avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<vbmithr> hey
<vbmithr> No idea what version of TLS Async_ssl is using ?
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<haesbaert> is there a way for me to build a library just giving the interface of mirage Clock ?
<haesbaert> so when you link against the library you provide either mirage-clock-xen or mirage-clock-unix
<haesbaert> I tried building the library with mirage-clock-unix, and then later on the unikernel linking against mirage-clock-xen, but then I get
<haesbaert> Error: Files /home/haesbaert/.opam/4.02.3/lib/charrua-core/charrua.cmxa and /home/haesbaert/.opam/4.02.3/lib/mirage-clock-xen/mirage-clock.cmxa make inconsistent assumptions over implementation Clock
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<haesbaert> so I got my dhcp to work on xen for the first time \o/
<haesbaert> I'm having an issue with a multiline print:
<haesbaert> for some reason:
<haesbaert> C.log c (green "listener got packet with %d len\nTESTELALA\nLEROLERO" len);
<haesbaert> produces:
<haesbaert> listener got packet with 215 len
<haesbaert> TESTELALA
<haesbaert> LEROLERO
<haesbaert> tips ?
<haesbaert> a newline at the end of the string is fine.
<Drup> haesbaert: the answer to your clock question is: use mirage-types and parametrise your functor over the CLOCK signature
<Drup> As I said in a previous discussion, in case of doubt, make it a parameter. :]
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<haesbaert> Drup: Ack, I was trying to avoid a functor since all I need is the Clock.time() call
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<haesbaert> I did the wrong way now, will adjust to use mirage-types
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<haesbaert> \o/
<yomimono> nice!
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<yomimono> haesbaert: is that what I'll get if I clone https://github.com/haesbaert/charrua-core ?
<yomimono> looks like you just did an update so I'm guessing so?
<haesbaert> yep, you'll need charrua-core too
<haesbaert> basically you need a files/dhcpd.conf and change the ipaddr in unikernel.ml
<haesbaert> I'll write some docos when I release, hopefully this weekend
<yomimono> Awesome! I'm excited to see it.
<haesbaert> :D quite happy that it worked, it's been serving my home for about 10 days now, but I was running outside of mirage
<haesbaert> the one important thing missing is saving the lease database, as soon as I release I'll work on using irmin as a backend
<yomimono> cool. there's stuff I'd like to do that would be enormously helped by having a lease database available through irmin
<haesbaert> as in ?
<yomimono> NAT device stuff
<haesbaert> hmm
<yomimono> proof-of-concept that flips leases around and moves connection maps with them, for example
<haesbaert> ack
<haesbaert> I seriously need some regression tests, I want to mock the IO of a client and server and try to emulate most of cenarios
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