but if you want to speak polish i can live with it
Oh good (:
I don't suppose there are very many Micro$oft Windows programmers who use OCAML
gehel has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
although, there's F#.NET
Mi what ?
To be honest I don't even know what .NET is
i think i heard that name ...
if you don't know what .NET is, you don't need to :)
i have to learn .NET for this silly course
on my uni
not sure why they put it there
it would be nice with java alone ;)
aa, i know
they put it so people know that java isn't that bad
Is OCAML a hard language for beginners to learn?
I hate java :|
MadRat: not really
it helps to have some experience, but it's not that hard in any case
it is hard ;)
I haven't written a program in the last 10 years
i wouldn't recomment starting with it
it's rather for experienced programmers
I would
whee: i thought that about java too
whee: but as the course includes DCOM and .NET
it's better to get in the habit of doing things right, and not introducing bad design choices while learning
whee: i started to think that java is quite sane
I don't think OO should be introduced early
it's a design thing, not programming in general
I've tried to understand OO but it seems to be beyond me
you can do anything with ocaml and not even touch the OO support
nowadays oo is everywhere
it's nice to have, though. some problems do work well with OO
but a lot don't.
I saw some benchmarks using 44 different languages and OCAML always came out in the top 5
The only thing that really beat it was Visual C++
ocaml is one of the faster high-level languages
(this is all under Windows, sorry)
* whee
considers C/C++ low-level heh
It also seems to use memory effeciently
a lot of people do whee
maybe, but they're used for the wrong things
I see a lot (read: all) of applications using C or C++ when they do nothing that requires the low-level nature
just look at freshmeat sometime :)
would ocaml be ok for experimenting with compression algorithms, I would guess the only drawback would be having to use bigarray (for processing 16 bit data) ?
compression ?
i wouldn't really use ocaml for binary stuff
it's possible, but likely not in a functional style
or for memory-heavy stuff
that's where c++ clearly wins
or even C
many important compression algorithms are not functional at all
they do lot of variable modifications etc.
now, why people don't do cgi in ocaml ?
Could you explain imperative vs functional? I don't really understand it.
the better question would be, why do people do cgi?
generally, server-side web programming
taw: same reason they're using perl and friends. most people don't know any better :)
doesn't matter if by cgi or some other mechanism
perl is much better than c
they aren't that dumb after all if they use perl
Isn't it better to use python than perl?
perl doesn't really encourage structured program design
as if that was big difference
taw: no, the point is, CGI is bad :)
it's hard to maintain at a point
lament: you mean CGI mechanism, or server-side www ?
perl/python/php aren't really much different
taw: uh, yes, they are
not really
well, php maybe
but python/perl/ruby are largely similar, with the main difference being syntax and library support
ignoring the OO nature of ruby and python
i have seen big fragments of code that worked exactly the same way in php and perl
and compiled in both to begin with
taw: CGI is bad because it doesn't separate logic and representation
lament: you can use CSS and stuff
that's not what I mean :)
and you can design scripts to separate them
lament is now known as lameAFK
heh, I can't find a nice definition of functional programming
Thank you for trying whee.
functional programming
<programming> (FP) A program in a functional language consists
of a set of (possibly {recursive}) {function} definitions and
an expression whose value is output as the program's result.
Functional languages are one kind of {declarative language}.
they're similar in that I see them used for mostly the same purposes
taw: different from what?
diff(ruby,perl) > diff(python,perl)
i know both ruby and perl well
I think you're wrong :)
and i think they are still similar in general design
Both Ruby and Perl have closures, while Python doesn't
python doesn't have closures ?
in Python everything is an object, while in both Ruby and Perl, it's not
i know both ruby and perl well but i'm no python expert ...
you're wrong already lament
realy ?
hmmm...how does this sound?
In functional languages, functions are treated as mathematical objects. If you define a function exactly the same as its definition in mathematic, the languages can guarantee that you will get nothing but the exact function you defined - nothing more or less.
everything is an object in ruby, no exceptions
in Ruby everything with exception of maybe methods is object
whee: no, you're wrong :)
whee: and taw is right
Ruby methods aren't even first-class
pfft :P
but that's pretty minor thing
you can put them into closures :)
taw: it's the language philosophy.
and closures are objects
taw: no, they're not
are if statements objects in python?
the { ... } things are not objects
Blocks are objects
there was some talk about making methods objects too on ruby list
taw: that would be very good
so this isn't that much language design difference
lament: what would it help ?
taw: would make the language more consistent, for one. Would get rid of the stupid & prefix
"more consistent" isn't any goal
in what real things would it help ?
taw: It is a goal of Python
taw: which is one of the differences between it and Ruby/Perl :)
python has its own inconsistencies
like smallint/bigint
none of them in ruby
um, those aren't inconsistencies
but what could you do that you can't do now if methods were objects ?
or what would be much easier ?
who needs programming languages? just use turing machines/lambda calc
down with computing!
taw: It hardly matters
emu: functional part of ocaml is very much typed lambda calc
taw: I'm not talking about usefulness
taw: I'm only saying that Python is not Ruby :)
lament: of course it matters
from my limited experience with Python, I would say that it is not a functional lang
well, and for more differences
Ruby is functional
Python is not
there is a distinct imperative flavour to it
Perl is not
so diff(ruby,perl) > diff(python,perl)
taw: um, you're mad
whereas Ruby seems to support fp more (as Smalltalk does)
taw: Ruby is not functional
and neither is smalltalk
both are very much non-functional
i had really cool example to prove you wrong ...
what do you think ``blocks'' are?
block is a closure
emu: closures. So?
emu: and?
small function that takes any iterator
and turns it into folding function
you can't do something on such high level in ocaml even
[|a b| a + b]
(fn (a,b) => a + b)
taw: anyway, how can a language without first-class functions be considered functional? I'm at loss.
taw: In smalltalk, blocks ARE first-class objects
lament: closures are first class objects
that is blocks
taw: no, they are not
you have to convert them to objects
block is passed as last argument to iterating function
taw: yes. They're treated in a special way
iterator calls method on it
look, this usage of blocks as a special case for iterators is just dumb
taw: because, again, they're not first-class objects :)
the rest is syntactic sugar
I haven't followed that that much
but in Smalltalk, blocks are first-class functions/closures
ruby is full of syntactic sugar
taw: what if a function wants to access two blocks?
taw: instead of just one?
you have to use uglier way then
I do recall ways of creating function objects in ruby
taw: exactly
lament: so?
taw: because ruby blocks aren't first-class
on the whole, i would not call ruby functional, though :)
we're only saying that it has functional elements
oh, sure. So do Python and Perl. And almost all other languages.
it has more functional elements that some "functional" languages
what a `functional programming language' is it not up for debate, and it's vague anyway
didn't C win in ICFP one year?
if something has closures and high level functions - it's functional
ICFP lets all in
but even C is considered `functional'
by some
as far as i'm concerned
emu: by who ;) ?
if C is functional, then Ruby, Perl and Python certainly are :)
i'm not sure. i've just heard someone say it.
presumably because it has functions =)
emu: how much did he drank before ;)
call-by-value and `referential transparency' (but in a stupid way)
and perhaps also because it allows recursion
taw: After all, closures are just a syntax issue
recall in 1972 that recursion was a new-fangled thing
lament: huh?
lament: huh ?
taw: you can emulate them with functions :)
lament: try and depend on closures in C, and it gets painful fast!
closures and high order functions are exactly the features that are not just syntactical
you need to write your own trampoline for funcptrs and establish the bindings
on the stack, or through some explicit mechanism
taw: um, you just said that high-order functions are a syntax issue
now, i'll have to chose language of the year 2003 to learn ;)
taw: you're contradicting yourself...
lament: where ?
<taw> what's wrong with having to write lambda here and there ?
<taw> it's design of parser if any design at all
lament: no he said that a few syntax issues does not unmake a functional language
lament: having to put lambda before block ?
taw: a syntax issue, that
in 2001 it was ruby, in 2002 ocaml
lament: and has nothing to do with actually having closurse
what language should i learn in 2003 ... ;)
what was it prior to ruby?
perl, but i didn't have such shedule then
I recommend Common Lisp, Smalltalk, and Haskell
i'm thinking about haskell mostly
common lisp also makes some sense
but why smalltalk ?
Squeak is fun
it's pretty :)
and it seems logical, after knowing ruby, to learn the language it tries to emulate :)
give you a glimpse of how computing should look
if not ideal
what does it have that ruby doesn't ?
(ie, why are we still hacking with such non-interative environments)
and are there any opes source programs in smalltalk i could learn from ?
taw: clarity.
taw: squeak
i meant to ay
I don't understand why Ruby doesn't even have a repl
really, a dynamic language without decent interactivity/runtime support is kinda silly
which is why perl, python, and ruby puzzle me a bit
lament: read-eval-print-loop
what is squeak ?
emu: uhh, ruby and python do
irb may not be perfect but ... ?
yeah, but it's still far inferior to CL or Smalltalk
emu: In Python, that's how the interpreter works
How's it inferiour to CL?
but the question was
the error handling system is pathetic
and in any case, "inferior" is not the same as "not having any"
what real programs are written in smalltalk ?
taw: squeak.org !
who cares what real applications are written in it
you should see it anyway, it's a whole environment in itself
i use emacs
note that I'm not a big Smalltalker, I just like Squeak
i know whole-environment thing already ;)
taw: emacs is nothing compared to squeak
now think ``nice programmable graphical system''
taw: emacs is ugly, with lots of horizontal complexity
squeak is structured
(by 'ugly' i mean 'overcomplicated')
oh and those 3 languages don't even have compilers
(not that squeak itself does, though smalltalk does. but squeak is still interesting)
CL has compilers iirc
yes, CL has compilers. I meant ruby, python, perl
emu: so?
aah yes
ruby still uses a mark-sweep GC
what's wrong with that ?
what else would you like to use ?
heh heh
having a compiler is hardly a major feat
certainly not reference counting
ruby has nice c interface
if program is too slow
mark-sweep is the lowest kind of GC
ref counting isn't GC
you can write offending 1% of code in c
taw: I don't want to program in C!
you can't get faster than that
in fact i got ruby+c program more efficient than comparable all-c program that way
C isn't very efficient anyway
together with GCC, it often is
if ocamlc.opt isn't faster already, I fully expect it will be in the future
s/gcc/sane compiler
GCC is crappy
on x86
use that magic intel compiler, then.
the reason is simple: more information means better optimization
high-level languages give more information about the program, therefore better optimize
emu: also a PITA :)
you need a ``sufficiently smart compiler'' however :)
high-level languages don't, as a rule, give more information about the program
they usually give less :)
are you kidding?
rather than fiddling with pointers, you can tell it what data structure you really want to use
depends on what you consider a high-level language
emu: only if you have static typing :)
C is weakly typed too
I'd say that Perl, Ruby, Python, Smalltalk are all high-level languages
neither is statically typed
all of them are usually less explicit than C
CL isn't statically typed either, but you can add annotations and there are compilers that do type-inference too
yes, but in Perl, Ruby, Python and Smalltalk you can't, and they're still high-level
Unless you consider CL "more" high-level
ocaml may use less cpu
but the way it uses memory
and also in case of other high level languages
lament: different goals
is often horrible
emu: certainly.
taw: that's a design issue
taw: there exists the developent resources/execution resources tradeoff
not really
it doesn't?
it doesn't
some languages use more machine resources and more human resources
well, sure
like Brainfuck
like pascal ;)
but there's the minimal room
I think, is the stereotypical example
i.e. below some development resources threshold, the language cannot be fast
are you sure ?
below some execution resources threshold, the language can't be easy
Yes, i'm sure
where do you see this threshold ?
With languages like Python and Smalltalk.
I.e. languages with reflexivity, dynamic typing, late binding, object systems
hah. I have a language with two symbols: {0, 1}. 0 means output a high-performance 3d game. 1 means output a word-processor. fast, easy, and high-level!
if language is well-suited for usual stuff
it can be both easy and fast
there is definitely a trade-off between features and ease of compiler-creation
usual stuff?
taw: can you give an example of such a language?
it is optimized for one kind of work
* lament
yeah, creating simple home pages
and that makes it both easy and reasonably-well-performing in that case
anything beyond that and ... poop
As far as I know, php is not fast
oh it is
for its kind, i hear it is
naive c++ is slower than that
taw: for what?
it does database connection caching, and thing like that
for free
well, a cgi program will be slower than modphp anyway
it does lot of magic for you
modphp i mean
naive c++ prog would connect to db on every run
that would be slow as hell
oh, not to mention fork/exec
anyway, php is below my ease-of-use threshold
i don't know much about php, but i don't think it satisfies my "reflexivity, dynamic typing, late binding, object systems" criterion
taw: um, you're comparing apples and oranges
you mean is it too hard or too easy ?
too hard
php is not very powerful language anyway
oh, i should add strong typing to my criteria
lament: it's very easy for web pages that aren't too complex
ooh, strong typing and reflexivity
you don't mean static, right?
dynamic/static typing
emu: strong, dynamic
are features of language
oh ok
ease of use doesn't depend on them
i'm way too accustomed to ML people calling strong static
er, static strong
I think static typing is evil, but annotations are good
how about implicit static?
implicit static?
implicit static like ocaml ?
infered you mean ?
that's still static :)
okay =)
I was curious whether you were bothered just by syntax
Don't get me wrong, I love the HM type system :)
explicit is just annoying
you mean annotations?
or really static static typing like in C?
required ones
explicit static typing means that you have to put the types everywhere you use them
well, yeah.
ocaml is very much like that ;)
taw: no
you have to put them almost everywhere
costructors of type foo have to be FOO_*
ml has a implicit static type system
fields of record bar have to be bar_*
but of course, it's still static and it shos =)
or they will clash
also I think that the general case of type inference is undecidable
particularly with modules
ocaml screws it in a few points already
it's still a heck of a lot nicer than C
or Java
Haskell is supposed to be good at that, although I don't know the differences from ocaml
(that == type inference)
mmmm haskell
but then, haskell doesn't have objects
Haskell is subject to the same limitations
but it does have a more expressive typesystem afaik
objects as in class instances
they do better, with type classes
That's not quite the same. In any case, OO doesn't make much sense in a purely functional language
Certainly possible, but appaling
there are many mixed funcional/oo
blah, lets not get into OO
like ocaml and ruby
and CL
but none of them is fully functional
and cl right
because no one seems to be able to define it well
OO is pretty much useless in a purely functional language like haskell
the point of objects is that they are modificable