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hi :)
hi, whassup?
trying to implement a prime-searching thing that works well :)
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ah, nice :)
mmm... how do I reverse a string?
String.rev, maybe?
Hm, I guess there is no String.rev.
i think there's not...
there's a String.rindex to move from right to left...
Well, it's pretty trivial.
it would be more trivial if strings were char lists :~(
mmm... I cannot think of a functional way of doing so...
is there a range function? like range 1 10 to return [1;2;3;4...;10] ?
okay, how to make a list of a string?
here's some old code to do it, which when i look at it now is pretty embarrassing:
let explode s =
let rec aux s l =
match s with
"" -> l
| s -> aux (String.sub s 1 ((String.length s) - 1))
(l @ [(String.get s 0)]) in
aux s []
Eww, that's horrible.
i agree :)
Ack, String doesn't export a fold_right!
(or a fold_left, even)
i strongly dislike ocaml's strings :/
let fold_right kons knil s =
let rec loop knil = function
i when i >= String.length s -> knil
i -> kons (String.get s i) (loop knil (i + 1))
in loop knil 0
let explode s = fold_right (:) [] s
Riastradh: i was looking for a folding function...
you probably mean fold_right (::) [] s
Er, yes, I do.
And I also forgot vertical bars.
oh :)
That's funny. It's giving me a syntax error about the (::).
same here
that is very odd
(fun a b -> a :: b) will do, but it's very strange that :: isn't slicable
and now the implode...
That can't be done functionally -- strings are inherently somewhat imperative --.
here's some equally shitty code:
let implode l =
let buf = Buffer.create 8 in
let rec aux = function
[] -> ()
| x :: xs -> Buffer.add_char buf x; aux xs in
aux l;
Buffer.contents buf
well, slightly less shitty, i guess
also my strings were all about 8 characters long; you probably want to adjust that value :)
let implode l =
let rec loop r = function
i when i < 0 -> r
Er, oops.
let implode l =
let s = String.make (List.length l) in
let rec loop r = function
* Riastradh
* Riastradh
writes it in an Emacs buffer before pasting it.
Yurik has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
let implode l =
let k = List.length l in
let s = String.create k in
let rec loop i = function
[] -> s
| h :: t ->
String.set s i h;
* Riastradh
let implode l =
let s = String.create (List.length l) in
let rec loop i = function
[] -> s
| h :: t ->
String.set s i h;
loop (i + 1) t
in loop 0 l
shouldn't the loop (i + 1) t be indented with the | ?
It should be indented exactly where it is indented.
so you loop after setting the string, right?
After setting a single character in the string, yes.
okay, understood :-)
if I have a .ml file with all these definitions, how can I read them into my toplevel?
use ocamlc to compile it, and then run ocaml with the cmo file
ocamlc foo.ml && ocaml foo.cmo
mmm... isn't there a kind of 'load' for these, like open does?
the thing was to write a function that returns the palindrome from an integer...
the palindrome from an integer?
123 -> "321123"?
apparently, you can get a palindrome number for every integer by reversing it, summing it with its reverse and, if necessary, repeating this process...
for example: 28 -> 28 + 82 -> 110 -> 110 + 011 -> 121 QED
#load "path/to/file.ml";;
it's nice, but it sometimes converge very slowly...
Riastradh: File palindrome.ml is not a bytecode object file.
thus if the number you are going is rgeater than 10000000 the we should return the special value -1
with these functions (implode and explode) I wrote this:
let rec palindrome n =
let m = int_of_string (implode (List.rev (explode (string_of_int n)))) in
if n >= 10000000 then -1 else
if n = m then n
else palindrome (n + m)
OK, compile it first and then load the .cmo file.
# palindrome 196;;
Exception: Failure "int_of_string".
196 converges really slowly (so far 20,000 digits number and no palindrome found) and it's one of the test cases
it should return -1
why is it failing?
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Er, why not multiply n by the number of digits in it and then add a reversed n to that larger number?
Riastradh: sorry?
Rather, shift n left in base 10 by the number of digits in it and then add a reversed n to that number.
n = 92
n' = 9200
m = 29
9200 + 29
that wouldn't be as much of a challenge :) (i imagine this is a homework question)
Yes, but my algorithm is probably a lot faster.
Riastradh: ok, yeah... there are probably thousands of ways of getting a palindrome out of an integer... this theorem says that for all n : Int such as that n is a palindrome, there exist numbers m and c such as m + (reverse m) c times equals n
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phubuh: it's actually a TopCoder (www.topcoder.com) round tournament from the past... i solved it in C++ and was trying to exercise my Ocaml and Haskell on it, as I found a recursive solution in C++...
Riastradh, why not int_of_string (n ^ (rev n))? :)
phubuh: do you know why it's giving me that error instead of -1 for case 196?
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hi whee
* Xcalibor
brb phone
fending off a massive headache after a day of work :| heh
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whee: are you around?
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waiting for dinner to cook itself here :)
okay... we defined functions expande and implode to take a string and return a list, and vice versa, okay?
then we defined the function nreverse as to take an integer and return it's 'nreverse', ie 123 -> 321
and the defined a function to calculate palindrome numbers from a number n by adding the nreversal until a palindrome is found...
let palindrome n =
if n > 10000000 then ~-1 (* cut condition for very slowly convergence cases *)
else if n = nreverse n then n else palindrome (n + (nreverse n))
actually there was a let m = nreverse n in in there :-)
palindrome 28 returns 121 as expected (and all the rest are working...)
196 is a very slowly converging solution (current result has more than 20,000 digits and still growing) thus palindrome 196 should return .1, but I get an error: # palindrome 196;;
Exception: Failure "int_of_string".
any idea why?
print the failing string
yes, I'd do that
okay, how?
I'm guessing you're getting a number that's outside the range of an int type
well, catch that failure exception and print it
or just print out each string as you go and see how far it gets
but probably not, I don't think that raises an exception
you could alternatively use the debugger instead of printing the string
good time to learn it if you don't know how it works :)
it has the ability to step backwards in time, so you could just run it until it fails and go back
if it doesn't work like gdb then I don't :)
mmm... okay... i put those functions into a .ml file. ocamlc -i -c palindrome.ml -> get palindrome.cmo
#load "palindrome.cmo";;
but palindrome 12;;
gives an error... (???) namespace problem?
# palindrome 12;;
Unbound value palindrome
you probably need to open it still
or directly address the module
how? open palindrome breaks...
and palindrome.palindrome 12 gives unbound value as well...
usually module names start with a capital letter, that might be it
ah... mmm let me try
yup :)
you are absolutely right... Palindrome.palindrome worked... I put debugging prints into the recursion, let me see what happens...
mmm... now it returns -1 without problem ???
remove the print statements and try that again
i see... i was using the old definition in the toplevel instead of the one in the file...
silly me
now that i started the toplevel from scratch there's no toplevel function to fool me... :-P
like a charm now... :-)
same problem in haskell (i was actually talking about it there with ria and lunar^ :)
same solution (a bit simpler since haskell strings are lists of chars...)
yeah, that does make it easier for languages that treat strings as lists
although you should be able to pull off a one liner to reverse strings with something in either the String or Buffer modules
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however i was thinking in a solution in terms of returning a list of the form n :: (n + (reverse n)) and then applying last? filter is_palindrome ls
the idea is how i would solve it 'elegantly' in Scheme, by returning promises...
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you could use streams to lazily construct that list
however, although I know it has to work, I don't seem able to write it down so hughs98 like it :-P
it might look cleaner with streams too, hrm
should we go over #haskell and discuss it?
my haskell knowledge is rusty as hell so I doubt I could do much there :
whee: i am sure it is faster and much cleaner and more elegant... it has to be as it is in scheme, but how do I write it?
something like this (pseudo haskell) palindrome n = hd . filter is_palindrome (n :: (n + (nreverse)))
ie, my result is the first one that satisfies being a palindrome in the list of the form [n, n+(nreverse n), (n + (nreverse n)) + (nreverse (n + (nreverse n))), ...]
I think that link I pasted above would be helpful
or -1 if the number I am in that list is bigger than my cut_limit of 1e8
it does basically the same thing
aha... streams are like lazy list comprehensions?
a stream in ocaml can be thought of as haskell's lists
streams are just syntactic sugar for some other fun, though
i'll pursue this path tomorrow... :-) so i get a nicer solution both in OCaml and in Haskell... and then I'll try to apply it to the original C++ solution (maybe using FC++?? ;-)
C++ is just evil :P
although I can stand it if I use something like boost as well
whee: well, it was a full STL solution the one I found out...
and, not very surprisingly, a recursive function :-)
that's when I thought 'hey this should be easy in ocaml or haskell' :-)
iteration is just a subset of recursion, so it should go either way in this case
(it is easy easy easy in scheme, so no merit in that :-)
Hah! SRFIs 40 and 41 are a lot more comprehensive than the measly Stream module!
well... cannot think of a way to do it :-P
Does the Stream module implement even or odd streams, by the way?
(iteratively, i mean)
Riastradh: define even and odd
however, i haven't been able to make it tail recursive... the C++ solution smashed the stack after some 250,000 rounds...
Riastradh: do you mean filtering out the even or odd elements of the Stream on the run?
Even: stream_cons a b <=> lazy (a : b)
Xcalibor: is your ocaml solution tail recursive?
Odd: stream_cons a b <=> a : lazy b
you should be able to make it so with an accumulator or something
Well, that's not quite the right syntax to use, but you get the idea.
I need to start looking into scheme again :\
To use a more accurate Scheme syntax:
Even: (stream-cons a b) <=> (delay (cons a b))
whee: no, the ocaml solution so far is similar to the C++ one... i would venture ocaml tail elimination would make it better than c++ sirect stack, but i haven't been able to find out which accumulator to put...
Odd: (stream-cons a b) <=> (cons a (delay b))
Riastradh: ah... i see what you mean... i have absolutely no idea if this is implemented in Streams, sorry...
I have no idea if it is or not
I'm really not sure how evaluation is handled with streams
I'd look it up, but I don't want to have to bother downloading the whole distribution (I'm short on disk space right now), and CVSWeb is broken.
Riastradh: just want the stream module?
the interface doesn't show anything like it