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tomasso: for basic things, you might try the "example" package
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what is wrong with this? if Array.length Sys.argv = 1 then main Sys.argv.(1) else print_string ( "Usage:...\n" )
when i omit any arguments to my program i get: "Fatal error: exception Invalid_argument("Array.get")"
and when i have more than 0 arguments i get my usage message :(
arrays are zero based
oh, right
argv.(0) is the name of the invoked program
and argv.(1) is the first argument, which is what i'm checking for
i want the user to type one argument (in addition to the command name)
check that the length is 2 then
yeah, that worked
the length starts from 1
that's what i was missing, blech
thanks, kinners
it's late
that "Array.get" exception must have been coming from the Sys.argv.(1)
i thought it was coming from the Array.length
yeah, foo.(n) gets turned into Arrey.get foo n
now i've modified my code to have a "numargswanted" binding, which is subsequently incremented by one, to avoid this kind of mistake in the future
even when i'm half asleep
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Does sb know if dynamic arrays will be integrated in ocaml standard lib in the future ?
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here's another mystery (this one a bit more mysterious, i think)...
let rec cycle l = function 0 -> l | i -> cycle([List.hd(l)], i - 1 )
"This expression has type 'a list * int but is here used with type 'a list"
that error at the invocation of cycle()
but the arguments to cycle() look like an 'a list * int to me... isn't that what "(list,int)" is?
or do i need sleep now more than ever?
'a list is expected
it is?
oh, i must have misread that error, then
i thought it was saying 'a list * int was expected
yes, I find them confusing too. I occasionally make sure with a print_int "foo"
nice trick :)
sooo... why does it expect an 'a list?
I'm not sure what let foo a = function ... does
"cycle l = function" looks like it wants two arguments, a list and an int
oh, that's the same as saying: "let foo a b = match b with"
don't you find it clearer to write let rec cycle = function (l, 0) -> l | (l, i) -> ...
add a question mark to that
works here that way
I'm not sure what you want, but this compiles: let rec cycle = function (l, 0) -> l | (l, i) -> cycle ( @ [List.hd(l)], i-1);;
yeah, that looks like a good way of doing it too
i still want to figure out why mine doesn't work, though
let foo a = function ... doesn't expect a tuple
blueshoe: you return l in the first match, and use l later on in list operations which expect an 'a list
hm, that's probably the real reason :-)
but why does it expect an 'a list?
blueshoe: l
Because you use 'l' as a list
the 'a list should be just the first part of the tuple
yes, l is a list
why should it expect a tuple?
but it's just the first part of the tuple
why should it expect a tuple? as I said, let foo a = function ... does not ask for a tuple
because i have cycle take a tuple as an argument, no?
at least I don't think so :/
i'm sure you're right
but i don't understand why
let foo a = function 0 -> print_endline "foo" | n -> print_endline "bar"
that function has the signature 'a -> int -> unit
not 'a * int -> unit
yeah, i guess i was getting currying confused with tuples
now it's all coming back to me
You don't really need a tuple for cycle, you could as well have two arguments
i looked as "let foo a = function" as foo having a single tuple argument, but it's not
yes, it just expects two arguments
i tried invoking cycle with two arguments, but that fails
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something else with your cycle was borked (check the difference with the one I pasted)
it works here
I simply remove the cycle (... , ...) construct with cycle (...) (...)
err, replace, not remove
let rec cycle l = function 0 -> l | i -> cycle([List.hd(l)]) (i - 1 );;
This expression has type int list * 'a but is here used with type 'b list
oops, that was another erro
it did work
i had tried it earlier, but thought it didn't work because it gave me another error, but that other error was for another line
wasn't paying close enough attention
oh yeah... now we're in business
the other error was from later invocations of cycle()
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so... now i have to think about your style
i think it does seem clearer
my style?
oh, I see
the (l,0)
well, this should be somewhat ok
i actually just ran in to an ocaml style guide today
the clearer, but more verbose two-argument version would probably be let rec cycle l n = match n with ...
well, that seems the same as what i have
"let rec cycle l = function" is idiomatic, afaik
whatever floats your boat
I personally only use the function notation for one-argument subs :)
but (l,0), etc shows both arguments, so you don't have to look back up to the top of the function to see what the hell l is
one-argument functions, not subs
i usually do too
blueshoe: yes, but then that takes a tuple -- use whatever you want
this was an exercise, though
yeah, it doesn't matter to me if it's a tuple or a curried function
but clarity is important
anyway, thank you, maddas
I think one would not usually use tuples unless for some specific reason, but I don't know too much about O'Caml
no problem
i think avoiding tuples makes sense
that way you could have delayed evaluation, right?
* Maddas
No idea :-)
I think it's rather inconvenient to handle large tuples, though
and you don't get partial application
you don't get currying :)
right, partial application, that's what i mean
why would handling large tuples be harder than handling large numbers of arguments?
let foo a b c d e f = ...
you already got all your values in a variable
let foo = function (a,b,c,d,e,f) -> ... seems a bit ugly to me
i guess it could be useful if you want to spell out all the different possible combinations
and also calling foo looks uglier, IMO
but if your variables are more independent, then i guess using them as args instead of tuples makes more sense
i don't know if it's about smartness so much as education, though
lots of programmers don't have the formal background to really get it
like lambda calculus
I never studied lambda calculus either :-)
of course, that can be taught... but it's a lot more than most programmers are willing to undertake when they want to learn some new language
I'd say that the main thing that keeps people away is that it isn't like C
The syntax, that is
i think you study lambda calculus just by studying ocaml :)
i don't know... ocaml's syntax is a complaint i hear from a lot of people, but i think that can be overcome relatively easily
what's a lot harder, imo, is the functional paradigm, thinking recursively rather than iteratively, etc
I don't think it's bad, it's just very different and awkward at first
That too, of course
i dunno.. i found the syntax pretty easy, after the first day or so
I don't know if it's harder or just different, though.
once i got over the quirky differences, like with semicolons in the top level
Maybe less natural
yeah, just different
different enough to scare some of the meek programmers away
blueshoe: That's what I meant most with awkward, knowing when I can leave away the semicolons is probably what took longest to figure out
but it's mostly that you would look at some simple code (before learning O'Caml) and not understand a bit
they don't realise that the bitter pill holds a lot of power
well, you can't really leave the semicolons out in the toplevel
and they're still used in lists
You can
not in the toplevel
let a = foo
let b = bar;;
oh, hm
works here :-)
you did need the ;; at the end, though
that's what i mean
it looks inconsistent for someone used to a c-like syntax
esp when they're also used with lists
so you have to learn the exceptions and quirks
but, imo, those are minor
the major thing is certainly the functional/imperative switch
that really makes you think differently
I'm quite convinced though that the syntax alone and the fact that it isn't widely used scares away quite many, too :)
whereas syntax is just memorizing some relatively straightforward rules
yeah, people are scared by syntax... unjustly, though
of course
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i think, though, that many of those people who do struggle through the syntax can get discouraged by how hard it is to make the switch to the functional paradigm
and the "if it were so good, why doesn't everybody use it" thing
blueshoe: and that most documentation is in French ;)
well, i think most programmers realise that languages start small
many are looking for the hot new language
heh, I feel quite the opposite
but they also, maybe without realising it, look for something not too different from what they know, so the learning curve isn't too steep
many are sitting on their bums claiming that their language is the best and everything else is crap :)
yeah, that's true too
and anything sufficiently different has to be crap anyway because it's different :)
ooops, i almost forgot that the power in this building is going to go off in less than 30 mins
i should go and prepare
Heh, ttyl then
cool chatting w/you, though
yeah, see you
and thanks again for your help!
no problem
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I never found ocaml's syntax overly hard to grasp - after the first few days, that is
ocaml was the first language with currying I stumbled upon - and that took a moment to grasp
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I think anyone who finds _syntax_ hard to grasp should give up on programming.
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Hello, I just searched for an interface to a gui library and fount lablgtk and mlgtk. Are there others and which should I use ?
smkl: I looked at this. But which is usable for me ? I know caml since august and like to try GUI programming.
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i use lablgtk
What's the advatage of lablgtk in comparison with mlgtk, which is much smaller ?
i don't know, i havent tried mlgtk
lablgtk is probably more mature, and more high-level
mlgtk is completety unmaintained AFAIK
and it's for GTK 1.2 whereas lablgtk support GTK 2
do you know if lablgtk2 is completely backwards compatible?
smkl: not sure, but probably not
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is it possible to do something to an out_channel to send an EOF to the other side without actually closing the channel?
I doubt it. The underlying interfaces generally don't have any concept of what it means to "send an EOF."
Why would you want to do that?
I am talking to gnuplot through a pipe
oh well. I'll work around it
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Hey, I'm new to ocaml, and I'm having problems summing up the contents of an array, but I can't find out how to do it in the manual ... would someone be able to help? (is this the right place to ask?)
I would do smth like
let s = ref 0 in
Array.iter (fun x -> s := !s + x) arr
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does anyone know when the next icfp contest is going to take place?
i can only find the 2003 web page
mimosa, can I put what I've tried? .. only if you don't laugh at my code though!
only 5 lines
no pb
let v = [| 1; 2; 3 |];;
let mysum=0;;
for i = 0 to Array.length v -1 do
let mysum=mysum+v.(i);;
but it doesn't work
the problem is the let mysum=mysum+v.(i);;
(as you can see I've got a lot to learn)
when you declare let mysum=0;; ,
you cannot change the value of mysum
that's why you should declare let mysum=ref 0;;
ref (roughly) indicates that the value of mysum can be changed
then to change its value
or you can rewrite the function recursively
you should use the syntax mysum := 324
and to access to its value it's !mysum
the only way I could figure it out was to create an array with one element and update that (as I could change the value)
mimosa, I have to test it in a bit ... not right now as I'm in the middle of something (at work) ... but thanks so much for your help!
the pleasure was for me :)
blueshoe, I'm getting used to the idea of recursion .. slowly :)
yeah, it's tough
but once you learn it it's pretty cool
in fact, i had trouble starting to think iteratively again after immersing myself in recursion for a while
"how do you do for loops again"? heh
studpid question ... what's the advantage of recusion over iterations?
not that i mastered recursion, or anything... i still have a long way to go... but it definitely makes more sense than when i first strated
i'll let more experienced people answer that... but from what i hear any iteration can be written recursively, but not vice versa
also, with recursion you don't need variables that change value, so you can write in a functional style
while with iteration you need modifiable state
so code it shorter
don't quote me on that... i'm still an ocaml/fp beginner
is it faster?
oh ... what's fp?
fucntional programming
yea .... this is my 1st fp language
mine too
though now i'm reading an ml book
they're basically the same, though
so it's not a stretch
and i did read a tiny bit of the sicp, which teaches scheme
i've heard of ml referred to as a "statically typed lisp"
what's the diff between ml and fp?
don't konw how true that is, since i don't really know lisp, except for the little bit of scheme from sicp
ml is a language
functional programming is a pradigm
ml is a fp language?
imperative programming (c, c++, java, perl, python, vb, etc) being the most popular paradigm
those java programmers don't know what they're missing :)
I know pascal, fortran, perl, and I was going to learn c but someone told me not to bother and to learn ocaml instead
i think c is definitely worth knowing
just because there are soooooo many programs written in it
and so many books refer to c
C is not much different from Pascal
yeah, it's cloes
but just different enough that when i hear about pascal i don't fully know what they're talking about (my last pascal class was probably 20yrs ago)
* Smerdyakov
looks at blueshoe's hostname.
* blueshoe
There is a surprisingly large number of Berkeley people here.
<blueshoe> those java programmers don't know what they're missing :) <-- what do you mean? ... I don't understand
all the niceness of fp is absent of Java.
smerdyakov, was what i said earlier about the advantages of recursion vs iteration accurate?
so Java is one of the imperative languages?
blueshoe, sounded accurate enough to me.
blueshoe, what's your affiliation with Berkeley?
it is very close to C++, which is C + object system
so ... recursion is tidier? ...but is it faster?
smerdyakov, i work there
mattam, oic
blueshoe, what's your job title?
sys admin
Ah. I'm a soon-to-be-2nd-semester CS PhD student.
(At Berkeley, since I didn't say it explicitly yet. :)
And async (who is often here) is a CS undergrad.
is there a strong ocaml presence at berekeley?
are there any ocaml classes here?
i just started working here a few months ago, so i don't really know much of what's going on on campus
I just started a few months ago, too, but here's my summary:
I don't think a single undergrad class mentions OCaml.
what about ml?
Grad classes taught by Open Source Quality group people often do, but that's not a big fraction of the classes.
A large portion of OSQ students are also big ML fans.
A number of projects use OCaml.
hmm... haven't heard of OSQ
Including the one I work on.
willcheckthem out
which one do you work on?
Extensible program safety verification architecture. No official project web page or anything yet.
mattam, this seems to take a higher level view. What we're doing is more concerned with basic yet universal properties like only accessing valid memory addresses.
yeah, i see. Does Java bytecode has registers ?
I think so.
Though I'm not sure.
You are forced to use stacks to store a lot of stuff.
Maybe it _is_ entirely stack based.
hey, that should be easier with stacks only i think :)
Yes. Proving memory safety ofwith x86 machine code produced by optimizing compilers is not a trivial task. :)
especially if the code was written by microsoft :)
actually, i've heard microsoft research is interested in ocaml
i'm curious, aren't there NP-hard problems when trying to prove such thing as accessing only valid memory addresses ?
...apart from f#
mattam, worse than that. It's undecidable.
mattam, but if you know which compiler made the code, it can become very easy.
mattam, this system allows plug-ins for different compilers that generate proofs based on information on how the compiler produces code.
it sort of adds hypothesis given a particular compiler impl ?
No. That wouldn't be sound, from the code consumer's point of view.
It uses particular proof strategies.
As opposed to flopping about like a fish on a provably impossible problem. :)
strategies like what?
Like ignoring all details of register values except their types
ahh.. that makes sense
And using a few simple lemmas about typed values
except what if the value is a pointer?
Never seen pointer types? :)
well, you'd still want to know what it points to, no?
OCaml's type checker doesn't need that info, and it's type safe.
to see if it points to a valid memory address... isn't that the whole point (pardon the pun)
yes, type safety i can understand
You just define the meaning of "having pointer type" to require that the pointer is valid.
but you're not going for just type safety but guarantees that you won't access invalid memory addresses, no?
That's part of type safety.
ahh, i see
Riastradh, ahhh ic
mimosa, sry I was busy ...
so, your system can ignore the content of these pointer variables, but they're not completely ignored, as something has to guarantee that they point to valid addresses
mimosa, I tried let mysum=ref 0;; but it still din't work
Like I said, everything but their types can be ignored.
by your system
Swynndla_wk: show the whole code please
ok sure ...
By one class of plug-ins for it.
let v = [| 1; 2; 3 |];;
let mysum=ref 0;;;
for i = 0 to Array.length v -1 do
let mysum=mysum+v.(i);;
but it can't be ignored by whatever it is that makes sure that the pointer type contains only valid memory addresses
Swynndla_wk: x := something
Swynndla_wk: x := !x + 1
Swynndla_wk, no, that's not how you write it. let doesn't assign anything. let _binds_. Only at the top level can let without a corresponding 'in <body>' be used, too.
mysum := !mysum + v.(i)
and no ;;
oic ...
And still that's a needlessly imperative loop.
interesting that berkeley isn't particularly enthusiastic about ocaml... you'd think they'd be more on the cutting edge
The functional idiom of doing this is using Array.fold_left.
i wonder if there are any US universities that give it more attention
yea .. I'm still learning to break my thinking from imperitive
Riastradh: well purely functionnal approach would be more natural on lists
blueshoe, it matters at particular steps, but the information kept over time can be restricted to types.
but ... it still doesn't work ... can I show you what i've got?
mimosa, it's irrelevant what structure it is.
of course
Fold is the fundamental iterator over any collection.
thx ....
blueshoe, my undergrad school CMU is enthusiastic about Standard ML.
but you cannot do pattern-matching on arrays
smerdyakov, yes, i see that... it is a good approach
x :: s
Riastradh: ok sorry
mimosa, irrelevant. You don't _need_ to do pattern matching. Fold does all the destructuring for you.
I wasn't thinking of fold
blueshoe, and we're working on getting some more ML exposure here. :)
smerdyakov, must have been fun to go there :)
Riastradh: but anyway folding functions are not good for beginners
I think
blueshoe, there should be a few new professors hired to work in programming languages. Hopefully some ML fans. :)
well, if you ever start an ml/ocaml user's group here let me know :)
because you don't really understand how they do work
mimosa, perhaps not, but they're better than the imperative loop that Swynndla_wk has written.
blueshoe, I don't know what the use of that would be.
of course
blueshoe, this channel, mailing lists, etc., work well enough.
me neither, but it sounds fun
that's a beginning
And they can be trivially described in terms of those imperative loops, too.
blueshoe, what's your formal education to date?
mimosa, sry ... work getting in the way!
blueshoe, I'm taking a grad class on what look like fun programming languages subjects this spring. If you're qualified, you might want to take it for fun. I assume you can take a class a semester for free.
let v = [| 1; 2; 3 |];;
let mysum=ref 0;;;
for i = 0 to Array.length v -1 do
mysum := !mysum + v.(i)
smerdyakov, i studied art in college... i'm virtually completely self-taught as far as computers go... but i've been using them since '80
blueshoe, ah. Maybe that wouldn't work, then.
it says "This expression has type int but is here used with type 'a ref" ... refering to "mysum" in mysum := ...
smerdyakov, yeah, i can take classes here... don't know what the requirements are... i would take one if it focused exclusively on ml/ocaml... but otherwise, i think i'd rather take a philosophy course... dunno yet... anyway, i don't really have time for anything but work these days
blueshoe, I expect a focus on functional languages. In the last instance of the course from this professor, the recommended background readings were books on Common Lisp and Standard ML.
that sounds like fun
The prof. was on the Common Lisp standard committee.
It's CS264.
Formally, it requires an undergrad compilers course.
i want to learn lisp/scheme at some time... right now i want to focus on ml/ocaml, though... just so i can feel half-way proficient in one language before diving in to another
yeah, it does interest me... but i just can't devote that much time to it... i'm pretty much doomed to learning it piecemeal
and the FAQ's .. but those eg's deal with caml light mainly :/
I worked with a research scientists at CMU who did a CS degree over 10 years, taking one or two courses every semester.
A research scientists?
that would be cool
Riastradh, actually, just one.
you have to have a lot of dedication, though... my interests tend to swing violently from one topic to another... for a few months i might be obsessed with ocaml and programming, the next three months i might get totally sick of computers and want nothing to do with them, and just read fiction, or then philosophy, or art, or music, etc...
And you were complaining about that Russian guy misusing articles a few days ago!
hard to stay focused on just one subject when there's so much interesting stuff out there
blueshoe, you mean there are periods when you don't want to read fiction? :)
yes, hard to believe, huh? :)
i've read some of one of the books for that cs264 class
eseentials of programming languages... cool book
and one of the other books is by ullman... i'm reading his elements of ml programming now
ullman's one of the best programming language teachers i've read
"x := !x + 1" ... does the "!x" mean the existing value of x?
he does a lot of stuff i don't see in most other books, like he shows you what the compiler will do when you get stuff wrong
and explains why
i find that kind of approach gives you a much better understanding of why things work the way they work
Swynndla_wk, it nabs the value inside the reference that x refers to. References are mutable cells. := assigns the value that a reference contains; ! retrieves the current value in the reference.
he teaches at stanford... would be cool to take a class with him
Riastradh, ahhh ic
Variables in OCaml are not mutable, which is why you use references instead.
Er, without the 'instead' bit.
you're going to hate this, but it starts to make sense to me when I think of Excel as an analogy :)
ocaml was based on excel
you're teasing me!
though, actually, you're not the first person to suggest a connection
blueshoe, there are plenty of professors at Berkeley who can provide sufficient "coolness factor." :)
i don't remember where, but i've heard some analogies with functional programming and spreadsheets
Yes, you could imagine variables as different names for things, such as references and numbers, and references as cells in a spreadsheet.
smerdyakov, i didn't mean "cool" in that way... not as meaning that it would make me feel cool or i'd go hear him because i thought he was cool... i just meant that since he was one of the best programming language teachers i've read i think i could learn a lot from taking a class with him in particular, and i would really like that... "cool" in that sense
But mutability is an imperative concept. Most of a functional program should avoid mutation.
there might be professors at berekeley who are just as "cool" (ie. have as good or better a reputation or have achieved as much or more, or be as or more brilliant, etc)... but can they teach as well? will i learn as much from them as from him?
mutation lol ... that's going to be my 1st program .. to write a genetic algorithm!
all i know is that when i read his explanations in elements of ml programming they are some of the clearest that i've read, and that's rare, from my experience