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<cr1901_modern> sb0: Push to m-labs/scanwidget from now on? Should I keep my own repo?
<sb0> m-labs
<cr1901_modern> Ack.
<sb0> whitequark, actually, kintex-7 (unlike spartan-6) has clamp diodes.
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<sb0> whitequark, test_rtio is still broken, please fix it.
<sb0> you get artiq.coredevice.exceptions.RTIOSequenceError out of LoopbackCount, which suggests your 'with parallel' isn't doing what it should
<sb0> other tests are also failing after I converted them to 'with parallel'. and we should test that, not 'with interleave', as this is what the users are going to use
<GitHub67> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub67> artiq/master 82f4fd1 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: test/coredevice: convert to 'with parallel'
<GitHub67> artiq/master 5d41113 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: doc: convert to 'with parallel'
<GitHub143> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub143> artiq/master 53d5a45 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: test/hardware_testbench: properly close devices
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<whitequark> sb0: yes, unittests do not run on my machine for some reason. I was going to tell you about that yesterday
<whitequark> they spit out a bunch of noise about workers and then die
<rjo> whitequark: you have two flterms sucking cpu.
<rjo> it's just one. anyway.
<whitequark> rjo: yes, that happens to flterm
<whitequark> it's a known bug...
<whitequark> just kill it when you see it
<sb0> whitequark, I see specific problems about "with parallel" and core device cache breakage
<sb0> they otherwise work as they should
<rjo> whitequark: where is #276 on your list?
<sb0> whitequark, also, there are only a few tests that use workers. the core device ones don't.
<sb0> i'd be interested in knowing what the worker problem is on your machine, though
<whitequark> right now I'm working on #245
<whitequark> it
<whitequark> it's very involved and I would rather not switch to something else and redebug it twice
<rjo> just asking.
<whitequark> I can do #276 after that
<rjo> yes. at least we should determine the scale of that problem and whether we have to redesign a lot.
<whitequark> for which issue?
<whitequark> #276?
<rjo> yes
<whitequark> it should be simple to fix. I gave it a quick look a few days ago, not sure where the comment went
<whitequark> in short it's related to typechecking on large arrays
<rjo> but the compiler should never see the arrays.
<rjo> does the compiler traverse and pull in the entire object, all its data and methods when i call a kernel method on it?
<whitequark> not quite
<whitequark> the compiler traverses all attributes that are referenced from kernel code
<whitequark> since attribute access is never RPC'd
<rjo> good. that's how mediator was designed. it should never see the program data structures from kernel code.
<whitequark> mediator?
<rjo> that's "pdq2/mediator/wavesynth program data structure"
<rjo> yes. mediator.
<whitequark> hang on
<whitequark> what do you mean "never see the structures from kernel code"?
<rjo> the kernels in devices.pdq2.mediator are designed to never have to compile stuff that is e.g. in _Segment.lines[]
<rjo> that would be a desaster
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<GitHub145> [artiq] jordens pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub145> artiq/master b363cb1 Robert Jordens: examples: add pdq2_simple example
<GitHub145> artiq/master 467268a Robert Jordens: coefficients: fix constant zero
<GitHub110> [artiq] jordens pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub110> artiq/master 53ca3a8 Robert Jordens: examples/pdq2_simple: remove spurious print()
<rjo> whitequark: the buildbot does not trigger
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<rjo> sb0: if we have no "soft simulation" mode currently, then the things in examples/sim should be dropped or moved.
<rjo> oh no. they work.
<GitHub91> [artiq] jordens pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub91> artiq/master 969f282 Robert Jordens: examples: with sequential -> with parallel
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<whitequark> rjo: DNS cache.
<whitequark> e.g. has 20000 seconds more left of TTL
<whitequark> sb0: have you fixed the TTL so this doesn't happen in the future, when something causes another power outage?
<whitequark> sb0: I think we need to update libssh, it had a CVE
<whitequark> (yet another reason why conda-as-a-linux-distro is a bad idea...)
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<bb-m-labs> build #162 of artiq-kc705-nist_qc1 is complete: Failure [failed conda_build] Build details are at blamelist: Robert Jordens <>
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<rjo> cr1901_modern: ticker and labler are done. see my todo fork (you should just put that into the reporository). let's get this thing going!
<bb-m-labs> build #163 of artiq-kc705-nist_qc1 is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
<cr1901_modern> rjo: Dealing with a merge conflict now (wtf did I do o.0;?)
<cr1901_modern> rjo: Wow, this is a lot nicer than what I was trying to do
<cr1901_modern> You went above and beyond again
<rjo> cr1901_modern: as i said: you need to commit much more frequently. commit incrementally. then merge conflicts become the problem of somebody who commits less frequently than you...
<whitequark> hm, I figured out the bug.
<whitequark> looks like a honest bug in libunwind. can't believe it lasted that long, if it really is
<whitequark> fortunately, easy to both fix and work around.
<cr1901_modern> rjo: Ack. Right now, the resize bug is giving me trouble. The problem is that I think I abstracted wrong, and I'm in a situation where the two widget subcomponents need to update their size in a specific order (axis, then slider).
<cr1901_modern> Probably the easiest way around this is to just move the sliders twice: once during axis resize, the other during slider resize. So that way, the order of events do not matter.
<cr1901_modern> (Except that's gross, IMO. But whatever...)
<rjo> cr1901_modern: sounds like wrong data dependencies. why don't you track the relevant data in one place and then explicitly emit (custom) resizes?
<GitHub149> [artiq] jordens pushed 3 new commits to master:
<GitHub149> artiq/master 8568218 Robert Jordens: examples/transport: cleanup
<GitHub149> artiq/master 5599ec1 Robert Jordens: sim: align API closer to non-sim...
<GitHub149> artiq/master a714be1 Robert Jordens: examples/pdq2_simple: fix offset scan
<cr1901_modern> rjo: Because the slider-to-pixel transform is provided by Qt, not by me
<cr1901_modern> I don't actually have access to the transformation that maps a slider position to a pixel position, just a function from Qt that is used to provide information on how slider components should be drawn
<rjo> cr1901_modern: if Qt handles the sliders during resize then you only have to care about the axis.
<cr1901_modern> rjo: Actually I think I know how to solve this now, but... the problem is during a resize the sliders will move such that they keep the same values in slider space. So If the sliders are at 33 and 66 respectively on a 100-position slider, their pixel positions will move proportionally. Because a resize does not update the zoom factor (real-to-pixel space), they will display the wrong value.
<cr1901_modern> A resize doesn't update the zoom factor b/c either you or sb0 explicitly said you didn't want it
<cr1901_modern> s/they will display the wrong value/"they will be positioned incorrectly relative to what the spinboxes display"/
<cr1901_modern> rjo: If you have the scanwidget open, try resizing and see what happens!
<rjo> cr1901_modern: no. resize can behave in such a way that what Qt does with the sliders already is "sufficient" (for the sliders, you need to handle the axis).
<rjo> maybe s/,/;/ to clarify that.
<cr1901_modern> rjo: So you're okay with the axis scale changing then on resize?
<cr1901_modern> What I was planning to do was to just override the slider's resizeEvent and modify it's slider positions manually (using the new width as a bias factor)
<rjo> cr1901_modern: yes. just acknowledge that the existing behavior of sliders themselves is fine and does not need overriding.
<rjo> ... since Qt presumably put a lot of thought into their HIG
<cr1901_modern> Well yes. I just recall being told that rescale was undesirable during resize, so I avoided implementing it.
<rjo> if that was me then i suspect i had "scale" defined as "the range of values shown on the axis". that stays constant.
<cr1901_modern> rjo: Scale to me refers to the "real number quantity elapsed in the spinbox/axis per pixel increment". I woul probably refer to the range of values shown on the axis as... well, the "range" :P
<rjo> cr1901_modern: you can rephrase my defnition as "change in value per change in slider positions" the later being that thing that is 0-99 independent of zoom.
<cr1901_modern> "The later being that thing that is 0-99 independent of zoom." <-- slider space
<cr1901_modern> "Pixel value reference relative to the center of a slider placed at position 0" <-- pixel space w/ bias correction
<cr1901_modern> "Pixel value relative to the left side of the widget" <-- pixel space without bias correction
<cr1901_modern> "Spinbox values" <-- real space
<cr1901_modern> Perhaps I should make a README for this...
<cr1901_modern> (The bias correction is needed so that the axis position at the center of the sliders is what actually is displayed in the spinbox)
<rjo> cr1901_modern: referencing to the center is awkward. always use left and right. then all this "bias" talk becomes redundant, right?
<cr1901_modern> That's the EE in me talking lol :P. Any DC offset is a bias. But point taken. In any case, commits are coming in in a few
<cr1901_modern> damnit, a signal is being called when it shouldn't
<rjo> whitequark: you have to take care of the runaway yourself. i have killed it four times now.
<whitequark> yes, and once you did it while I was trying to use it.
<whitequark> actually, it looks like this is how flterm normally "works"
<whitequark> well, whatever, I need it, and I'm not going to fix it right now
<rjo> i won't kill it anymore. but shouldn't spin busy.
<cr1901_modern> rjo: Before I tackle the resize problem, I'm going to redo the transformations referencing relative to the left/right of the widget as you suggest. Simply put, the nonzero pixel width of the sliders and it's effect on what pixel maps to what slider position is killing me.
<cr1901_modern> rjo: Taking the time to do this will fix bugs 2 and 3 on the todo list
<rjo> cr1901_modern: ack. if you say you have the correct design for this, go ahead.
<cr1901_modern> rjo: To explain it simply, slider space begins at pixel 0 and ends at widget_width - slider_width + 1 (I haven't figured out why the +1 is necessary). That slider_width remains constant no matter how big the widget is. If we have "x" slider positions and a widget_width "w" and slider_width "n", each position is (w-n)/x pixels apart.
<cr1901_modern> Thanks to "n", multiplying the slider_width by a constant factor does not change the number of pixels per slider position by a constant factor.
<cr1901_modern> (w-n)/(x - 1) pixels apart*
<cr1901_modern> Do you understand the problem?
<rjo> widget_width - slider_width would be the border around the slider.
<cr1901_modern> rjo: slider_handle* anywhere I use slider*, bleh
<cr1901_modern> i.e. slider_handle_width*
<cr1901_modern> multiplying the widget_width by a constant factor*
<rjo> cr1901_modern: then you should take the center of the sliders: slider_width/2 to widget_width-1-slider_width/2
<rjo> the -1 is because widget_width is zero-indexed.
<rjo> cr1901_modern: no. i don't see the problem. i would just write down where stuff is relative to each other with a few variables and then you can "solve for x"...
* cr1901_modern tries again...
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<whitequark> nope, not a libunwind bug
<whitequark> wow, that was tricky.
<whitequark> bb-m-labs: force build --props=package=llvm-or1k conda-all
<GitHub105> [conda-recipes] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub105> conda-recipes/master 47e17b5 whitequark: llvm-or1k: bump.
<bb-m-labs> build #12 forced
<bb-m-labs> I'll give a shout when the build finishes