hannes changed the topic of #mirage to: MirageOS are OCaml unikernels - https://mirage.io - this channel is logged at http://irclog.whitequark.org/mirage/ - MirageOS 3.7.1 is released - happy hacking!
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<ipavlo> Hi All! :) I've just started to learn both OCaml and Mirage. I'm trying to write some simplest tcp proxy and faced couple of issues: 1) Spacemacs and autocomplete for injected modules (Mirage_stack.V4). Can i fix this somehow?
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<hannes> ipavlo: unfortunately this is currently how it is. I sometimes manually do M-x merlin-use and list the packages needed in that buffer. alternatively, you could edit .merlin (which is generated/ overwritten by mirage configure iirc). with mirage4 (where dune will be used to build unikernels), this issue will vanish :)
<ipavlo> Thx, I'll try that.
<ipavlo> And second issue - how to actually send establish TCP connection and send data in socket? What I'm trying to do is listen on some port -> get data -> send same data on other port.
<ipavlo> S.TCPV4.create_connection ?
<ipavlo> What should i use to create connection?
<ipavlo> If I have my module with S: Mirage_stack.V4
<hannes> yes
<ipavlo> I'm trying that but can't understand what should I pass as second arg? It requires "S.TCPV4.t"
<hannes> (S.tcpv4 s)
<hannes> so, S is the module of your stack, s is the value of your stack -- and tcp is a subcomponent of that stack -- S.TCPV4 is the module for that, (S.tcpv4 s) is the value of the tcp stack
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<ipavlo> Oh, i'm starting to realize what is happening :) Thanks a lot!
<hannes> you're welcome
<ipavlo> hannes: it's finally working, thats my first functional program :) Is there some entry point where I can start to explore and use Mirage4 and use dune for building mirage apps? I just can't find anything on it :(
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<hannes> ipavlo: woohoo \o/ -- there's a PR https://github.com/mirage/mirage/pull/1153 but it is not quite ready yet, I'd suggest to wait another one or two weeks:)ODOD
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<ipavlo> hannes: thanks!
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