sixilaca birde yazsam ((
qisaca deyim
code talks bizi qaldiracq o sen dedyin temalar ki vare o pozsiyada olan zad, it is beacse beacse some people can feed their ego, they feel happier beaing called in that postion.
and more they are more power they gain but
being less does not mean that you cant change anything
being wise with statements counter attacks, having nice future vision, with knowledge you can destroy any stone
being away from this will make this to grow
poppulist people are there they will be always
code talk really will make big chnage to that picture I belive
for sure but most of ppl respect their power (position) don't respect for their knowledge
yes i think we should show some magic :-D
"with knowledge you can destroy any stone" sorry but I don't agree with this sentence :-D
nowadays you just need a gob joob/position to be famous ppl
or respectable ppl
We can try at least mostly you should try it
yeah right
anyways code talks is ahead
will be good hopefully
there will be good things
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suskun: Shushani nece run edirik fayli?)
./build/bin/shusha test/
source kod var sende? :-D
gite atmamisama source kodu hele tezeni
yox yoxdu hele dedin o kohnedide,prosto soruwdum )) atmisan uje?
yox hele
bezi seyleride qutarim
Error handler yazmaq isteyirem birdene normal
Error Handler problemi var hele
birde switch/if/while kod generasiyalarini yazacam
try catch bloku var?))
yox hele :-D
aybrat onlari yazmaq cox vaxtimi alare
cox cetindir onlar
yooo prosto sorushdum mellim )))) dedim gorum var ya yox maragliydi )))
yox try catch yoxdur
pointer yaziram indi
sonra kececem looplara conditionlara
onlardan sonra mence birsey lazim deyil
runtime polymorphism flanda yazacam
Eoooofff ))))) ugurlar)))
Macello ejdaha mellim ))
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