you can think of physical equality as a pointer comparison
minus the pointers of course :D
structural equality will go and do some recursive comparisons on structures like lists and the like
is routes tail recursive?
I can't remember if that qualifies as being it or not :|
I dunno...
yeah it is, nevermind
Theres an idea... head recursive implementations of the functions!
in your limitations section of route I don't think the depth of recursion is really an issue with the way tail recursion is
it won't be any slower than explicit iteration after the compiler gets to it
tail recursion WILL still be slower than simple iteration in many cases ... for example, I don`t think the compiler unboxes (floats and the like) over tail recursive calls
not as bad as a non-tail recursive function versus iterative though
hope not anyway :P
MegaWatS: that's a problem with the compiler.
tail recursion _should_ be as fast as iteration :)
Wait, i dont follow what you are saying here: "in your limitations section of route I don't think the depth of recursion is really an issue with the way tail recursion is"
I thought you were getting at stack size and all with that but maybe not
Is there a good Haskell/Scheme/ML comparison anywhere?
No, I was just saying that by the time you get to overflowing the integer type youll be waiting for days.
this looks pretty good though
I can't find anything major
I can think of your n-dimensional solution as well :D
nice short solution to that one
Is tail recursion preferred to head recursion?
I would assume yes
So it would be a good idea to include tail recursive implementations of all my functions?
the functions in this look good
What is head recursion?
Doesnt head recursion unnecessarily inflate the stack though, by having all these intances of the fucntion waiting for their result?
head recursion leads to stack problems yes
If by head recursion you mean anything other than tail recursion then yes, it deos
cu later all
What is the generalised definition of head and tail recursion?
Yurik has quit ["÷ÙÛÅÌ ÉÚ XChat"]
The only way I know it is: Head recursion = normal recursion, Tail recursion = pass around an accumilator so you dont have to make them wait for the recursive call to return
asqui: no
asqui: A function is tail recursive if the very last thing it does is make its recursive call.
lament: Shit... :)
and head recursion is anything else
accumulator or no accumulator, it doesn't matter
let rec factorial x = if x < 0 then 0 else if x = 0 then 1 else x * (factorial (x - 1));;
Head or tail?
because the last thing the function does is return x * (factorial (x - 1))
Is that becasue the last...
yeah so the last thing it does is multiply the result by x...
whereas in: let rec fact1 (a, x) = if x < 0 then 0 else x = 0 then a else fact1(a * x, x - 1);;
The last thing really *is* the recursive call.
so geenrally tail is better than head?
if the compiler is smart enough.
which it probably is, in ocaml, but i don't know
So if the compiler is dumb itll wait for them to return anyway, whereas if its smart itll turn it into a loop?
whee: What was this short solution to the n-dimensional problem you spoke of?
I was planning on firstly doing an insane nested tuple implementation of distanceNd
because we havent been taught lists yet
then some reading up on lists and a proper implementation
but for routesNd I cant think of anything neat.
Its just turning into a mess of recursion implemented for-loops in my head :)
I was thinking of using lists and a nice map/fold
heh this is a little too hardcore for the caliber of this course :)
nah :P
I don't think it's possible to do an arbitrary number of dimensions without using lists or some other data structure as an argument
This is Caml Light im working with btw, does this stuff apply to Caml Light?
caml light :/
it should
I was thinking of a death-nested tuple
depth you mean? :D
point A(a_1, a_2, a_3) becomes (a_1,(a_2,(a_3,(0,0))))
That was the only thing I could think of using the things we have been taught so far. I am told lists will be covered next week!
it'd be tons easier to do it with lists
Yeah. I was only planning to do this tuple thing for distanceNd becasue its just a matter of popping them off one at a time and adding them together
Though routesNd with the nested tuple thing would be death.
MegaWatS has quit ["Actually, people sometimes talk about man's "bestial" cruelty, but that is being terribly unjust and offensive to the beasts:]
how do i linebreak inside the displaymath environment?
in LaTeX...
I don't know, I've been using ConTeXt now :|
is the question mark part of it?
I tried \\ and it didnt do anything :)
:( even
it should do something heh
doesnt appear to :(
let rec distanceNd = fun
(0, 0) (0, 0) -> 0 |
(a, A) (b, B) -> abs(a - b) + distanceNd A B;;
This expression has type int * int -> int * int -> int,
but is used with type int -> int -> int.
I am not followink
your recursive call to distanceNd is using two integers
while the definition of the function requires integer tuples
how do you now A and B are integers?
the first match case matches integers, so A and B have to be integers
if I try to match (0,0) (0,0) it assumes that the second part of the tupes will ALWAYS be an integer?
well you're matching the arguments against (0, 0) so that would be a tuple of integers that the function needs
since only integers can be compared against 0
shit... so how do I make it return (sumof |a_n - b_n|) given (a_1, (a_2, (a_3, (0,0)))) and (b_1, (b_2, (b_3, (0,0)))) ?
I don't think you can now thta I think about it
I don't know
with using tuples like that it's not an easy thing to type since it's a tuple of an int and another tuple
except it has to end somewhere
you end up reinventing lists :D
time to read up on lists.
What about the empty tuple?
Is there such a thing?
you could have a tuple of unit, that'd be emptyish
What is unit?
you can think of it as void
it's just nothing, represented using ()
Why is it called unit?
dunno heh
let rec distanceNd = fun
(a, (unit)) (b, (_)) -> abs(a - b) |
(a, A) (b, B) -> abs(a - b) + distanceNd A B;;
This expression has type int * 'a -> int * 'b -> int,
but is used with type 'a -> 'b -> int.
use () , not the literal 'unit'
() is of type unit is what I meant
This expression has type int * unit -> int * unit -> int,
but is used with type unit -> unit -> int.
time to stop persuing this and use lists
you could do it if you assume you will never use the last value of the last tuple
What do ou mean?
but that would be an ugly hack now that I thikn about it
and I don't think it would work anyway :|
actually it would work, but then you'd have to use Some/None which you probably havent covered yet either
and it ends up being some huge hack which would be better suited for lists :D
Okay so given two lists [a_1; a_2; ...; a_n] [b_1; b_2; ...; b_n] how can I find the sum of abs(a_n - b_n) ?
# List.fold_left (\+) 0 (List.map2 (fun x y -> abs (x - y)) a b);
- : int = 9
that's not caml light, thought
I don't know if caml light has a map2 equiv, it does have fold
might be a shorter way to do that as well :|
What is map2?
List.map2 f [a1; ...; an] [b1; ...; bn] is [f a1 b1; ...; f an bn]. Raise Invalid_argument if the two lists have different lengths. (ripped from ocaml docs)
using rev_map2 is probably better in this situation as it's tail recursive as well
and caml light has it. yay
- : ('_a -> '_b) list -> ('_a list -> '_b list) list = <fun>
- : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list = <fun>
fold is it_list in caml light
I'm trying to think of a way to do it with just fold_left2
lol yeah i just read that in this tutorial and i thought "it_list... sound a bit like fold" heh
oh I'm an idiot
# List.fold_left2 (fun n x y -> n + abs (x - y)) 0 a b;
- : int = 9
so... fold_left2 will take 2 parameters and work rigth to left?
that works as well, it's it_list2 in caml light
the function argument to fold_left2 will end up taking three parameters
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first one is usually something that'll be added onto and the other two are the elements from the two lists
the 0 in the line I gave above is just the initial value of the whole thing
it_list2 (fun a x y -> a + abs(x - y)) 0 [0;0;0;0;0] [1;2;3;4;5];;
list_it starts fm the last elementin the list
it_list from the first
fold_left is tail recursive, fold_right isnt
but what difference does it make in this case whichw ay you go through the list?
none since addition is communitive
the tail recursive one would just be faster
took the words out of my mouth
okay it_list is tail recursive
so that is your fold_left
it_list is called an iterator, right?
Why not?
there's an iter function that does things iteratively like an iterator would (as if it were a for loop-type thing)
and map for creating a new list based on the result of some function on the elements of a list
I think they named them list_it and it_list for the resons you stated above
This tutorial says "the following function is a list iterator. it takes a function f....balh balh" and its referring to it_list
I don't know if I'd call it an iterator
The reasons I stated above? I stated reasons?
I think of an iterator as something that goes and applys some function to each element in some structure, doing it for the reason of some side-effect
well it_list starts with the first element of the list ("it"), and then does the rest ("list")
while list_it does the other way around
so "it" refers to an element?
I thought it was short of "iterate" ? :)
no clue
it[erate from the beginning of the]_list
I think of it as a value since a few interpreters of other languages use the it variable to store the result of the last computation (if done interactively)
Is this correct: The it_list function takes a function which transforms some
accumulator given a member of a list, and applies this function to
the elements of a list in turn, passing down the accumulator as it
If routes branches out and calls itself twice in the body then surely there is no way to have a tail recursive implementation of that by definition?
it's still tail recursive there I think
it cant be, the last thing thats done is not the recursive call
I think it is
the fibonacci function has the same type of recursion, and it's tail recursive
or maybe it isnt
wouldnt it be better to use lists?
okay it isnt
<-- has seen the light.
graydon has joined #ocaml
tail recursion not only implies that te last thing must be the recrursive call, i think it also implies that the ONLY recursive call must be the last thing.
you could do the addition in the style of folding
and becasue tail recursion is magical because it can convert directly to a loop it is clear to see that if you make two recursive calls in the body there si no way to convert that to a loop.
there is a way to do it
folding? You mean like using an accumulator which you pass down?
yours is essentially the same, except it's obviously a different function and you're not using multiplication
I dont think there is. Straight recursion = loop, tree resursion = an arbitrary number of nested loops
No but my routes function sums the values of two recursive calls, thus there is always a "pending function" as they call it, namely the addition.
right, but so does fib
And because there is *two* recursive calls i dont see any simple way to implement tail recursion
the tail-recursive fib has last line: return fact_aux(n - 1, n * result)
right, the tail-recursive version does
but the original version doesn't
and it sums two recursive calls
the head-recursive fib has last line: return n * fact(n - 1);
so there should be a way to transform it
im looking at factorial, duh
i can se ho they do it here, becasue youre falling fib(n-1) and fib(n-2)
But in my case im doing foo x-1 y z + foo x y-1 z + foo x y z-1
They have nothing in common
instead of foo calling foo and adding that, how about have foo call foo2 and add foo2 up
while foo2 is tail recursive
heh well fo2 would still have to be the same function... which presents you with the exact same problem when you try to make foo2 tail recursive!
and you have a point
recurson, it can work for you, but it can alo work against you :_
THough if i did work out how to make it tail recursive that would be the cream pie on this lockdown.
Just broke the 4000 word barrier. Muaahahahahahaha.
Writing essays was so crap. Now i start writing about stuff I enjoy and I rack up 4000 words without even noticing.
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Is there any way to strip zeroes from a list using inbuilt functions or do i have to make my own?
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asqui: List.filter ((<>)0) ?
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smkl: Caml Light doesnt seem to have an equivalent. Ill just implement my own.
karryall has joined #ocaml
caml moans if i dont bracket h::l
let filter f = fun [] -> [] | h::t -> if f h then h::t else t;;
is a syntax error if i dont bracket that h::t!
And this tutorial shows a very similar example of the rev function which uses the list constructor in a matching the exact same way, without brackets!
MegaWatS has joined #ocaml
let rec apply1 f i c out = fun [] -> out
| (h::t) -> if i = c then (apply1 f i (c + 1) (f(h)::out) t);;
This expression has type unit,
but is used with type 'a list.
you have no else clause
so it is implicitly else ()
which has type unit
how cunning
would it be too hardcore if i somehow shadow f so that if i=c f=supplied f but if not i=c then f = fun x -> x so that wya i dont need the if statement there?
i dunno do as you like
WOuld it be possible to do that?
The only way I can shadow f is using "let f = ... in ..." right?
I don`t see why you would want to, anyway
so that I only have one place i call apply1 from
as it has loads of arguments and i dont really want to have "apply1 a b c d e f g else apply1 a b d f(e) f g
(and to make it obfuscated... :)
i would do it with a when clause
but whatever
| h :: t when i = c ->
| h :: t ->
that sounds halla useful.. why the hell havent we been taught the when yet....
you can always replace it with if / then / else
and you should usually not have too many when clauses in pattern matchings
but thats icky
not really
why is "fun out (h::t) -> " a syntax error?
it is?
no it isn`t
let rec apply1 f i c = let cond = fun (f, u, v) -> if u=v then f else fun x -> x in
fun out [] -> out |
fun out (h::t) -> apply1 f i (c + 1) (out @ cond(f, i, c)) t;;
it only complains that the pattern-matching isn`t exhaustive
which it isn`t
I think you want function not fun
fun can only do one pattern matching afaik
theres a difference???
fun x y z ->
out isnt a patter match...
function x ->
yes it is
it is a always-match pattern
which binds the result to a variable
so fun can noyl ahve one variable or one vartesian product or one something only?
function can have as many as you want?
it is exactly the opposite
fun can have as many as you like
but only one pattern for each variable
you can do
so why would i want function?
fun x y z ->
but not
fun x -> | y -> ...
but you can do
function x -> ... | y -> ... | ...
but not
function x y z ->
which is equivalent to function x -> function y -> function z -> ...
really, you should have been taught this :)
how annoying
that hes mentioned nothing of this
they are two different function definition keywords with two different purposes
i just assumed fun was shorthand for function and that was that
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well usually you should have been taught function only at first
smklsmkl has joined #ocaml
as fun is only a bit of syntactic sugar
Why doy uo say i need function though?
oh right...
yeha i accidentally put in a space "fun" in there
and if i changed the fun's to function's that would make it correct?
is grok ja!
function is much like match
you can follow it by a (but only by one) pattern-matching
function pattern -> expression | pattern -> expression ...
whereas fun takes several patterns, but can only match one case
fun pattern pattern ... pattern -> expression
what do you mean "Can only match one case" ?
exactly what I say
you can not have several cases
pattern1 -> expr1 | pattern2 -> expr2
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you can have fun (_,1) -> 1 | (x,_) -> x;; can't you?
you can only do that with function
Wait a sec,m are you tlaking about caml light here?
no about ocaml
Im working with Caml Light, sorry :)
oh sorry
#fun (_,1) -> 1 | (x,_) -> x;;
- : int * int -> int = <fun>
I don`t know about how it is in caml light
xmkl is now known as smkl
I think its all fun, and you can do fun x y -> foo or you can do fun x -> fun y -> foo
I dunno, I only know ocaml sorry
sorry for the confusion
hmmmm, problem....
#let rec apply1 f i c =
let cond = fun (f, i, i') -> if i = i' then f else fun x -> x in
fun out [] -> out |
out (h::t) -> apply1 f i (c + 1) (out @ cond(f, i, c) h ) t;;
apply1 : ('a list -> 'a list) -> int -> int ->
'a list -> 'a list list -> 'a list = <fun>
f is a function which i want to apply to one item of the list
can f not be type int -> int somehow?
perhaps if I replace "out @ cond(f, i, c) h " with "(cond(f, i, c) h :: out)" ?
but then i need to reverse it at the end :(
oh no, @ concatenates, therefore the second param needs to be a list
i just whack a pair of []'s around it.
lament has joined #ocaml
map2 routesNd1 range(1,length(l)) (l);;
> ^^^^^
This expression has type int * int -> int list,
but is used with type 'a list.
Whats the problem?
range(l, u) returns [l; l+1; l+2; ..., u]
lament has quit ["mental mantle"]
try map2 routesNd1 (range (1,length l)) l
This expression has type 'a list,
but is used with type int.
with hats pointing at the entire line
MegaWatS is now known as mathe^wats
wit a minute
i dont want map
I want fold... or it_list even
no no no...
rushing tog et this done :(
what's up now?
just being silly and leaving out half the procedure :)
i have a list [1;2;3] and a list [foobar]
i want to apply MAGICALFUNC 1 [foobar] MAGICALFUNC 2 [foobar] and sotre the results in a list
what do i do, what do i do?
that's a job for map
quick, this is not a laughing matter.
but how
im getting fucked up thinking about this 10 levels deep
oh yeah it is a job of a map
ive been trying to do map2,
asqui: being offensive isn't going to make people want to help you you know
map (fun a -> magicalfun a) [foobar], right?
or maybe is it, kids these days...
wait no
kev: Heh that comment was directed at myself
replace foobar with your [1;2;3] list and put [foobar] inside the fun
I would go and wrap that map inside another function that lets you specify the function/lists to use more easily
wooo these cs lab computers at least have hugs for me to play with :)
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AndyA: i'm well (more or less :))
AndyA: and how are you ?
AndyA: will you visit my seminar at Moscow? ;))
alas, i still don't know
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alas, i still don't know
got disconnected :(
have I missed something?
have small problems with customer :)
ah ;) anyway, if you'll have a chance - you're welcome! :)
if i will clear issues i will come :)
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got disconnected again :(
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whee: hablas espanol?
no :)
whee: :-D
my vocabulary for most languages other than english is limited to saying hello, heh
jemfinch` has joined #ocaml
whee: do you know a good reference manual for caml light?
so how significant is it that SWIG now supports O'Caml?
not very significant
* jemfinch
has pretty much converted to SML anyway, so it's a moot point.
have you used the new polymorphic recursion feature?
SML sucks :))
recursion? what do you mean exactly?
3.05 added polymorphic recursion to the language, I was curious where that came in useful.
seems that I've not used it
i've used poly methods and records...
why do you say that SML sucks?
it is not fast and not so usable as Ocaml
but it's just so much cleaner :)
asquii has joined #ocaml
ocaml is a practical language
sml is a scientific one
so isn't very useful for production
asquiu hi
I don't like sml when compared to ocaml
I had reasons but I can't remember them anymore
compared to ocaml sml really sucks
it just seems that ocaml is much more powerful
actually, I see it the other way around.
i've used to try sml/nj and found it very slow and inmature
SML is much more practical, and O'Caml is much more scientific.
that's why new, not-very-tested features get added at nearly every O'Caml release, whereas SML stays pretty much stable.
that's one reason I don't like SML
vim! emacs!
the language tends to sit there and not much changes because of the whole standards process
SML has stuff like the CKit, and FoxNet, and such...it's used for some pretty large, industrial projects.
so improvements aren't as quick as they would be with ocaml
whee: but then, I could argue that it doesn't need them as much, too :-P
I could argue that noone needs more than assembly, as it all gets compiled to that at some point :D
I just like the naming scheme, the module structure, the syntax, and basically everything else a little better in SML. And stuff like Ckit and FLINT and MLRISC and CM and (especially) ml-nlffigen give me some fun things to play around with.
oh I remember why I decided to not learn SML now
I just don't like all the typing (literal typing, as in keyboard) :)
that and memory usage was high and sml/nj + ppc = not happening
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whee: you mean how most functions are tupled instead of curried and whatnot?
and it didn't have some of the higher level features that I really like, like lazy lists
streams in ocaml there hurf
hmm.../me thinks SML has lazy lists.
jemfinch: I don't know, I just look at SML programs and go "this is long"
well, to each his own.
I find it prettier to look at than O'Caml.
I don't know why they're longer, but I just don't like doing it that way
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asquii is now known as asqui
* SoreEel
finds the revised syntax pleasing
yes, me too
mandatory 'else' is stupid
lament: it's typesafe.
jemfinch: I'm just browsing that language shootout (evil yes) and comparing lines of code, and the smlnj versions are often quite larger than the equivalent ocaml or haskell version
lament: SML also requires parentheses around multiple expression expressions.
I'm one of the types that doesn't want to use a functional language if it means writing tons of code to do simple things
I doubt the shootout is an adequate representation of LsOC.
I don't see why not
well, for one, because the same programmer didn't write the same code in both languages.
the entries are mostly written by people who actually have experience with the language, so they're not bad implementations