avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<_mic> I run irmin server to use http store. But when I connect to it using "irmin tree" to read the tree, I get: Ezjsonm_lwt.Escape(_, _). Any idea?
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<trco> Hey everyone... trying to install mirage according to the docs on Ubuntu and getting an error when running "opam install mirage". Most of the errors look like (or) lwt.2.4.5 needed by mirage.2.1.1. Any thoughts?
<hannes> trco: which opam version do you have? do you have aspcud installed (an external solver for opam)? mirage-2.1.1 is arcance, can you opam install mirage=2.6.1 ?
<trco> hannes: I went ahead and updated opam (I was using the apt-get version... updated to 1.2.2) and the instructions worked like a gem. mirage is installed!
<hannes> \o/
<hannes> maybe worth putting it somewhere on the web in some faq (if you know where you would've tried to find the issue and didn't)?
<hannes> (if so, mirage website is a github repo in itself, please PR :)
<trco> I think I will add a note to the docs with a PR. I am not sure where I would have looked :/ and the docs claim that opam 1.1.0 will work... but that was the version I was using and it did not.
<hannes> if you could please PR the 1.1.0 statement (which seems to be wrong)
<trco> Tested a few times... seems to need 1.2
<trco> PRing it now
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