it's a bit faster and easier to deal with, as you don't need to learn monads and how to efficiently code in lazy languages
but haskell's type system is more advanced, and I like the syntax myself
and the lazy evaluation part can be pretty useful
so basically...you're telling me, the newbie, to learn haskell instead of ocaml?
learn both :)
they both have their advantages and disadvantages
and I only have limited time :P
if I learned both I'd be learning scheme too
and python (as I chose Ruby over python)
then go for scheme as well
if you learn haskell, you'd have no problem learning any other functional language
but the same can be said if you went with ocaml or scheme, really
scheme...it's like lisp: yucky syntax
no static types, yieks.
no different than that of any other language
syntax is easy to learn and really shouldn't be a major factor when picking languages
I don't know
lisp more than scheme freaks me out
(what with the macro system)
talk about code-readability!
they both have an extensive macro system
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I don't know, I just have a personal aversion to lips
not lips :P
Vincenz - Why do you hang out in #scheme, then?
to log
But clog logs #scheme.
in case I ever change my mind
besides...sinec today..I don't anymore
what I like ocaml, speed, fact you can compile to exe
Speed isn't everything, you know.
well it seems like a good language
well you can do that in many languages
speed is just a side-thing
And there are -plenty- of Schemes and Lisps and a few Haskell implementations that compile to native code, whether it be directly or through C or something.
alright, alright
I stopped caring about speed with languages a while ago
I don't know I was trying to choose a fp lang
Actually ocaml is pretty bad compilerwise on non-i386
it's really not that big of an issue with most applications
and it came down to haskell vs ocaml
Lots and lots of optimisation possible even on i386.
Your argument about static type checking is silly, too -- there are several Schemes that support it.
And in Scheme48 you can even write your own static type checker to have all the cool type checking semantics you want.
Riastradh: but normaly scheme doesn#t have static types.
static typing isn't _that_ big of a deal :P
mrvn - That is true, but nevertheless, it is definitely possible in several Scheme implementations to do it.
whee: 90% of all bugs are type errors.
not with my programs :)
And with Scheme48, you don't need to modify the actual code -- just write a different interface definition.
That is to say that you can take any R5RS-compliant Scheme code and make an interface and structure definition and make it work in Scheme48 with static type checking and whatever other good module stuff you like.
Riastradh: which do you prefer, as it seems you use all three
Vincenz: learn erlang, as well :)
Vincenz - I prefer Scheme, for which reason you might notice I argue for it the most.
Riastradh: on what basis do you like it most?
I quite like ocamls syntax, modules and objects.
nice and fairly consistent mix
Most bases. The syntax (and thus macros as well), the implementations, the functionalness, what I consider a decent and simple enough amount of imperativeness as well, continuation manipulation, and things like that.
I don't like IO and strings though.
A callcc for ocaml would be nice.
And most of all the simplicity, especially of syntax.
Vincenz - Another indication that I probably prefer Scheme is that I'm the official owner of #scheme.
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hehe :
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I guess haskell vs scheme vs ocaml is just a matter of personal preference
(much like python vs ruby vs perl or c vs c++ vs java)
C vs C++ vs Java is an entirely different thing. C is a low-level, minimalist language; C++ is a low-level, monstrous, maximalist language; Java is a different thing altogether.
depends on your point of view and your domain, but I guess so
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C++ includes C so C can never be better than C++
And java has some serious design problems.
like no non-blocking io, no finalise on function arguments, no enums.
and an ever changing interface
mrvn, what do you mean by 'better' than C++?
faster, cleaner, nicer whatever
It is my view that C is 'better' than C++ in that it's a better designed language -- they didn't throw in everything that could possibly come to their monstrous minds.
#define C_IS_SHIT
I of course don't -like- C, but I dislike it -less- than C++.
Thats a realy great C program, isn't it?
C is realy low level. A lot of the design stuff was made so that compilers could function on the lowend machines they had back then.
Worst of all is K&R C.
I try not to use C for anything thats not kernel hacking. Higher level languages are just more robust against human errors.
* Vincenz
doesnt mention he mostly codes in JAVA
poor you
You just did, Vincenz.
I don't mind JAVA
I'm quite proficient at it
just that you need a lot of code sometimes to do something
* Riastradh
writes nearly all his code in Scheme.
not having const qualifiers for function arguments is realy bad in java.
I've been doing a lot of erlang lately D:
Java and haskel are no options for me allone due to its availability or rather non availability.
what's erlang like?
java is available, no?
not realy, not free and not for different archs like m68k or alpha.
ah k
what kind of language is erlang?
Using gcj (gnu java compiler) wasn't an option back then. Not sure how complete its runtime is now.
And Haskel has no compiler for alpha, just bytecode.
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no jvm for alhpa?
non-free and outdated if at all.
You can't even get a java for i386 that uses uptodate libs and compilers.
using bleeding edge (debian sid) sometimes does have drawbacks
* Vincenz
heads to sleep
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hi, i'm curious about the overlap between FP and OO
FP seems to make me write less OO in OCaml, and i'm curious about that in big programs
it seems C++ has to rely heavily on OO to be even feasible, but when FP is used why is OO needed?
OO isn't actually needed
it's just used
is FP better with OO?
is hammer better than screwdriver?
donkey: depends on the application. Most problems don't really need OO IMHO.
does it lead to simpler, more maintanable programs?
good programming skills lead to simpler and more maintainable programs
it seems the O'Caml OO design is separate anyway, so you don't have to use it
is it just a feature to have on the feature list? ;)
I guess it was mainly implemented because typing for an OO system is an interesting research project ;)
heh, k... what about the relationship between the module system and the OO features?
modules seem very popular
aren't modules some kind of OO?
OO is a buzzword, so ...
do modules serve the same purpose as OO?
(encapsulation and all)
thanks anyway... gtg
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what's the function to make a stream from a string
Stream.make_of_function (fun i -> str.[i]) ?
just found it, thank you :)
* Vincenz
is trying his first hand at writing a parser, having NEVER coded in Ocaml and just having read halfway through a tutorial which still uses old-syntax though
I just used a char list. eats up memory but that was only 20 MB for a 500k source file.
is it possible to do
char^string ?
You might want to make a stream out of the input file insteadof reading it into a string.
I'm not yet
Vincenz: Buffer can do that
jsut experimenting with strings I type in the interpreer
s/typos/no typos/g
* Vincenz
uses the nifty ocamlbrowser to look up buffer
is that a mutable or does it create a new one each time?
so how would you suppose I build up an identifier?
let rec identifier =
[< ''a'..'z'|'A'..'Z' as c; ...
read a char list from the stream, make a string of right size and return a token of Ident * string
well I'm not planning on using tokens yt
I first plan on simple parsers that parse integers and identifiers
and on top of that I'll parse tokens :)
and how do you rewturn them from the parser?
let rec integer n = parser
[< ''0'..'9' as c; r = (integer (10*n + int_of_digit c)) >] -> r
| [< >] -> n;;
type token = INT of int;;
let rec parsetoken = parser
[< ''0'..'9' as c; r = (integer (int_of_digit c)) >] -> INT r
| [< >] -> INT 0;;
like so :)
neat, no ?
(remember I'm a COMPLETE newb here...)
Thats tokens
but my first parser just parses numbers
the second one makes a token out of it
type token = INT of int | IDENT of string
I plan to do the same with my identifier one
first just a parser that parses the chars
then on top of that one that gives me back a token
you parse idents as char lists and then implode them into a string.
ah, hmm, sounds like a good idea :)
how do I implode a list of chars?
let rec identifier name = parser
[< ''a'..'z'|'A'..'Z' as c; r = (identifier (c::name)) >] -> name
| [< >] -> name;;
let rec implode l = let length = List.length l in let s = String.create length in let rec loop i = function [] -> s | x::xs -> s.[i]<-x; loop (i-1) xs in loop (length-1) l
or something like that
it reverses it
# implode ['a';'b';'c'];;
- : string = "cba"
Thats intentional. You add each char you parse to the front so you need to reverse it
oh yeah, duh
Vincenz: your parser isn#t tail recursive.
I'm happy I have a parser at all
integer is tail recursive, no?
None of those stream prasers are I think.
I have no idea how I would
I think you can#t.
oh well
* Vincenz
Vincenz: start with i=0 and increase it each loop if for your parser.
damn, won't work
let identifier character =
let rec ident name = parser
[< ''a'..'z'|'A'..'Z' as c; r = (ident (c::name)) >] -> name
| [< >] -> name in
implode(ident [character]);;
won't work :(
This expression has type char Stream.t -> char list
but is here used with type char list
to many []
you can't put a parser inside a function?
it's on the last line that it fails
I guess it can't pass the parsing thing
the Stream, because of the implode call around it?
are there list comprehensions in ocaml?
it's the implode call that screws it
any clues on how to fix this?
eg. in python: l = [1,2,3]; [a+1 for a in l] -> [2,3,4]
I think the idea is from FP-languages, right?
vegai: don't ask me, I'm a newb
I'm asking the community in large, no one in specific =)
just saying :P
besides, use ruby and ditch python :P
I _know_ that ruby doesn't have lc
unless they were recently added
nope, but you can do the same thing in a different way...
with map/filter, I bet
let's not argue about his here, though =)
ruby vs python-wars get messy
true tru
but I think they're pretty analog, just some things are done differently
List.map (fun a->a+1) l
ahh, map
no direct equivalent to LC?
hehe :P
vegai: LC is just syntactic sugar
vegai: Why is that not a direct equivalent?
yes, perhaps it is
pretty nice
vegai, ruby has pretty much the same syntax :P
python as well
ah, haskell has LC. I wonder why, then, if map does the same
vegai: syntactic sugar
* vegai
Vincenz: perhaps not on implementation level, though?
no idea
* Vincenz
sighs as his parser doesn't work
Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon.
I never got the underlying point tho
does that mean syntactic sugar is good or bad?
(are we fighting the semicolon?
mellum: cancer of the semicolon?
Yes! We fight the semicolon! Real Ocaml programs contain no semicolons! ;)
let rec parsetoken = parser
[< ''0'..'9' as c; r = (integer (int_of_digit c)); spaces >] -> INT r
| [< ''a'..'z'|'A'..'Z' as c; r = (identifier [c]); spaces >] -> IDENT (implode(r))
| [< >] -> INT 0;;
and I do....it on a stream containing "abc 123"
first time I parse...
IDENT "abc"
second time I parse...
INT 0 (the last case...)
and it won't remove the spaces
if I do manually parsetokem(stream) ...spaces(stream)...parsetoken(stream)...I get the expected result
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oh, hi Riastradh
could you help me with a bit of syntax?
mind if I paste?
let rec integer n = parser
[< ''0'..'9' as c; r = (integer (10*n + int_of_digit c)) >] -> r
| [< >] -> n;;
let rec identifier name = parser
[< ''a'..'z'|'A'..'Z' as c; r = (identifier (c::name)) >] -> r
| [< >] -> name;;
and then...
let rec parsetoken = parser
[< ''0'..'9' as c; r = (integer (int_of_digit c)); spaces >] -> INT r
| [< ''a'..'z'|'A'..'Z' as c; r = (identifier [c]); spaces >] -> IDENT (implode(r))
| [< >] -> INT 0;;
well the problem is...
if I make a stream with "abc 123"
and I do parsetoken, i get an IDENT "abc"
but if I parsetoken again I get int 0
if id to spaces manually
and then parsetoken
I get INT 123
why doesn't the spaces thing work?
Er, I don't know how 'parser' works.
oh, alright :/
it's camlp4
problem is, the part on streams and parsers is VERY shrot
then they go into this whole class-based system
and sinec I don't know jack of ocaml
I thought I'd do it the classless way first
* Vincenz
wishes someone ould help him
You don't know jack of OCaml, yet you somehow find it your favourite language?
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Riastradh: heh...
Love at first sight?
but then again, I'm fickle
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Vincenz: I never got around to answering your erlang question; it's basically a language that emphasizes concurrency (it's also functional)
it's a lot of fun
syntactic-wise, what does it feel like?
syntax started as a prolog variant, but I have some code somewhere, hold on