cDlm: Still doesn't work. Nothing prevents you from having nanoc and nanoc-cli installed side by side.
maybe I don't understand what you want nanoc and nanoc-cli to provide
nanoc is the umbrella package ?
"bobthecow | ddfreyne: you need to override `hyphens: auto` for <code> :)" <-- what does it refer to? a filter?
guardian: css in the upgrade guide, I guess
guardian: refers to css in the entire website.
it currently sets the whole website to auto-hyphenate everything.
but that's problematic inside <code> tags, since those are supposed to contain literal code.
see my screenshot :)
I get it now
is there a way to render this prettier? '/x/' =~ %r{^#{y}}
y is supposed to be a string
for regexp with strings in them, i always use the constructor rather than literal regexp.
I have another question
I have a image() helper that inserts an image
when the parent item is in :teaser rep, it takes the :teaser rep of the image
when the parent item is in :default rep, it takes the :default rep of the image
this is achieved with this code fragment: rep = image.rep_named(item_rep.name)
and as you can see, I'm using item_rep.name and not @item_rep.name
I recall I onced asked the question but I fail to find the answer: I think it should be @item_rep but I *think* some versions of nanoc didn't support @item_rep in helpers
does that ring a bell?
does not ring a bell.
ddfreyne: is gem 'nanoc-asciidoctor' enough? or do I need to install standalone asciidoctor beside the nanoc filter?
cDlm has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
guardian: That is enough
guardian: But `image.rep_named(item_rep.name)` is *exactly* the same as `item_rep`
It's going full circle.
Oh oops, I read that as `item` not `image`
Never mind.
nope, item == a blog pos, while image == @items.find { ... } == the image to be inserted :)
Asciidoctor::Document#initialize is not clickable and when inspecting Asciidoctor::Document's doc... well it tells I can set options like :safe or :header_footer but in the end that doesn't tell much
guardian: Yeah, RDoc is kinda crappy
are there options you would advise me to set?
relix has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]