avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<ansiwen> Anyone at the Linux Con or KVM forum in Toronto?
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<hannes> morning
<yomimono> morning :)
<hannes> discory.cryptosense.com finally works against OCaml-TLS https://discovery.cryptosense.com/analyze/mirage.io/9048ff8 (I had some mail contact with them) :)
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<Khady> It was an issue on their side?
<hannes> more or less, nmap doesn't like some behaviour of OCaml-TLS (failures with an unexpected tls version), and they added some workaround on their side.
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<hannes> (no changes expected in ocaml-tls, after all it is a fatal failure and we close the connection afterwards)
<seangrove> hannes: You still globetrotting?
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<hannes> seangrove: yep.. just back from cuba and cambridge in berlin, tomorrow heading to poland, then denmark
<seangrove> hannes: Hrm, in that case, I wanted to just remind you that SF is part of the globe, might be worth trotting this direction for a bit.
<seangrove> We don't have great chips from cambridge, but we make up for it by being even foggier and more gray during this time of year.
<hannes> seangrove: and then japan for ocaml workshop... sorry transatlantic is atm not part of my travel plans..
<GemmaG> Speaking of Japan - we should make sure all the mirage folks attending meet up whilst there :)
<seangrove> Meh, suppose we'll meetup at ICFP in that case?
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<seangrove> I'll talk about Mirage at CUFP
<GemmaG> yup :)
<GemmaG> See last item on agenda: https://github.com/mirage/mirage-www/wiki/Call-Agenda Let's do something on the Friday/Saturday
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<unpurecamelbot> I'll be logging this meeting…
<GemmaG> We could prep for a little tutorial/beginners intro into Mirage whilst we are there
<hannes> seangrove: yep, we'll meet in nara! :)
<GemmaG> :)
<GemmaG> Ok, so I added some general things to agenda - please hijack if you have something else to discuss
<GemmaG> Figured we'd check in on Mirage 3.0: Mindy has been tracking the wishlist here: https://github.com/mirage/mirage/issues/571
<GemmaG> yomimono isn't here today, but please add items to that tracker if you haven't already. She's removing items once dealt with
<hannes> sounds good. PCLOCK/MCLOCK/CLOCK changes were merged recently by yomimono! there's progress :)
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<GemmaG> Great :)
<GemmaG> I noticed that mato added some features for Solo5 and Mirage 3.0 - not sure if the plan is to add them to #571 or somewhere else
<yomimono> good job mattgray and hannes also :) I'm here but very latent, sorry
<GemmaG> yay :)
<djwillia> i'm not sure where they belong; we were planning on discussing which ones are most important
<djwillia> maybe we should keep them separate for now so as not to pollute that issue too much?
<hannes> djwillia: could you elaborate what the plans for solo5 in mirage-3 are?
<yomimono> I'd like to keep some view on what's necessary to make sure we're supporting the solo5 backends as fully as we do unix/xen, at least, in that tracker
<djwillia> I think the big thing that we all agree on is that the virtio drivers as they are are too fragile
<hannes> (sorry if i missed some list of items, are they documented somewhere? maybe a solo5/solo5 issue?)
<djwillia> hannes: not yet, mato put an initial brainstorm on slack and we were intending to discuss and create an issue, but then postponed the discussion
<hannes> djwillia: great. I'm all for virtio fixes (unfortunately cannot spend too much time on it atm)
<djwillia> hannes: i know you had talked about ocaml virtio drivers at some point (not now), but i think that your ideas for that may factor at least partly into the discussion. I'm not sure if we should build on the existing drivers (which really were only written for a single platform) or port drivers from another system (e.g., FreeBSD, NetBSD/rump or Linux)
<djwillia> when mato is available again for discussion (Friday I think he mentioned), we will make a plan
<hannes> djwillia: for reference, i found a virtio-net 9p thingy https://gist.github.com/enukane/3551798
<hannes> djwillia: sounds good to me, virtio in OCaml would be great imho (but do what you feel comfortable with)
<djwillia> yomimono: do you think we should have a solo5 tracking issue that is tracked by the bigger mirage tracking issue, or put solo5 specific things directly into the top-level tracking issue
<yomimono> djwillia: solo5 tracking issue is probably cleaner
<djwillia> hannes: i agree that ocaml would better fit with everything else, but I expect we would need an enthusiastic ocaml volunteer to do that :)
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<hannes> djwillia: if in doubt, pioneer project, or active marketing on mirageos-dev list :)
<GemmaG> Pioneer Project might make sense :)
<djwillia> yomimono: we'll probably put up an issue on solo5/solo5 on Friday or early next week
<djwillia> then add it to the master issue
<djwillia> gemmag: pioneer project is a good idea!
<djwillia> what is the current estimate of mirage 3.0 release btw?
<djwillia> i mean the estimate of the date that it will be released
<djwillia> yomimono: ^^^
<yomimono> djwillia: currently, we're targetting a "soft launch" (or "release candidate" or however else you want to say "don't merge any super major potentially breaking stuff anymore") of late September, ICFP-ish
<djwillia> yomimono: cool thanks
<yomimono> dictated because we need to pick a date in order to coordinate stuff, more than because of any particular virtue of that date
<hannes> yomimono: I'd suggeest to do on that date a V1 -> M V1_LWT -> M_LWT renaming
<yomimono> proper release with PR and such on I think early Oct
<yomimono> hannes: I think that might be a good thing for "soft launch", yeah
<yomimono> since it will break literally everything that doesn't build against it
<hannes> yomimono: ..as the last pull request, since otherwise it'll interfere with all other changes... yes, break all the things!!!
<yomimono> hannes: exactly
<GemmaG> Great! That all sounds awesome :)
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<hannes> what is next on the agenda (or what needs to be discussed)?
<GemmaG> Pioneer Projects :)
<GemmaG> drup has suggested adding some new ones
<GemmaG> And it would be good to talk again about where we put them...
<GemmaG> Hannes: you suggested canopy with tags - which could work. Engil is planning to update some canopy features so we can use it to liveblog at ICFP, and we could think about also adding tags/labels that would be useful for PP
<hannes> I can migrate them (from the wiki) to canopy (one page per project) if we wish to put them there, and add those from the maliing list (but certainly everybody who wants should then contribute there)!?!?
<GemmaG> Sure - that sounds like a good idea :)
<hannes> (filter atom feed by tag would be nice to have @Engil http://canopy.mirage.io/atom)
<GemmaG> Making them easier to find/read and contribute to would be great
<hannes> I'll do this this evening
<GemmaG> Great :)
<GemmaG> Perhaps we can track the via issues too to stop them going stale?
<seangrove> (we'll have to update the channel title as we get close to Mirage 3, I suppose)
<hannes> GemmaG: let's see how it looks in canopy, and what management we need on top of that later
<GemmaG> hannes: sure thing :)
<GemmaG> Cool - next issue is about me getting a little issue-tracker obsessed
<hannes> :D
<GemmaG> I find it difficult to keep track of all the different projects happening at OCL, in Mirage etc so I've started my own repo to track the progress of projects: https://github.com/ocamllabs/Projects/issues (let me know if you can't access it)
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<GemmaG> Only just started it etc, and I have far less experience than many of you with GH etc, but it occurs to me that everyone uses GH, and we could potentially use the issue tracker more efficiently for tracking progress with milestones, labels and assignees
<GemmaG> So I will start using it, and might encourage others to use labels a little more :P
<seangrove> GemmaG: Alternatively, GH will give you a view of all of the issues for projects you care about
<GemmaG> There's lots of overlap between different projects, and it's not always obvious - hoping this will help!
<seangrove> Or are you suggesting something higher level?
<GemmaG> A bit of both in a way - I don't need to keep track of ALL the issues, but want to keep an overview of how each project is moving in relation to others and overall goals/timelines etc
<seangrove> Ok, makes sense
<GemmaG> Advice and suggestions welcome. That repo is mainly for me to use in this way - but might tag/assign people wrt specific issues
<GemmaG> Cool :)
<GemmaG> AOB?
<GemmaG> ICFP Mirage meet should definitely happen
<GemmaG> :)
<yomimono> \o/
<yomimono> is anyone attending icfp who's *not* attending ocaml workshop?
<seangrove> I'm *just* going to CUFP, not even ICFP
<GemmaG> Let's plan to meet up on the Saturday then
<seangrove> Works for me!
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<GemmaG> :)
<GemmaG> Cool, if no other items, think we're done :)
<djwillia> thanks! bye all!
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