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Rennex has joined #nanoc
<Rennex> i'm trying to get nanoc to copy a certain subdirectory of content/ to the output without any modifications, but there are text files in there encoded in iso-8859-1, and nanoc blows up with "RuntimeError: Could not read content/public/blah.htm because the file is not valid UTF-8."
<Rennex> so... yes, i know it's not valid utf-8. i don't want to touch it, and the files i want processed are utf-8. When it's simply copying it untouched, it shouldn't care about the contents
<Rennex> so is there a way to fix that? all i'm finding on the web is just "convert your input file" or "specify the right encoding"
<Rennex> my rule for the dir is: compile '/public/**/*' do; write item.identifier.to_s.sub(%r{^/public}, ""); end
<Rennex> ok, i removed the default text_extensions from the config and left only haml, txt, and css. now it ignores those .htm[l] files :)
<Deledrius> :)
<Rennex> is there a way to force re-generating given pages? nanoc sees that my index.haml depends on a .txt file (my code parses it and removes past events from it), but updating its timestamp with "touch" doesn't force re-generation
<Rennex> hm, or maybe it does. either it skips compiling it because the .txt content hasn't changed, or it doesn't list it as updated because the output didn't change. need to examine more...
<Rennex> ok, touch makes it recompile, and if the output actually changes, it does show that it updates it :)
<travis-ci> zoosky/nanoc-git/master d5ddd7e zoosky: The build has errored.
<travis-ci> zoosky/nanoc-git/master aa22d85 zoosky: The build passed.
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